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Practica a aratat ca diferitele forme de manevra pentru situatia de urgenta "OM LA APA" depinde de situatia anterioara evenimentului si tipului navei.

Practice has shown that different "MAN OVERBOARD" manoeuvres may be required, depending upon the situation prevailing and the type of the ship involved.

Eficienta manevrelor descrise mai jos a fost verificata in urmatoarele cazuri de "OM LA APA" si a condus la stabilirea urmatoarelor manevre standard, considerind ca nava se deplaseaza cu toata viteza.

1.In situatia de ACTIUNE IMEDIATA:

q       "GIRATIA SIMPLA" va aduce nava in pozitia din care a inceput manevra in timpul cel mai scurt.

q       "CURBA WiLLIAMSON" cere mai mult timp si va aduce nava departe in prova fata de pozitia initila si producerii evenimentului.


1`. In IMMEDIATE ACTION situation:

q       "SINGLE TURN" will take the ship back to the scene of the casualty must quickly.

q       "WILLIAMSON TURN" requires more time and will temporarily take the ship farther away from the scene of the casualty.

q       " SCHARNOW TURN" is not appropriate.

2. In situati de ACTIUNE INTIRZIATA:

q       "CURBA WILLIAMSON" va aduce nava departe de locul producerii evenimentului (in momentul cand nava ajunge aproape de locul evenimenului trebuie sa reduca viteza pentru a opri la timp)

q       "CURBA SCHARNOW" nu poate efectua cu eficienta pana cind nu se va stabili perioada de timp dintre momentul producerii evenimentului si cel al inceperii manevrei.

2`. In the DELAYED ACTION situation:

q       WILLIAMSON TURN will take the ship to the scene of casualty most surely.(When the ship has reached the manoeuvre commencement point, search speed must be reduced so as to enable fast stopping)

3. In situatia de PERSOANA LIPSA:

q       ambele curbe -WILLIAMSON si SCHARNOW - aduc nava pe drumul invers in siaj.

q       atunci cind se foloseste GIRATIA SCHARNOW distanta parcursa este mai mica deci se face economie de timp. In momentul cind nava ajunge in drum opus dupa efectuarea acestei manevre, inceperea cautarii se realizeaza cu citeva lungimi de nava in avans. In functie de tipul navei distanta aceasta poate ajunge la 1- mila.

3`. In the PERSON MISSING situation:

q       booth WILLIAMSON TURN and SCHARNOW TURN will take the ship back into her wake.

q       when carrying out SCHARNOW TURN less distance is covered and thus time is saved. When the ship is opposite course after carrying of this, manoeuvre commencement point will be some ship's lengths behind her stern. Depending on the type of ship involved, between one two nautical miles may be saved.

The effectiveness of the manoeuvre described below has been proved in many "MAN OVER BOARD "casualties and follows standard manoeuvres are used when the ship was under way with full speed ahead.



1. In situatia de ACTIUNE IMEDIATA evenimentul este observat de la comanda navei, iar reactia este declansata imediat.

1`. Casualty is noticed on the bridge and action is initiated immediately.



2.a. "CARMA BANDA . . . . " (numai in bordul producerii evenimentului)

b. "RUDDER HARD OVER . . . . " (only to the side of casualty)

3.a. Dupa o intoarcere de 250o fata de drumul initial :



Din inertia nava va ajunge aproximativ in pozitia initiala.

b. After a deviation from the original course by 250o:



By inertia, ship will proceed approximately to the initial position.



1. In situatia de "ACTIUNE INTIRZIATA" evenimentul este raporatat la comanda navei de catre un membru al echipajului care a descoperit persoana din apa , iar reactia este declansata cu oarecare intirziere .

1`. Casualty or observing a man on the sea is reported on the bridge by an eye witness and action is initiated with some delay.



2.a. "CARMA BANDA . . . . "(in caz de reactie imediata numai in bordul producerii


b. "RUDDER HARD OVER . . . ."(in an immediate action only to the side of casualty).

3.a. Dupa o intoarcere de 60O fata de drumul initial:

"CARMA BANDA . . . ."(in bordul opus).

b. After a deviation from the original course by 60o :

"RUDDER HARD OVER. . . . "(in the opposite side).

4.a. Cand mai sunt 20­­o pana la drumul invers celui initial :

"MIJLOC CARMA" si nava se va intoarce din inertia la drumul invers.

b. When heading 20o short of opposite course:

"MIDSHIPS" so that ship will turn by inertia to opposite course.



1. In situatia cand se descopera o "PERSOANA LIPSA" de la bord, raportul ajunge la comanda navei sub aceasta forma. Manevra de mai jos nu va fi folosita in cazul nr.1 "ACTIUNE IMEDIATA"

1` In a "PERSON MISSING" situation, that person is reported to the bridge as "missing". This manoeuvre not to be used in an "IMMEDIATE ACTION" situation no.1.



2.a. "CARMA BANDA . . . ." in oricare din borduri .

b. " RUDDER HARD OVER. . . ." in any side.

3.a. Dupa o intoarcere de 240o fata de drumul initial:

"CARMA BANDA . . . ." in bordul opus.

b. After a deviation from the original course by240o:

"RUDDER HARD OVER . . . " to the opposite side

4.a. In momentul cand au mai ramas 20o pana la drumul invers celui initial:

"MIJLOC CARMA . . . " si nava va intoarce din inertie la drumul invers.

b. When heading 20o short of opposite side course:

"MIDSHIPS" so that the ship will turn to opposite side.

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