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Apple pie


Apple pie

I like cooking very much and every time my grandmother is cooking something sweet I help her and I like also to taste the doughs and the creams,which is the most beautiful part of coo 919j913j king.

One day she decided to make an apple pie,but I asked her to let me do it.She accepted,so I went in the garden and gather the apples.

In this meantime,my grandmother drizzled the flour and brought some eggs.I removed the peel apples and gave laughing the apples.I mixed the ingredients and I bothering the dough.I divided the dough in three parts and stretched it with the paddle over a bottom anointed with oil.

All this time my grandmother greased the tray with oil and touched it with flour.Then I put the first sheet of dough and over it I put the apples with cinnamon and very much sugar,then I put the second sheet of dough and again the apples with cinnamon and sugar and at last I put the third sheet of dough.

My grandmother made the fire in the hearth and she put the tray on the tenterhooks.Sometimes we glance at the apple pie because,we didn't want to burn it.

When we opened the hearth,we felt a pleasant smell of cinnamon.After half an hour,my grandmother removed the apple pie from the hearth and let it to cool.When the pie was pretty cool we cut it in pieces and sprinkled powdered sugar on it and then we taste the delicious apple pie.

I kisses my grandmother and thanks her because she taught me to make something delicious and she had so much patience to explain me everything.

Nicu Cosmina a X-a D

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