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How do you like your coffee

Ceha slovaca


Mesto Dolný Kubín
ZAZAKARPATSKÁ UKRAJINA 23.srpna az 1.září 2006
Kapustové zemiakové placky
Učitel lektvaru
Zmluva o predaji motorového vozidla
Poprask na ministerstvu
Přehled sluzeb .NET Management
Druhá válka začíná
Elektrostatické a magnetické pole

Programme: 1 - How do you like your coffee

How do you like your coffee?

Have you got any decaf?

Yes I have. Milk?

Just a splash.and uh, two sugars please.


two sugars

just a splash

have you got any decaf?

dvě lzičky/kostky cukru

jenom trosku

nemáte náhodou kávu bez kofeinu

Programme: 2 - Are you into jazz?

Do you fancy going to hear some music sometime?

Yes, that would be really nice.

Are you into jazz?

I don't know really, but I'll give it a try.


do you fancy

to be into

más chuť

mít rád

Programme: 3 - Have you texted him?

Are we meeting up with Ben?

Yes, I'd like to, but I can't get hold of him.

Have you texted him?

Yes, a couple of times, but he must have his mobile switched off.


he can't get hold of him

to text someone

to switch off

a couple of times

nemůze ho sehnat

poslat SMS


několikrát, párkrát

Programme: 4 - This computer's really playing up!

This computer's really playing up today.

What's the problem?

Well, I keep losing stuff that I've saved.

Have a word with Marc. He's a real computer whizz. He'll sort it out.


a computer whizz

sort something out

he keeps loosing

počítačový genius


ztrácí se mu (pořád, opakovaně)

Programme: 5 - What's your brother up to?

What's your brother up to these days?

Oh, he's still working at the same place, but he was recently promoted,

so he's doing really well.

I haven't seen him for ages. We should arrange to go out some time


what is he up to?

for ages

co dělá, jak se má?

věky, drahnou dobu

Programme: 6 - What did you say your husband does?

What did you say your husband does again?

He's a lecturer at the university.

Oh, that's right. How long has he been doing that?

Nearly three years now. Before that he was at the technical school.


what does your husband do again?

co ze to manzel dělá?

(uz jsem to slysel, měl bych to vědět, zopakuj mi to)

Programme: 7 - I'm broke. Count me out.

We're all going to the cinema on Wednesday. Want to come?

No, I'm broke. Count me out.

What have you been spending all your money on?

I dunno. It just goes, 353e41d doesn't it?

Yeah, I know what you mean.


I'm broke

count me out

count me .in!

nemám peníze

nepočítej se mnou

počítej/te se mnou

Programme: 8 - This phone's driving me up the wall.

This phone's driving me up the wall.

What's the problem?

I keep forgetting how to change the ring tone on it.

Let's have a look. I might be able to do it.


to drive someone up the wall

I keep forgetting

vytočit někoho

pořád zapomínám

Programme: 9 - I'm looking for a doubles partner

How good are you at table tennis? I'm looking for a doubles partner.

I'm sorry, you are talking to the wrong person. Why don't you ask Jo to be your partner? She'd love to play.


how good are you at ..?

you're talking to the wrong person

why don't you ask Jo?

jak ses na tom s ..?

na mě se neobracej

proč se nezeptás Jo?

Programme: 10 - I'm buying. What would you like?

I'm buying. What would you like?

Skinny latte please. What are you having?

Oh, I've got to have a cappuccino in the morning. It's what gets me out of bed!


I'm buying

skinny latte

what are you having?

zvu tě, platím já

káva latte s nízkotučným mlékem

co si dás?

Programme: 11 - Can you give me a few pointers?

Matt, I'm having trouble with this software package. Can you give me
few pointers?

Yeah, sure. It's quite easy. You just need to get used to the shortcut keys.


shortcut keys

to get used to

can you give me a few pointers?

klávesové zkratky

zvyknout si na

můzes mi poradit? (dát mi pár tipů)

Programme: 12 - It's got rave reviews. (restaurants)

Did you see that review in the paper for the new Italian restaurant?

No. You mean the one next to the office?

Yeah, that's the one. It's got rave reviews. I think we should go there sometime.



in the paper


recenze, kritika

v novinách

nadsený, fantastický

Programme: 13 - A scrappy game.

It was a scrappy game last night, don't you think?

Yeah, I thought the defence was all over the place!

We need to sort ourselves out before the next match, otherwise we're in trouble.


a scrappy game

all over the place

the defence was all over the place.

neorganizovaná hra, rozháraná

bez tvaru

obrana bezhlavě pobíhala po celém hřisti

Programme: 14 - This week is really hectic

Hi John. Got your email, but I haven't had a chance to look in my diary yet.

That's OK. I fact, let's push it back to next week because this week is really hectic.

Yeah, sure. Don't worry I understand. 


don't worry

to push back

this week has been hectic

to nic, nic se neděje


tento týden jsem byl v jednom kole, byl hektický

Programme: 15 - Is now a good time to talk?

Good morning Mr James. My name is Susan Parson and I'm calling from a market research company. Is now a good time to talk?

I can only spare a few minutes, but please go ahead.


is now a good time to talk?

I can only spare a few minutes

go ahead

(ujistění, ze voláte ve vhodnou chvíli)

mám jenom chvilinku, nemá moc času, jen pár minut,

můzete mluvit, spusťte

Programme: 16 - Do you want a lift to the match on Saturday?

Do you want a lift to the match on Saturday?

Yeah. I didn't realise you were going.

Course I am.

Can you pick me up at 12 then?



a lift

do you want a lift?

course - of course


chces, abych tě vzal autem?

samozřejmě, ovsem

Programme: 17 - Did you catch the match last night?

Did you catch the NBA match last night?

Yeah. The Mavericks were on brilliant form, weren't they?

I know. I thought the last ten minutes of the game were just fantastic.


last night

to catch

did you catch the match last night? 

včera večer

chytit, zachytit

viděl jsi včerejsí zápas? (podařilo se ti dívat se..)

Programme: 18 - Do you know how to get into this computer?

Do you know how to get into this computer?

Yes - I'll show you - it's control, alt, delete and then you need to enter your password.



do you know how to..


nevís náhodou, jak.?

Programme: 19 - I've double-booked myself.

Jane, I'm so sorry, but I can't come this Friday.

Oh, pity. I wanted you to meet my brother.

Yeah, I'm afraid I've double-booked myself. I'd already arranged to meet a friend for dinner. 

Oh well, another time.


I'm sorry

I'm afraid

to double-book

je mi líto, bohuzel


domluvit dvě věci najednou

Programme: 20 - Have you checked out his fan site?

I'm such a fan of Yao Ming. It'd be great to see him play, wouldn't it?

Have you checked out his fan site? There's loads of news about him on there and it tells you when he's playing next.


a fan


check out

loads of news


webové stránky pro fanousky

prohlédnout si, podívat se

spousta novinek, informací

Programme: 21 - Can you chase that up for me? (business English)

As we said in the meeting yesterday, we need to find a new ad agency for our marketing campaign. Can you chase that up for me Susan?

Sure, I'll call around a few agencies this morning.


ad - advertising agency

marketing campaign

to chase something up

to call around

reklamní agentura

marketingová kampaň

vyřídit, jít za tím


Programme: 22 - I've booked a court today.

I've booked a court today. Do you fancy a game of tennis?

That's a good idea. I really need to work on my serve.

Excellent. Let's meet at the court at 3. 


to book

do you fancy?

to work on

let's meet


nemás chuť?


sejdeme se

Programme: 23- I didn't make training.

Henry, I'm sorry I didn't make training last night. I got stuck at work.

No problem. We've got an extra session this week, on Friday. Can you come?

Of course. I'll be there. 


I didn't make it

to get stuck at work

nestihl jsem to

zdrzet, zaseknout se v práci

Programme: 24 - Are you OK to talk? (phone)

Hello, Marketing.

Oh. Hi John, it's Vicky. Are you OK to talk?

Yes, of course. I thought you might call. Do you want to know about tomorrow's launch?

Yeah. I just wondered how it's all going.


are you ok to talk?

I just wondered

how is it going?

můzes mluvit?

zajímalo by mě

jak to jde?

Programme 25 - We need 5 years' experience, minimum. (job recruitment)

I'm going to start advertising for that new marketing position soon. Do you have any thoughts?

Yes, I've been thinking about it quite a lot. It's a managerial role, so I think we need 5 years' experience, minimum.


to advertise


do you have any thoughts?




napadá tě něco?


Programme: 26 - I got picked for the first team.

How was your weekend Dave?

Fantastic! I got picked for the first team.

That's great news. Will you be playing for them from now on?

For the next couple of games, yes. 


how was your weekend?

to get picked

that's great news!

from now on

jak ses měl o víkendu?

být vybrán

no to je úzasné!

od teď

Programme: 27 - Have you done something to your hair?

You look nice. Have you done something to your hair?

Well, I had it cut last week.

It really suits you like that.

Thanks. You don't think it's too short?

No, (it) looks great.


to look . (nice)

have you done something to your hair?

I had it cut

it suits you

vypadat .(dobře)

dělala sis něco s vlasama?

nechala jsem se (si je) ostříhat

slusí ti to

Programme: 28 - Have you seen John?

Have you seen John? I've been looking for him for the last hour.

That makes two of us. He was supposed to pick me up to take me shopping.

Well, if you see him, can you tell him I managed to get tickets for the concert?

Will do.


have you seen

that makes two of us

to pick someone up

to manage

will do - I'll do that, I will

neviděl jsi?

tak to jsme dva (já taky)

stavit se pro někoho

podařit se


Programme: 29 - How can I get hold of you later on?

How can I get hold of you later on? In a couple of hours or so.

I'll be on my mobile - have you got the number?

Yeah - it's in my phone. I'll try you around 10.


to get hold of

later on

zastihnout, chytit

později, pak

Programme: 30 - We're having a kick-around at lunchtime.

We're having a kick-around at lunch time. Do you fancy coming along, get a bit of exercise?

I can't today. I've got a meeting.

OK. See you later.

Another time, yeah?


a kick-around

to come along

to get a bit of exercise

another time

zahrát si fotbal (zakopat si)

zahrát s námi, zajít s námi

protáhnout se


Programme: 31 - Have you read his latest?

I love this author. Have you read his latest?

Yeah, I started it, but didn't get very far.

Oh, really?

Yeah, I just didn't get on with it very well


his latest (a book)

I didn't get very far

get on with it

jeho nejnovějsí kniha

nedostal jsem se daleko

moc mě to nechytilo

Programme: 32 - Have you been to aerobics lately?

Have you been to aerobics lately?

No, not for ages. I'm feeling a bit guilty about it actually.

Let's go tonight.

Good idea.


have you been to ..?

to feel guilty about something

byl jsi na.?

cítit se provinile, mít z něčeho výčitky svědomí

Programme: 33 - I've got a meeting first thing.

Jane, are you joining us tomorrow at the trade fair? I hope you can still come.

Of course. I'll be a little late because I've got a meeting first thing, but I should be at the stand by 10:30.


are you joining us

trade fair

first thing

at the stand

přijdes za námi


nejdřív (první, co ráno dělám)

ve stánku

Programme: 34 - That was a great game!

That was a great game. Thanks.

Yeah, well played. I couldn't get any rallies going today.

Do you want to play table tennis again next week?

Sure. I'll book a table for us. 


well played

I couldn't get any rallies going

hrál jsi dobře

nedařily se mi výměny míčků, nedařilo se mi udrzet míček ve hře

Programme: 35 - I've managed to get tickets for the music festival.

Hey Todd, I've managed to get tickets for the music festival next week.

Cool. How many did you get?

I decided to get four. Liz and Jess said they wanted to go.

Excellent. I'll give them a call.



to manage

give someone a call


podařit se

zavolat někomu

Programme: 36 - What colours do your team play in?

What colours do your team play in?

Black and white. The colours are all right, but I'm not so sure about the new design.

What's wrong with it?

I think the sponsorship logo is too much on this new kit.


what's wrong with it?

sponsorship logo

new kit

co se ti na tom nelíbí?

emblém (nápis), logo sponzora

nový dres

Programme: 37 - The figures are completely up to date.

Helen, I've been going through the figures for last month's promotion.

Oh, right

Did we include the TV advertising costs?

Yes, I've made sure the figures are completely up-to-date.


to go through

I've made sure

to make sure


projít, procházet

dal jsem si pozor

zabezpečit, zajistit


Programme: 38 - Where did you go in the end?

Hi Jay. Did you go to the cinema in the end?

Yeah, we went to see that new comedy with Julia Roberts.

Oh, I know the one. Any good?

Yeah, I really enjoyed it. 


in the end

I know the one

any good?


tu znám (vím, kterou)

stála za to, byla dobrá?

Programme: 39 - This is getting a bit urgent. (business English)

I've just had an email from David about the American figures - this is getting a bit urgent now, you know.

Yes, OK - I'll get on to it today.

Let me know if there is a problem, won't you?


I've just had an email

I'll get on to it today

let me know

právě jsem dostal e-mail

budu na tom dnes pracovat, podívám se na to,

dej mi vědět

Programme: 40 - Something's come up at work.

Michael, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make the party on Saturday.

oh, why not?

Something has come up at work so I'll be away on business from tomorrow.

Oh well, no worries. Thanks for letting me know.


I'm not going to be able to make it

something has come up

I'll be away on business

no worries

nebudu moct přijít

něco mi do toho přislo

budu na sluzební cestě, budu sluzebně mimo

v pohodě, to nevadí, to nic

Programme: 41 - Do you mind if I change the track?

Do you mind if I change the CD track?

Yeah, no problem. Which one are you putting on?

You'll love this one. It's my favourite. It's got such a good beat.


do you mind


to put on

you'll love this

a good beat

nevadilo by ti



to se ti bude líbit

pěkně rytmická

Programme: 42 - Can you send me the link?

Did you look at that website we were talking about.

No I haven't yet. Can you send me the link again? I think I've deleted it.

OK. I've got a couple of others I'll send you.


can you send me the link?

to delete

můzes mi tu webovou adresu poslat?


Programme: 43 - How's David getting on in London?

How's David getting on in London?

I got an email yesterday. He's having a great time.

When's he back? 

In a couple of weeks, I think. 


how's David getting on?

he's having a great time

jak se Davidovi vede, daří?

strasně se mu tam líbí

Programme: 44 - Is the opera house this way?

Excuse me, is the opera house this way?

No, it's not. But it's not far.

Just go back the way you came, and turn left at the lights and you'll see it.

Right. Thanks. 


this way

go back the way you came

the lights


jděte zpátky, kudy jste přisli


Programme: 45 - Are you going for that job?

So are you going for that job you were talking about? 

Yes, I did the application form over the weekend and sent it off today.

When will you hear if you've got an interview?

In a couple of weeks I think. 


are you going for that job

application form

to get an interview

budes se o to místo ucházet,

rozhodl ses pro to místo?


být pozván na přijímací pohovor

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