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WORKSHOP #1 in BW Tineretului 1


WORKSHOP #1 in BW Tineretului 1

Workshop Leader: KOFI HAGAN


  1. Angulo de, Jose Miguel       Board Voting Delegate - Bolivia
  2. Bitzer, Guenther      National Director - Germany
  3. Bourgois, Gerald      President's Guest - Geneva
  4. Bourgois, Ruth      Spouse
  5. Done Castillo, Claudio National Director - Dom. Rep.
  6. Fortin de, Annette National Director - Ecuador
  7. Fortin de, Guillermo Spouse
  8. McGaw, Barry      Speaker - France/Australia
  9. McGaw, Margaret Spouse
  10. Mlay, Wilfred      Regional VP Africa
  11. Pekerti, Anugerah WVI Board - Indonesia
  12. Pekerti, Angela      Spouse
  13. Quiroz, Julieta National Director - Bolivia

Project: Ialomita I

Departure: 09:30 hrs.


(Bold = Spanish/English translation)

Staff for Proj Visit only:

  1. Kaduki, Joyce Staff

WORKSHOP #2 in BW Parc Tineretului 2

Workshop Leader: DAVID THOMSON


  1. Algama, Ravindra Non-voting delegate - Sri Lanka
  2. Arnold, Elaine Parents - Australia
  3. Arnold, Maurice Parents - Australia
  4. Arnold, Jean Spouse - Australia
  5. Haselmann, Hertha Maria Non-voting delegate - Germany
  6. Lampton, Brian Non-voting delegate - Australia
  7. Nkoma, Winston Nat. Director - Lesotho
  8. Santatiwat, Watt Sr. VP PO
  9. Savvides, George WVI Board - Australia
  10. Savvides, Vivian Spouse
  11. Sheriff, Michael Staff PO
  12. Wilkinson, Bruce Pres. Guest WVUS

Projects: Ialomita 2

Departure: 9:45 hrs.


Staff for Proj Visit only:

  1. Kelly, Mark Staff
  2. Sizemore, Ken      Staff

WORKSHOP #3 in BW Parc Tineretului 3

Workshop Leader: YU HWA LI


  1. Cabrera, Aglisberto Voting Delegate Dom. Rep.
  2. Cortez A., Mauricio Voting Delegate El Salvador
  3. Cortez, Ana Corelia Spouse - El Salvador
  4. Gonzalez Monroy, Josue Nat. Director - Mexico
  5. Gonzalez Correa, Maria T. Spouse - Mexico
  6. Halim, Esther Regional Director SouthEast Asia
  7. Hayner, Stephen WVI Board - US
  8. Huang (Wong), Josephine (Min-Ling) Non-Voting Delegate - Taiwan
  9. Oliva, Teresa Spouse - Ecuador
  10. Proano, Roberto Voting Delegate - Ecuador

(Bold = Spanish/English translation)

Project: Bucharest Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities

Departure: 9:30 hrs.


Staff for Proj Visit only:

  1. Carlson, Brian Staff
  2. Cuylenburg, van Eric Staff
  3. Cuylenburg, van James      Staff
  4. Lyman, Rebecca Staff

WORKSHOP #4 in BW Tineretului 4

Workshop Leader: TOM GETMAN


  1. Birchmore, Sue Nat. Director Bosnia-Herzegovina
  2. Brutus, Joseph M Voting Delegate - Haiti
  3. Chajon de, Rosa M. Voting Delegate - Guatemala
  4. Chow, Lien-Hwa WVI Board - Taiwan
  5. Geda, Ashebir Ketema Voting Delegate - Ethiopia
  6. Iniguez, Deogracias Voting Delegate - Philippines
  7. Kim, Sun-do WVI Board - Korea
  8. Paredes, Ruben (Tito) Voting Delegate - Peru
  9. Sengulane, Dinis Voting Delegate - Mozambique
  10. Smith, Glen Non-voting delegate - Canada
  11. Smith, Sandra Spouse - Canada
  12. Yattara Infa, Nouh Ag Voting Delegate - Mali

Projects: Bucharest RCO

Departure: 9:30 hrs.


WORKSHOP #5 in BW Parc Oceania B

Workshop Leader: RUDO KWARAMBA


Group 5A

  1. Amosson, Kyhl Nat. Director Yugoslavia (Serbia/ Montenegro)
  2. Chiu, Kevin Nat. Director Hong Kong
  3. Gonzalvez, Savio Staff
  4. Hosoya, Sari Staff
  5. Mineno, Tatsuhiro WVI Board - Japan
  6. Santos, Ariovaldo Voting Delegate - Brazil
  7. Simpson, Ray None voting delegate - New Zealand
  8. Olivera, Roberto de Costa WVI Board - Brazil
  9. Perez, Evita Nat. Director - Philippines
  10. Tupa, Dineen RD Central Asia

Group 5B

  1. Anandaraj, Hannah      Voting Delegate - India
  2. Josodirdjo, Utomo WVI Board - Indonesia
  3. Kasune Zulu, Princess Speaker - Zambia
  4. Rahardja, Utami Spouse
  5. Wuthiwaropas, Chusak Nat. Director - Thailand
  6. Martin Lombard VP HR - US

Project: 5A Mother and Child Shelter Social Service

Children of Romania Project - Preventing Child Abandonment in Medical Unit

5B Children of Romania Day Care Center - Social Service

Departure: 9:30 hrs.

Bus for Project A:

Bus for Project B:

Staff for project visit only:


  1. Lagerwey, D. Staff
  2. Low, G.      Staff


  1. Hawthorne, Jolane Staff
  2. Ratnayake, Rochelle Staff
  3. Sedig, Dwayne      Staff
  4. Priscilla Pfaff Staff

WORKSHOP #6 in BW Parc Oceania A1

Workshop Leader: TALMAGE PAYNE


  1. Badenoch, Charles Nat. Director - UK
  2. Badenoch, Penny Spouse
  3. Clyde, Andrew Consultant
  4. Daly, Chris Non-voting delegate - Australia
  5. Daly, Robyn Spouse
  6. Laitinen, Tiina Voting Delegate - Finland
  7. Masemann, Heino Non-voting delegate - Germany
  8. OmoOlorun Olupona Nat. Director Mozambique
  9. Robinson-Judd, Ann Non-voting delegate - Australia
  10. Ryan, Caryn VP Finance/ CFO
  11. Silutongwe, Martin      Nat. Director - Zambia
  12. Theko, Khoabanie Voting Delegate - Lesotho

Projects: Valcea (Sponsorship Galicia and RCO)

Departure: at 7:15 hrs

Mini Bus:

Project visit only:

Pedelty, Andrew

Pedelty, Katie
WORKSHOP #7 in BW Oceania A2

Workshop Leader: NORA AVARIENTOS


  1. Archer, Natalie Non-voting delegate - New Zealand
  2. Bell, Alan      Non-voting delegate - UK
  3. Bell, Julia      Spouse
  4. Chan, Sze-Tong (Thomas) Nat. Director China
  5. Chan, Cecil Voting delegate - Hong Kong
  6. Curry, Kathy VP Ministry to Children
  7. Evans, Jason Nat. Director Georgia
  8. Hack, Lloyd Non-voting delegate - Canada
  9. Hack, Donna Spouse
  10. Keily, Rex Non-voting delegate - Australia
  11. Moylan, Kieran WVI Board - Ireland
  12. McIntrye, Mike Nat. Director - Azerbajian
  13. Mkanza, George Nat. Director Tanzania
  14. Scrimgeour, Frank Voting delegate - New Zealand

Projects: Valcea (Sponsorship project in Olanu area)

Departure: 7:15 hrs.

Main Bus:
WORKSHOP #8 in BW Parc Lounge area

Workshop Leader: JONAS NJELANGO


  1. Abhayaratne W., Lokendra Voting delegate - Sri Lanka
  2. Carrie, Jim      Regional Director East Africa
  3. Charles, Wesley      Nat. Director - Haiti
  4. Contreras, Reyna      Nat. Director Guatemala
  5. Contreras, Jaime      Spouse - Guatemala
  6. Guevara, Alejandro Nat. Director - Costa Rica
  7. Hernandez, Manual WVI Board - Honduras
  8. Hernandez, Deborah Spouse - Honduras
  9. Oh, Jae-Shik Nat. Director - North Korea
  10. Ossey, Charles      Nat. Director - Mauritania
  11. Soerjodibroto, Tjahjono Voting delegate - Indonesia
  12. Soerjodibroto, Riani Spouse - Indonesia
  13. Song Ja, Non voting delegate - South Korea
  14. Song, Soonhi Spouse - South Korea

(Bold = Spanish/English translation)

Projects: Valcea (group will be divided in A, B. C)

Departure: 7:15 hrs.

A: bus

Alejandro Guevara

Manuel Hernandez

Deborah Hernandez

Reyna de Conteras

Jaime de Contreras

B: bus

Charles Ossey

Song Ja

Song, Soonhi

Soerjodibroto, Tjahjono

Riani Soerjodibroto

C.: bus

Jim Carrie

Wesley Charles

Jonas Njelango

Lokendra W. Abhayarante

Oh, Jae-Shik

WORKSHOP # 9 in Crown Ballroom A

Workshop Leader: EDGAR FLOREZ


  1. Buskens, Joke      Spouse - The Netherlands
  2. Buskens, Max WVI Board - The Netherlands
  3. Campos, Maria      Voting delegate - Colombia
  4. Castro, de Milagro Nat. Director - Honduras
  5. Chitundu, Alice Spouse - Zambia
  6. Dankwa, Virginia A Spouse - Ghana
  7. Du, Hank      Nat. Director - Taiwan
  8. Martinez, Marta Presidents' Guest - El Salvador
  9. Martinez, Jose Luis Spouse - El Salvador
  10. Mejia, Nicolas      Voting delegate - Honduras
  11. Scott, Leslie National Director - Sierra Leone
  12. Stearns, Richard National Director - US
  13. Tembe, Abner Voting delegate - Swaziland
  14. Dexter, Ralph staff

(Bold = Spanish/English translation)

Projects: Craiova 1 (Early Intervention
Departure: 6:45 hrs

Mini bus:

WORKSHOP # 10 in Crown Transilvania

Workshop Leader: JAISANKAR SARMA


  1. Begashaw, Girma Nat. Director - Somalia
  2. Bisimba, Helen      Voting delegate - Tanzania
  3. ChiangYi, Chin-Chun Voting delegate - Taiwan
  4. Domeris, William Robert Voting delegate - South Africa
  5. Liew, Tong Ngan Nat. Director - Malaysia
  6. Messenger, Michael None voting delegate - Canada
  7. Mulhearn, Tom Nat. Director - Sudan
  8. Patterson, Peter WVI Board - Canada
  9. Patterson, Barbara Spouse - Canada
  10. Saptoadi, Trihadi Nat. Director - Nepal
  11. Sutanto, Tjitra A Non-voting delegate - Indonesia
  12. Tanudjaya, Elsje (Monica) Spouse - Indonesia
  13. Vanden Hengel, Kim Non-voting delegate - Australia
  14. Whaites, Alan Director Policy & Advocacy

Project:      Craiova 1 (Orphans)

Departure: 6:45 hrs.

Mini bus:
WORKSHOP #11 in Crown Valahia 1



  1. Asare, Sam Nat. Director Ghana
  2. Kamate, Jean Baptiste Nat. Director - Mali
  3. Miller, Bruce Staff - Canada
  4. Miller, Gael Spouse
  5. Myers, Bryant VP Development & Food Resources
  6. Middleton Walter Director Food Resources
  7. Middleton June Spouse
  8. Phelps, Steve None voting delegate - UK
  9. Phelps, Nicky Spouse - UK
  10. Steigler Josef WVI Board - Austria
  11. Steigler Gertrud Spouse - Austria
  12. Richards, Dick      Vision Fund - Canada
  13. Richards, Marilyn Spouse
  14. Williams, Glynn D.      Spouse

Projects: Craiova 1 (CAPA)

Departure: 6:45 hrs.

Main bus

WORKSHOP #12 in Crown Ballroom B



  1. Andrews, Tim Nat. Director - Kenya
  2. Garcia, Oscar Presidents Guest - Spain
  3. Goh, Eng Kee Nat. Director Singapore
  4. Guardia Echandi, Tomas Presidents Guest - Costa Rica
  5. Gomez Tristan, Adriana      Spouse - Costa Rica
  6. Lee, Chi Inn (Jean) Spouse - Singapore
  7. Hashi, Fatuma Director Gender and Development
  8. Huang, Tiffany None-voting delegate - Taiwan
  9. Lutes, Lori None-voting delegate - Canada
  10. MacPherson, Douglas Spouse - Canada
  11. McKeon, Simon None-voting delegate - Australia
  12. Tagwira, Margret Non-voting delegate - Zimbabwe
  13. Walker, Roger      Nat. Director - Myanmar
  14. Walker, Hong Lien      Spouse - Myanmar

Projects: Craiova 2 (Breasta)

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Main bus:

WORKSHOP #13 in Crown Ballroom C



  1. Brand Coenraad Voting delegate - Zimbabwe
  2. Brand Marlene      Spouse - Zimbabwe
  3. Bradford, Don Nat. Director Papua New Guinea
  4. Bradford, Penelope      Spouse
  5. Camara Soriba J Non-voting delegate - Mali
  6. Clayton, Anne Spouse - Jerusalem
  7. Gummere, Nicholas Nat. Director - Albania
  8. Sajonian Arousiag Presidents Guest - Armenia
  9. Senyonyi Ruth None-voting delegate - Uganda
  10. Sriyuttagrai Worasith Voting delegate - Thailand
  11. Sriyuttagrai Mayuree Spouse - Thailand
  12. Tafere, Maereg Nat. Director - Burundi
  13. Vogel Ueli None-voting delegate - Switzerland

Projects: Craiova 2 (Predesti)

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Mini bus:

Staff spouse - project visit only

Sabounchian, Harry
WORKSHOP #14 in Crown Valahia 2



  1. Banda, Joshua Voting delegate - Zambia
  2. Duim, Gary None-voting delegate - US
  3. Duim, Linda Spouse - US
  4. Gustavsson, Lars VP Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs
  5. Hodge, Dorothea None-voting delegate - UK
  6. Keita, Ely      Nat. Director - Chad
  7. Masake, Rachael Asike None-voting delegate - Kenya
  8. Mucavele, Firmino None-voting delegate - Mozambique
  9. Posterski Don Director Christian Impact
  10. Pohsngap Leaderwell WVI Board member - India
  11. Rivulet Lyngdoh Spouse
  12. Robinson Dave Regional VP Middle East/ Eastern Europe
  13. Romba Ruth Voting delegate - Chad
  14. Wavre Suzanne Regional Director Southern Africa

Project: Craiova 2 (RCO)

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Mini Bus:

WORKSHOP #15 in Crown Club Lounge 1



  1. Araica, Roger Nat. Director - Nicaragua
  2. Ayettey, Seth WVI Board - Ghana
  3. Ayettey, Cecilia Spouse - Ghana
  4. Beighton Leonard Voting delegate - UK
  5. Boehmer, Jim None-voting delegate - Canada
  6. Calle, Saul Nat. Director - Peru
  7. Dickinson, Lois WVI Board - New Zealand
  8. Dickinson, Annette      Sister - New Zealand
  9. Greeves, Gerry Spouse
  10. McLeod, Heather Director Child Protection
  11. Pfeifer, Annemarie Voting delegate - Switzerland
  12. Punitha, Victor      Speaker - India
  13. St. Amour, Marie      Spouse - Canada
  14. Toumieux, Eric Nat. Director - Senegal

Projects: Constanta 1 - HIV AIDS & Special Needs

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Mini bus:
WORKSHOP #16 Crown Club Lounge 2



  1. Feka, Fatmire Kids for Peace Project
  2. Habte, Berhanu WVI Board - Ethiopia
  3. Khoury, Queeny Spouse - Lebanon
  4. Kuttab, Jonathan Presidents Guest - Jerusalem
  5. Lula, Rita      Guest
  6. Norrington, Frances Spouse - UK
  7. Muumbi, Sam Voting delegate - Kenya
  8. Muumbi, Christine Spouse - Kenya
  9. Rozario,Stephen National Director - Laos
  10. Promboon, Suebsang None-voting delegate - Thailand
  11. Tarpeh, Etmonia (Etty) National Director - Liberia
  12. Tarekegu, Almaz Spouse - Ethiopia
  13. Woldemichael, Getachew National Director - Ethiopia

Projects: Constanta 1 (Cobadin)

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Mini bus:

WORKSHOP #17 Crown Moldova



  1. Chisepo, Limakatso Non voting delegate - Lesotho
  2. Godwin, Joyce      Non voting delegate - US
  3. Godwin, Earl Spouse - US
  4. Keogh, Helen Nat. Director Ireland
  5. King, Patricia Spouse - Australia
  6. Koeppel, Ursula Non voting delegate - Switzerland
  7. Mutshaila, Kasongo Nat. Director (interim) DR of Congo
  8. Ole Shani, Dan Regional Director West Africa
  9. Platzer, Amanda Nat. Director - Austria
  10. Toycen, Diane      Spouse - Canada
  11. Womble, David Nat. Director - Russia/ Nth Caucasus-

Projects: Constanta 1 (Corbu)

Departure: 6:30 hrs.

Main bus:

Staff for project visit only:

  1. Nichols, Alan Staff
  2. Nichols, Denise Spouse
  3. Olson, Maureen Spouse

WORKSHOP # 18 in Crown Banat



  1. Bere, Jim WVI Board - US
  2. Bere, Susan Spouse
  3. Browne Pavissich Patricio WVI Board - Chile
  4. Diaz Miron Luis Non voting delegate - Mexico
  5. Diaz Miron Gabriela Salcedo Spouse - Mexico
  6. Silva Serguem Nat. Director - Brazil
  7. Mace David      Member Vision Fund - US
  8. Mace Rosemary Spouse - US
  9. MacDonald Susan Spouse - Chile
  10. Narvaez Rafael Nat. Director - El Salvador
  11. Padilla Angie Staff
  12. Silva, Hugo Voting delegate - Nicaragua
  13. Morales, Esther Spouse - Nicaragua
  14. Selvanayagam Daniel Nat. Director - Bangladesh

Projects: Constanta 2 (CAPA)

Departure: 6:45 hrs.

Mini bus:

WORKSHOP # 19 in Crown Oltenia



  1. Chilembwe. Austin      Voting Delegate - Malawi
  2. Costello, Tim Nat. Director Australia
  3. Dunlop, Robert Voting Delegate - Ireland
  4. Goh, Keat Peng Nat. Director East Timor
  5. Dymond Sharon Voting delegate - Canada
  6. Dymond Brian Spouse - Canada
  7. Hanson, Sigurd Nat. Director Pakistan
  8. Hong, Henry Voting Delegate - Singapore
  9. Mockler Joanna WVI Board - US
  10. Namate, Dorothy None-voting delegate - Malawi
  11. Smythe Liz WVI Board - New Zealand
  12. Strong, Graham Nat. Director - Afghanistan
  13. Zook Bob VP Information Services
  14. Zook Sandra Spouse - US

Projects: Constanta 2 (Sponsoship Cumpana)

Departure: 6:45 hrs.

Mini bus:

WORKSHOP #20 in Crown Mutenia



  1. Burton, Sharon Nat. Dir - Kosovo (not on project visit)
  2. Casey Ken      Hope Initiative (not on project visit)
  3. Ferraris Paolo      Nat. Director - Uzbekistan
  4. Hirsch Dean WVI - President
  5. Hirsch Wendy Spouse
  6. Kwao Sarbah John Atsu Spouse
  7. McCoy, John Staff
  8. Stafford, Timothy      Presidents Guest Christianity Today
  9. Stafford, Poppie Spouse
  10. Steuernagel Sileda Spouse, Brazil
  11. Siame, Patrick      Nat. Director - Swaziland
  12. Temiseva, Aki Nat. Director - Finland
  13. Tumbuan, James Nat. Director - Indonesia
  14. Weele v.d., Wil Voting Delegate - The Netherlands
  15. McFarlane Les      None-voting delegate - Canada
  16. McFarlane Lynette Spouse - Canada

Project visit only: Rienk van Velzen Staff

Projects: Constanta 2 (HIV/AIDS)

Departure: 6:45 hrs.

Main bus:




  1. Chris Pitt
  2. Lynn Arnold
  3. Saisuree Chutikul
  4. Amine Khoury
  5. Valdir Steuernagel
  6. Jayakumar Christian
  7. Jong-Sam Park
  8. Theo Dankwa
  9. Wilfried Reuter
  10. Denis St Amour
  11. Corina Villacorta
  12. Rosanna Wong
  13. David Purnell
  14. Humphrey Norrington
  15. David Chitundu
  16. Peter King
  17. Richard Obura-Onyang
  18. Dave Toycen
  19. Margaret Rodgers
  20. Ben Jakob
  21. John Rose
  22. Robbie Muhumuza
  23. John Yale (not on Chris' latest list - was he asked to participate?)
  24. Ioan Bocsan
  25. Vasile Mihoc
  26. Eugene Foranu attending only RT
  27. Petre Dugulescu (WVR Board member) - on Chris' latest list (Grp 5 Media)

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