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Dear Jessica


Dear Jessica, I'm writing you to tell you about the possible strong development of the tourism as a unique chance for Romania. Tourism focuses on the country's natural landscapes and its rich history and is a significant contributor to the Romania's e 959r1722j conomy. In 2006, the domestic and international tourism generated about 4.8% of gross domestic product and 5.8% of the total jobs (about half a million jobs). Following commerce, tourism is the second largest component of the services sector. Tourism is one of the most dynamic and fastest developing sectors of the economy of Romania and characterized by a huge potential for development. The choice of activities and places to visit is extensive. You can ski in traditional or purpose-built mountain resorts or laze in the hot sun on the beaches at the Black Sea. You can hike through unspoilt landscapes, where rivers run clear, or go boating in the 5,640 sq km water wilderness of the Danube Delta. Out of this total surface 4,340 sq km are to be found in Romania. There one can see pelicans and other endangered birds among floating iles overgrown with reeds. One can also enjoy the architecture, museums and galleries of the cities. You can see folk festivals in Transylvania that are genuine expressions of local culture, not merely staged for visitors. When you buy local woodcarvings or pottery you buy things made to give pleasure while in use, not just valueless souvenirs. So, what do you think about this? Do you agree with me? Looking forward to your reply, Leslie.

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