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After graduation, emigration is the only solution


Matei Cãtãlina, 1 B

Course of   Writing Romanian - English, group 10

After graduation, emigration is the only solution

The title´s key words:

Instructional words:

-discuss: investigate or examine by argument; give reasons for and angainst

Content words:


Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies.

*A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.

* Time to think about future, to assume responsabilities

- emigration migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another) , removal from a place

- solution an answer to a problem

Gathering information & interpreting the evidence of the title words


Identity: the students are the main emigrants because they are very concerned by their future and they intend to improve their lives; the solution that appears to them is the emigration.

Theme: the emigration and its reason: the dream of well-being; there are many causative factors: the "push factors : war or other armed conflict famine or drought, disease, poverty,political corruption, disagreement with politics, religious fundamentali 16316o1412q sm / religious intolerance,natural disasters, discontent with the natives, such as frequent harassment bullying, and abuse, lack of employment opportunities, lack of various rights;

the pull factors: the lure or reputation of the intended host societies as places that are perceived to offer abundance of wealth and opportunities coupled with adequate protection systems, the labour shortage in several destinations

Time: emigration it is very commun nowadays because in today´s world is easier than it has ever been for people to move around.

Tone: the tragic tone goes with the students´dissatisfaction and unhappinees which determine them to emigrate; their pessimism is given by the lack of oppurtunities at home for a meaningful and dignified life.

The ghost of a plan


In today΄s world, is easier than it has ever been for people to move around. This and the differences in living conditions have contributed to a growing trend in emigration in search of safety or a better life.

Most of the emigrants are young people, who are very concerned by their future. As soon as they throw the mortarboards in the air, right after their graduation, they intend to improve their lives, and they resort to emigrate. There are many reasons why people might choose to emigrate, which will be exposed further along with the emigration΄s advantages and disadvantages.


1st main idea: Identity: the students, the young emigrants have a high level of dissatisfaction with the cost of living, taxation, availability of goods, and salaries. Unhappiness goes deeper than economic circumstances to include housing, medical services, education and a viable future for children. Many of them leave driven by a perceived lack of realistic opportunities at home for a meaningful and dignified life.

2nd main idea: reasons for the emigration: avoiding war or other armed conflict famine or drought, disease, poverty, political corruption, disagreement with politics, religious fundamentali 16316o1412q sm / religious intolerance,natural disasters, discontent with the natives, such as frequent harassment bullying, and abuse, lack of employment opportunities, lack of various rights the lure or reputation of the intended host societies as places that are perceived to offer abundance of wealth and opportunities coupled with adequate protection systems;

reasons against the emigration: the brain drain; emigration may split families


Personal opinion: the family and the native country should be more important than a large salary. Students ought to help their nation, is their 'duty' to contribute their talents and skills to the growth of their country.

Solving the problem of emigration: The government has to create employment opportunities for graduate! And the best way to curb the high rates of skilled labour migration lies in addressing the economic fundamentals of the country in a way that will ultimately improve living standards.

After graduation, emigration is the only solution

In today΄s world, is easier than it has ever been for people to move around.   This and the differences in living conditions have contributed to a growing trend in emigration in search of safety or a better life.

"Around 175 milion people - about 3% of the world΄s population live in a country other than where they were born" (A Caritas Europa study on poverty, 15). At the root of every emigration is the dream of well-being. Seizing this opportunity, those who have a low living standard decide to migrate, to leave their native country on the look-out for   prosperity.

mortarboards in the air, right after their graduation, they intend to improve their lives, and they resort to emigrate. There are many reasons why people might choose to emigrate, which will be exposed further along with the emigration΄s advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, it is clear that the young emigrants have a high level of dissatisfaction with the cost of living, taxation, availability of goods, and salaries. Unhappiness goes deeper than economic circumstances to include housing, medical services, education and a viable future for children. Many of them leave driven by a perceived lack of realistic opportunities at home for a meaningful and dignified life.Given the prevailing pessimism, it is not surprising that leaving the country after graduation is at the forefront of many student minds.

Many young people are forced to leave their countries. There are circumstances which encourage a person to leave, known as "push factors, Emigration): war or other armed conflict famine or drought, disease, poverty,political corruption, disagreement with politics, religious fundamentali 16316o1412q sm / religious intolerance,natural disasters, discontent with the natives, such as frequent harassment bullying, and abuse, lack of employment opportunities, lack of various rights. These motives strike societies on every level and affect human beings΄ identity and capabilities.

But, migration and poverty are not always connected. Some of the people leave simply because better transport facilities make it possible to do so. Motives to migrate can be incentives attracting people away, known as pull factors which include the lure or reputation of the intended host societies as places that are perceived to offer abundance of wealth and opportunities coupled with adequate protection systems. The labour shortage in several destination represents another strong pull factor for migrants.

In contrast to what has been mentioned, students emigrate in order to study too. Curiosity, adventure, knowledge - are factors that lead them to study abroad. They consider scholarships a unique and challenging experience that can offer them endless opportunities. Some of the top reasons students study abroad are: to explore a new culture,to round their studies, to attend courses not offered at their home university. Living and learning in another culture not only provides the competitive edge that today's employers are looking for, but also offers a life-changing experience. They are given the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, experiences and attitudes to prepare them for the global society of the 21st century. Many young people believe study abroad is the most effective way to accomplish these goals.

To the idea mentioned above, another advantages can be added: you can distinguish yourself - having a study abroad experience can make you more marketable than your peers, you can improve your adaptability - you have exhibited the skills to place yourself out of your comfort level and succeed, you can adapt to new situations and surroundings, you can live/work in a multicultural environment and you don't necessarily have to be physically in another country to utilize this valuable trait.

So, emigrating has a positive part too. It may bring many benefits: you can change your life, explore, learn about yourself, learn different perspectives, make new friends, find out what is beyond your borders, be amazed by the places and people of different values, beliefs, celebrations than your own.

While it is true that emigration offer a set of advantages, it may bring disadvantages too. Emigration may split families. it is very important that the family stick together, even if one family member has to work abroad in order to earn money for the family. Although, students are encouraged or strongly encouraged to leave the country by their families. Why are families so eager for their offspring to leave? The answer surely lies in the fact that many families need household members to leave and remit funds, just for survival. Several subsidiary questions therefore arise. But, once gone will they continue to maintain links with their families? Won΄t the situation get worse?

And the list of disadvantages continues. Emigration has a negative effect because it brings a braind drain of highly qualified specialists. There is an urgent need for policies to curb the massive brain drain and offer incentives to make staying and working in the country attractive for professionals and skilled people, because while the host-country becomes more culturally rich, prosperous,   the country from which people migrates grows poor. But if leaving is the only solution, emigrants should return to their homelands, after they have earned sufficient money in the other country.

From my point of view, the family and the native country should be more important than a large salary. I know many students have a strong desire to help build their nation, students who feel it is their 'duty' to contribute their talents and skills to the growth of their country.

While it is obviously not possible to prevent people from migrating to developed countries for better prospects in this era of globalisation, the adverse impact of such movements on economic development merit urgent attention.

In conclusion, the government has to create employment opportunities for graduate! And the best way to curb the high rates of skilled labour migration lies in addressing the economic fundamentals of the country in a way that will ultimately improve living standards.

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