The ecozone includes the Pacific Ocean islands of Micronesia , the Fijian Islands , and most of Polynesia (with the exception of New Zealand New Zealand and most of Melanesia , including New Guinea Vanuatu
, the Solomon Islands , and New Caledonia , are included, with Australia in the Australasia
Ecozone include Oc. Pacific, insulele din Oceanul din Micronezia, Insulele Fidji, si de cele mai
multe insule din Polinezia (cu exceptia insulei Noua Zeelanda). Noua Zeelanda
si cele mai multe insule din Melanezia, inclusiv Noua Guinee, Vanuatu, Insulele Solomon,
si Noua Caledonie,
sunt incluse , cu Australia īn regiunea Australiana. Oceania is the smallest in
land area of any of the ecozones. Oceania
este cea mai mica, dupa suprafata din restul
Oceania , is geologically the youngest ecozone.
Oceania, este
cea mai tanara regiu 555e46f ne geologic. While
other ecozones include old continental land masses or fragments of continents,
Oceania is composed mostly of volcanic high islands and Coral atolls that arose from the sea in geologically recent times, many of them in
the Pleistocene Īn timp ce alte regiuni includ mase continentale
vechi de teren sau fragmente de continente, Oceania este compusa īn
principal din insule vulcanice insule mari
din Corali care au aparut in ultima vreme, multe dintre ele din Pleistocen. They were created either by hotspot volcanism, or as island arcs pushed upward by the collision and subduction of tectonic
Acestea au fost create fie de fenomene vulcanice sau ca arcuri de insula
īmpins īn sus de coliziunile si subductiiile placilor tectonice. The islands range from tiny
islets, sea stacks and coral atolls
to large mountainous islands, like Hawaii
and Fiji Insulele variaza de la insulele mici, stive de mare si corali
insule mari, insule muntoase, cum ar fi Hawaii si Fiji.
The climate of Oceania's
islands is tropical or subtropical, and range from humid to seasonally dry.
Clima insulelor
din Oceania este tropicala sau subtropicala,
si variaza, pe sezoane, de la umed la uscat . Wetter parts of the islands are covered by Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests , while the drier parts of the islands, including
the leeward sides of the islands and many of the low coral islands, are covered
by Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests and Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and
shrublands Hawaii
's high volcanoes, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa , are home to some rare tropical Montane grasslands and shrublands Partile umede din insule
sunt acoperite de paduri
tropicale si subtropicale umede de foioase,
īn timp ce regiunile uscate ale insulelor, inclusiv parti supuse vānturilor
si multe insule mici de corali,
sunt acoperite de paduri
tropicale si subtropicale uscate de foioase
si tropicale
si Pajisti subtropicale, savannas, si terenuri acoperite cu
Flora si fauna
Since the islands of Oceania
were never connected by land to a continent, the flora and fauna of the islands
originally reached them from across the ocean (though at the height of the last
ice age sea levels were much lower than today and many current Seamounts were islands, so some now isolated islands were once less isolated).
Avānd īn vedere ca insulele din Oceania
nu au fost niciodata legate de un continent, flora si fauna din insulele sa adaptat la
viata pe insule. Insulele mai mari cu diverse nise ecologice, au īncurajat dezvoltarea
florei si Faunei, prin care mai multe specii au evoluat de la un stramos
comun, fiecare specie adaptata la o nisa ecologica diferita; diferite specii din
familia Drepanididae sunt un
exemplu clasic. Other adaptations to
island ecologies include giantism, dwarfism, and, among birds, loss of flight.
Alte adaptari pentru ecologice ale insulelor sunt giantismul, nanismul, si, printre
pasari, pierderea capacitatii
de a zbura. Oceania has a number of endemic species; Hawaii in particular is considered a
global 'center of endemism', with its forest ecoregions having one of the highest percentages of endemic plants in the world.
Oceania are o serie de specii endemice;
Hawaii īn special,
se considera un centru global "de
endemism", avānd unul dintre cele mai īnalte procente de plante endemice
īn lume.
Land plants
disperse by several different means. Plantele se disperseaza prin mai multe mijloace diferite. Many plants, mostly ferns and mosses but also
some flowering plants, disperse on the wind, relying on tiny spores or feathery
seeds that can remain airborne over long distances notably Metrosideros trees from New Zealand spread on the wind across
Oceania. Multe plante, mai ales ferigi si muschi, si,
de asemenea, unele plante cu flori, se inmultesc cu ajutorul vāntului, bazāndu-se pe spori mici sau de
seminte usoare care pot ramāne īn aer pe distante lungi, īn
special arborii Metrosideros
din Noua Zeelanda raspāndit de vant peste Oceania. Other plants, notably coconut palms and mangroves , produce seeds that can float in salt water over long distances,
eventually washing up on distant beaches, and thus Cocos trees are ubiquitous across Oceania. Birds
are also an important means of dispersal; some plants produce sticky seeds that
are carried on the feet or feathers of birds, and many plants produce fruits
with seeds that can pass through the digestive tracts of birds. Pandanus trees are fairly ubiquitous across Oceania.
Alte plante, cum sunt palmierii īn special de nuca de cocos
si de mangrove, produc seminte care pot pluti
īn apa sarata pe distante lungi, īn cele din urma
ajung pe plaje la distante foarte
mari, si, astfel, palmierul de Cocos
este omnipresent īn īntreaga Oceanie. Pasarile sunt, de asemenea, un
mijloc important de dispersie; unele plante produc seminte lipicioase, care sunt
transportate lipindu-se de picioarele
sau penele pasarilor, precum
si multe plante produc fructe cu seminte, care poate trece prin
tractul digestiv al pasarilor. La fel arborii Pandanus sunt destul de omniprezenti īn Oceania. Botanists
generally agree that much of the flora of Oceania is derived from the Malesian Flora of the Malay
Peninsula Indonesia , the Philippines , and New Guinea , with some plants from Australasia and a few from the Americas , particularly in Hawaii. Easter Island has some plants from South America such as the totora reed Botanistii, īn general,
considera ca o mare parte a florei din Oceania
este derivat din Flora Malesian
a Peninsulei Malay, Indonezia, Filipine, si-Noua Guinee, cu unele plante din
Australia si cāteva din cele doua Americi, īn special īn Hawaii. Insula Pastelui
are unele plante din America de Sud,
cum ar fi totora Reed.
Subregiunile oceaniei
States of Micronesia Statele Federale ale Microneziei
Cook Islands Johnston Atoll Kiribati Palmyra Atoll Insulele Cook, Johnston Atoll, Kiribati, Palmyra Atoll
Cook Islands Insulele Cook
Marshall Islands Nauru Kiribati Wake Island Insulele Marshall, Nauru, Kiribati, Insula Wake
Fiji Fiji
Hawaii Hawai
New Zealand Noua Zeelanda
Polynesia Polinezia franceza
Bonin Islands Japan Bonin Insulele (Japonia)
Palau Palau
Easter Island Chile Insula Pastelui (Chile)
Samoa Western Samoa Samoa Americana, Samoa de Vest
Tonga Tonga