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Future music


Future music

Music in the future, won't be in fact music, it will be computer generated language, like 0 and 1, the language of the pc, just much more complex.

In the future, i think tec 313q1621d hnologic or house music will succed, because with the help of the computer,

anyone, in the full meaning of the word, could make good music. there will be others, more conservatory people,

that will want "soul" music, music made by mans hand, or mouth, truly singed music,

not burst out from the loudspeaker, made by the computer at the push of a button.

Those few people that will want to listen real music made by somebody's effort and sweat will be the one's to carry on the meaning of true music.

What is for our country to come, these ballades of our conationals, the gipseys,

are going to have more and more succes, and retart all the people that we have left in full menthal capacity.

Future music, will be agressive, will describe the world and the rush, the new mentality that the people will develop ,

the changes that the cittyes will be going through, and the world along with them.

As a conclusion to all this, music in future will be better classified, as ambiental, house, pop, dance, rap, and others,

according to people needs.

Music will no longer be from the authors heart, will be what the market asks for.

Ana Vasiliu

cls 9 D

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