About us:
In 1996 one of the best known climbers in Czech and Slovak republic Andrej Chrastina started with experimentation of creating a new climbing holds. He was inspired by his own experiences in extreme rock climbing and world cup competitions in climbing and bouldering. Thanks to experiences like this he was able to create plenties of unique and purposeful holdś shapes which became very popular among a lot of climbers. Except the holds, Andrej has designed and built many of climbing walls. At the beginning the company was called a9 and Andrej has made his holds from epoxid. A9 was because of his signature (a - Andrej, 9 - ninth position in Czech alphabet is Ch).
At a
later time, thanks to careful development, many of testing procedures and
following the world trends, Andrejś Company was
the first in
better for making new original shapes than from polyester.
In 2003 the trademark has been changed to AIX. (The meaning is same but number 9 has been changed into Roman numeral)
quality of holds established the Aix Company like a general supplier of holds
for world cups in climbing in
At the present time the main purposes of company is improving a quality of holds and make progresses in holds shapes acceptable for profi climbers, but also for others and make the best quality of climbing walls.
V současné dob je hlavn c l firmy zvysovat kvalitu produktů a vyvíjet nové tvary chytů tak, aby maximáln vyhovovaly potřebám nejen úzké skupin spičkových lezců, ale i zbytku lezecké věřejnosti. Tomu je nápomocen neustále se rozsiřující AIX tým, slozený ze zkusených lezců a lezky . Stejn tak je i c lem zvysování kvality a atraktivity stav n ch lezeck ch st n.