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Meditation By George Carlin



By George Carlin

Our family and friends are the most important things we have in our lives.

Sometimes we place them as second priority because we are too busy working, making money.

We must learn to prioritize what's 12212t1924m really important in life, for us.

Nobody on their deathbed ever complained that they didn't work enough or they didn't make enough money.

The paradox of our times is that we've built taller buildings but people's character has declined.

We have wider streets but our points of view are narrowing down.

We spend more and more but we have less and less.

We buy more but we enjoy ourselves less.

We have bigger homes and smaller families.

We have more facilities but less time.

We have more degrees but less feelings, more knowledge but smaller power to choose,

We have more experts and more problems, more medicine but less health.

We drink too much, we smoke too much, we spend too easy, laugh too little, we drive too fast and loose our temper all too quickly.

We go to bed too late, we wake up too tired, we read too little, watch too much TV and pray so rare.

We've multiplied our properties but we've lost our values.

We talk too much, we seldom love and hate too often.

We've learned how to carry on day by day but not how to live.

We've added few years to our life but didn't add life to our years.

We've traveled the space to the Moon and back but we're experiencing difficulties when crossing a street or to meet a new neighbor.

We've conquered the space but know nothing about our soul.

We've built bigger things but not necessarily better.

We've cleaned our air but not our soul.

We've conquered the atom but not the prejudice.

We write more but we learn less.

We plan more but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush but not to patiently wait anymore.

We build more computers to store more information but we communicate less.

These are the times of fast food and of slow digestion, of big people and of small characters, of big profits and of relationships with no essence.

These are the times when we all have two salaries and more divorces than ever.

These are the times of beautiful homes but with broken families.

Remember to spend a little time with the dear ones because they won't be forever at your side.

Remember to hug with love the one close to you because this is the only fortune you can wholeheartedly give without spending any cent.

Remember to say, "I love you" to your life partner and to the ones close to you but even more important is to tell the truth.

A kiss and a hug can take the pain away if they spring from your soul.

Remember to enjoy every moment you spend with someone because at any given moment that someone may not be around anymore.

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