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"Maria Teiuleanu" Economic College is situated in the center of Pitești and has its origin in the former century, being the only commercial high school in Argeș County. The economic perspectives of our town give us hope that our college 20120d39u will play an important part in training students for future jobs in the public services' area. Over 1194 students are the beneficiaries of the school training. They may attend the courses of the vocational school, technical high school and further education, without fee and with fee. 75 teachers train them. The vocational school and the further education have at their basis PHARE - VET curriculum.

The educational offer made by school is related to the priorities of the development of the area where the college is situated, being the only school that trains students in the following fields: finance - accounting, trade, tourism, management, food service and public services. The college also proved its capacity of redistributing the labor manpower in the area by organizing training and retraining courses since 1995 in cooperation with C.L.D.I.M.M. and A.J.O.F.M.

In the view of rapid graduates' integration on the labor market, partnerships have been contracted with the economic agents, for carrying on their practical and technological training. The employers' representatives take part permanently in the school - leasing examinations and in getting the professional - competence certificates.

The school is also preoccupied to facilitate the participation and integration of students with special educational needs, disadvantaged for social-economic, coming from broken homes or children's Names. The school together with The District Board of Children's Protection have helped the students, coming from Children's Name, to take part in sports and school competitions, to travel abroad these institutions also negotiated their living in hostels in the city.

We are very much supported by the local authorities: The Prefecture, The County Council, The Town Hall, C.C.I.R. and C.L.D.I.M.M.

In addition to the fund obtained from the Town Hall of the municipality Pitești, the managerial team of the school have always been preoccupied to find extra-budgeters sources, that were invested in a very valuable project-a gas heating central put in the building in the Teiuleanu Street (500 million lei of the total 700 million lei came from extra - budgetary sources) - and in many others like: modernizing sanitary lavatories from both buildings, painting the walls of the classrooms and halls, remaking the stoves, paring the inner school yard and halls, changing the wood work etc.

Three info-labs were endowed with up-to-date computers.

With the help of the Parents' committee from our school, five classrooms were redecorated and endowed with neoset furniture and the activity will continue next year, too.

The Economic College cooperates very well with the higher education institutes from our town: The Faculty of Economic Studies and "Constantin Brâncoveanu" University. The students attends conferences on scientific and cultural subjects delivered by Romanian or foreign specialists at the University and they also organize debates and meetings on various topics. On the other hand, the students attending these universities carry on their methodological training in the college.

The students are offered many opportunities to develop their abilities and talents; they take up extra-curriculum activities and participate in contests organized by the local community, wining always prizes.

The managerial team and the teaching staff of the college are interested in developing European financing projects. They give us the opportunity to attract some other extra - budgetary sources, which are to contribute to the improvement of our professional training adapted to the present day requirements. They also intensify the students performances in solving of the multiple practical problems raised by a modern and efficient economic growth. There should be a close cooperation and a better exchange between students all over the world. They must be tough to be tolerant responsible and efficient in the social and professional life.

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