Interview Tips
Bill Pitcher, předseda správní rady organizace Cedar International, povede přijímací pohovor, kterého se Merry zúčastní. Jaké schopnosti a vlastnosti ho zajímají?
Well obviously we're looking
for good interpersonal skills.
Merry bude muset předvést, ze jí mimo jiné nechybí tvořivý duch a dobrý charakter.
Bill Pitcher dále upozorňuje, ze jedna obligátní otázka obvykle kandidáty při interview zaskočí:
There's one question - as an opening question - it's intended to get behind the CV . It's a simple question - tell me a bit about yourself. Most candidates go into a panic at this stage, what on earth does he want!
Jak se při odpovědi na tuto otázku nejlépe vyvarovat častému omylu?
What I'm looking for is a little overview. I'm really interested in the broader aspects - just a little bit. Prepare a two minute overview of yourselves. Don't go through your CV. Two minutes - a bit about you. The fact that you helped out at the family store. You're filling in the gaps - you telling your story. I had one chap who talked for 42 minutes. I had to stop him in the end. He was amazed - so was I. We're looking for a two minute helicopter view...
Dalsí otázkou na tělo je: Why did you leave your last job? Pokud jste odesli kvůli nesnesitelnému séfovi a jste v pokusení začít svého bývalého zaměstnavatele kritizovat, Bill Pitcher radí: nedělejte to!
This is a tricky area - the wisdom is never criticise a former employer. That's difficult - you will be asked about your formal employer. It involves some explanation. If you find yourself in this situation - let the interviewer know that you know it's not good practice - I'm aware of the conventional wisdom that you shouldn't criticise your former employer. If I'm to answer your question honestly I have to say I didn't get on too well with this particular boss. What you're telling them is that I know there is a rule.
Cvičení 18
Odpovězte anglicky:
1. Co byste si měli před přijímacím pohovorem opatřit?
2. Co byste si měli znovu pročíst?
3. K čemu vám to bude dobré?
Na které dvě nelehké otázky byste měli být připraveni?
1. Get hold of a job description.
2. The job advertisement.
3. They both list the competencies an employer is looking for.
4. Tell me about yourself. Why did you leave your last job?