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Geographical Outline, Short history, Touristic Information

1)Geographical Outline

2)Short history

A survey of Braila origins shows the region has been inhabited since time immemorial, a fact attested by the numerous archaeological vestiges dating back to 5000 BC, vestiges that stand proof to the continuity of life and civilisation in this expanse. The town of Braila was first mentioned in a document 630 years ago when Vlaicu I, prince of Wallachia, offered traders in Brasov the privilege to sell their merchandise in Braila. Since times of yore, inhabitants of Braila have developed farming, animal breeding and fishing on the western bank of the Danube. 

3)Touristic Information

The Braila county is situated in the South-Eastern part of Romania, in a region of plain, having to the North a part of the Lower Siret River Meadow where to the South there is the Baragan Plain; to the West there are small parts of the Salcioara Plain and the Buzau Plain. to the East, the Big Island of Braila. The Braila county is of an important tourist and balneotherapeutical interest, offering to tourists a lot of possibilities to see picturesque places, specifically to a plain as well as to the Danubian landscape. Situated in the free to inundation meadow of the Danube River, surrounded by its branches, the Small Island of Braila is a joint zoological and botanic reservation. In this zone the geographical conditions determine the coexisting of three kinds of flora, characteristically to marsh. forest and steppe. So in the high sand banks around marches, there are willow forests and plantations of Euro-American poplar hybrids. In marshes and the easily flooded zones there is a luxuriant aquatic flora which is the food for fauna, but especially a feeding and nestling place for birds. Fauna consists in migratory aquatic species - most of them being protected internationally by law. There are also species of forest, steppe and marsches characteristically to forest, steppe and marsches. To protect this fauna of an international importance, the fishing and hunting are watched by law. The tourists who arrive in the municipality of Braila, the capital city of this county, are able to pay visit to the numerous cultural places like: the Museum of Ethnography, the House of Collections, Museum of History, "Maria Filotti" Theatre, St. Archangels Church, Greek Church, the Quay and Whraf of the port made by Anghel Saligny, Panait Istrati Memorial House (both in Braila and Baldovinesti), Perpessicius Memorial House, the Pile of Kinetic Fountains on the Esplanade in Braila.

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