Eu nu ma prea uit la acest gen de filme,shi nu stiu nici unul despre case sa povestesc, asa ca imi voi pune inspiratia la 444o1412e lucru si voi incerca sa inventez unul.
"Era o zii frumoasa, cand 3 buni prieteni plecasera la pescuit, cand ajunsera acolo ce 3 se despartira sa pescuiasca.Deodata unul din ei vazu ca pea pa pluteste o barca cu ceva in ea. Cand vazu acestea,el ii striga shi pe ceilalti crezand ca in barca este un pescar mort.Unul din ei inotase shi aduse barca la mal, iar cand vazura ca in barca iera ceea ce crezu din prima. Cand il intoarse pe pescar cu fata ei vazura ca cel din barca iera pescarul disparut de 5 zile.Ei chemara poliitia shi plecara socati spre casa.
I don`t watch at this kind of movies,and I don`t know one to tell about,so I will invent something.
" It was a beautiful day,when 3 good friends went to fish,when they get there they separate to go fishing in different sides.All at once one of them saw that on the wather was floating a boat with something in.He started to scream at the others because he though that in the boat it was a fhiserman dead.One of them swimmed there and brought the boat at the slime,and then they saw that il realy was someone dead.When they turned the man they saw that this was that fisherman who was missing for 5 days.They called the police and they went home shocked."