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Pre-Interview notes for Candidate (name):



Pre-Interview notes for Candidate (name): 

1. Relevant experience summary:

Discipline: Investment Banking/Brokerage ; Job title: CEO/General Manager-Trading/Sales/Corporate-Finance   ; Months: 12 months (2005-2006)

Discipline: Investment Banking/Brokerage  ; Job title: Head of Trading/Sales/Corporate Finance ; Yrs : 9

Discipline: Listing - Bucharest Stock Exchange ; Job title: Head of Listing Department Months: 10

Discipline: Stock Exchange Project Development - National Bank of Romania

Job title: Analyst  ; Yrs: 3

2. Main achievements/ significant professional accomplishments:

Please detail the significant professional accomplishments that you can take all or most of the credit for in the last 3 (three) to five (5) years. When discussing significant accomplishments, please indicate your strategy (of what you accomplished) and tactics (how you accomplished it) using STAR presentation technique.

S (situations: when/which Co): 2004-2005 - negotiating, monitoring and structuring the shareholding structure of Central European Investments S.A.; building-up the incor 10510q1620k poration file of the company and adapting the By-laws according to the capital markets laws, rules and regulations; building-up the National Securities Commission authorization files, under changing Laws (two different Laws and specific regulations) by fulfilling very difficult requirements regarding the fiscal, criminal and the willingness status of the foreign citizenship shareholders (USA & Israel-Palestinian).

T (tasks: main responsibilities): approach and convince a potential majority shareholder on the opportunity to invest on the capital markets intermediation; completing the shareholding structure with other 4 persons convinced to come along.

A (actions: how, tactics): identifying the potential majority shareholder through another securities company's representative, and providing him the necessary advice in such way to ensure a personal continuous relationship; involving the potential majority shareholder in investing on the capital markets, bringing his investment on profit and when appropriate, giving him the necessary background to fully understand the operational, financial and juridical environment; presenting to all the potential shareholders a business plan and ironing out advantages versus disadvantages of investing in securities intermediation.

R (results: concrete achievements, quantified, if possible): obtaining the will to invest into, incorporate and develop a medium-size Investment Bank (Euro 125,000 securities company), from 4 persons; obtaining a bonus CEO's share of 10% into the future company. Succeeding the authorization from the Romanian National Securities Commission, in spite of different legal changes during a period of 2 years.

S: 2006 - 2007 - organizing, staffing and starting-up the client based relationship for Central European Investments S.A.; till the obtaining the Operational authorization, involving the company in a profitable real-estate transaction.

T: building-up the strategy, up-dating it according to the legal changes, organizing the staffing and the client base, bringing the company to the financial breakeven point; structuring and sourcing with necessary funds the real estate transaction; structuring the financing from its first stage till the final compensation, with the help of the other members of the Board of Directors and other banking specialists.

A: analyzing the Romanian competition and the other Eastern countries development in capital markets; adapting the western principles of brokerage and extend the range of the people involved into brokerage by taking into account the "leaders of opinion" as potential creators of client-based pyramids; finding ways of compensation of different kind of specialists and according to the fiscal and human-resources requirements; building-up a strategy of sourcing the real-estate transaction, identifying potential sources (banking, private, etc.) of financing, deciding upon the situation of the company and convincing the other shareholders regarding the alternatives, marketing the ownership of the land and finalizing the sale transactions.

R: hiring a number of 7 specialists in order to run all the operations into the company; marketing and opening accounts for a core based of 15 clients; marketing and bringing alongside the company a "leader of opinion" with other 30 clients and starting discussions with another 2 "leaders of opinion"; increasing the monthly turnover of the company from RON 1,000,000 to almost RON 9,000,000 the third month of operations; extracting a profit of about Euro 1,300,000 from the real-estate transaction.

S: 1996 - 2005 - developing the brokerage arm of Capital Group - Capital Securities S.A., actually EFG Eurobank Securities.

T: organizing, marketing, staffing the company from the whole operational viewpoint: sales, trading, back-office, compliance and corporate finance - mergers&acquisitions through IPOs and Tender Offers.

A: assisting the General Manager of the company structuring the operations and finding necessary specialists to run them; working the opening account documentation; marketing the services provided to different kind of clients, especially foreign institutions and natural persons; identifying potential m&a subjects, drafting the prospectuses and filing documentation to the National Securities Commission; helping the General Manager to bring the company above the breakeven point; assisting the General Manager to schedule, make the agenda, organize and participate to the General Shareholders Meetings; doing trading for the big account clients, especially foreign funds and investment banks; educating the foreign funds and investment banks regarding the Romanian specific investment environment and helping them to organize the financing-settlement-trading in Romania through global custodians, local custodians and local settlement agents, Capital Securities; negotiating block transactions; drafting agreements and negotiating the clients' actions on the capital markets, during time; structuring, drafting the documentation, assisting the General Manager to negotiate and finalize the first IPO of Romanian stock based GDRs together with Bankers Trust and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, on the London market, identifying, consolidating and freezing blocks of stock (Romcim) from and with other Romanian institutional stockholders; keeping a close contact to the other professionals into the market and to the specific community; generally speaking using all the relationship and expertise backgrounds accumulated during the starting-up of the Romanian capital markets in order to assist the CEO of the company to keep it above the profitability line and to increase its share in the total turnover of the Romanian capital markets.

R: Opening accounts to London and New-York based institutional clients like Daiwa Securities, Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, UBS, EBRD, different kind of private Investment Funds, country funds, servicing them by trading on their behalf directly on the trading platforms of the Bucharest Stock Exchange and RASDAQ (former OTC market, second licensed exchange, actually part of the Bucharest Stock Exchange); opening accounts to Romanian institutional clients, projecting m&a takeovers, IPOs, share capital increases, listings on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and handling them directly: Biofarm-Bucharest, Electroaparataj-Bucharest, Imsat-Bucharest, Sitas-Braila, Tabco Campofrio-Tulcea, Sterom-Campina, Romcim GDRs-London market (USD 22,000,000), International-Sinaia, Meva-Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Astra Vagoane-Arad, Arctic-Gaesti, Marmosim-Simeria, Policolor-Bucharest, Rolast-Pitesti, Unirea-Iasi, Braiconf-Braila, Bere Grivita-Bucharest; succeeding to identify, transfer ownership, chase price and liquidate a stock position in a Canadian stock (Telesystems International Wireless), for a vehicle of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, by conducting the all ownership/transfer/registry/trading complex operations, during a period of 6 months and teaming-up with specialists from three different countries; managing for about 4 years portfolio accounts of 15 private Romanian individuals, totaling around Euro 2,000,000.

3. Motivation and reasons to leave (for each work place):

Capital Securities S.A.- EFG Eurobank Securities S.A.: the personal involvement in the shareholding/incorporation/licensing of another investment bank and the fact that the new shareholders of Capital S.A. (EFG Eurobank Securities S.A.) didn't give a clear answer regarding their capacity to sustain a development plan proposed by me, brought me in a compulsory situation to choose the participation into the other company's shareholding and development or to accept uncertainty regarding my professional expectations and personal needs.

Central European Securities S.A.: after succeeding to obtain the brokerage license and have a personal success in finalizing the real-estate transaction which consolidated the company's financials with around Euro 1,300,000, the main shareholder started to make pressures to get dividends before their legal payment period, but also started to behave in an unreasonable manner regarding me as CEO and minority shareholder and regarding the Vice-president; he succeeded to convince the other minority shareholders to push their relationship with me and the Vice-president in a very dangerous conflict zone and finally made me consider that my mandate into the company has finished; I resigned and sold my participation but I still remained in a good relationship with all the shareholders in such way to permit me to monitor the management of the portfolios of my former loyal clients.

4. Professional Strengths and Development Needs (self-evaluation): Professional Strengths (what are you good at, in what situations do you perform well, what tasks or duties are your favorite, to what kind of organisation, leadership style or management do you respond well)

- building-up market strategies and applying tactics directly or assisting the higher-level decision maker(s);

- identifying clients (especially sophisticated ones - private or institutional), approaching them and identifying their needs related to investments or related to the way they are already serviced by competition, their complains, educating them related to the specific of the Romanian financial markets and fiscal environment;

- applying "know-your-client" rule and maintaining a continuous contact to clients or potential clients, to people involved into the market operations;

- identifying investment targets and propose them to specific clients according to an expertise driven "know-your-client" analysis;

- drafting or adapting specific investment banking documents (agreements, letters of understanding, letters of intent, etc.) in both Romanian and English;

- developing working teams and assigning them specific targets;

- negotiating agreements or specific compensations;

- performing dealing and trading on behalf of sophisticated clients by using the electronic specific trading platforms in Romania; power to self-adapt to other trading platforms relying on the long and exceptional personal educational period;

- very good communication skills with the up-level decision makers but also with the working team;

- performing well in client-based developed relationship organizations, with high level of expertise colleagues and high-management;

- very insistent in performing tasks and getting alongside the necessary working power;

- interpreting, explaining and adapting organizational to the changing legal environment;

- assuming responsibility regarding self-actions or team actions;

- adapting and responding very well to any kind of leadership management.

Development Needs (what are your professional development needs, weaknesses and dislikes):

- to be understood as a person needing to continuously demonstrate the personal working power and its efficiency;

- needing to be strongly supported, morally, financially and logistically by the higher-level management in order to continuously maximize the number of the clients, the quality of the intermediary services rendered and eventually the portfolio management quality;

- needing to have recognized the quality of the work eventually through also a "participation based compensation";

- needing trust and creditworthiness from the higher management;

- insisting to convince people on professional or personal beliefs has sometimes been considered more than necessary;

- over-trusting people has come sometimes like a personal disadvantage; that is why assisting higher-level management proved to weight decisions and become a big plus in initiating and developing projects.

5. Employment and Personal References

Please list five (5) employment references and two (2) personal references. Three (3) of the five employment references should be people for whom you have worked. One (1) employment reference should be peer / ex-boss. The last employment reference should be someone who you supervised, managed, or led. Please indicate office and home telephone numbers and the nature of your relationship with each reference.

Costin Donoaica - Head of Capital Markets Development Team under the National Bank of Romania

Stere Farmache - General Manager of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

Gabriela Ontica - General Manager of Capital Securities S.A./EFG Eurobank Securities S.A.

Ion Florescu - President of Capital Group

Niculae Constantin - Trader/Registered representative of Capital Securities S.A./EFG Eurobank Securities S.A.

Siminel Andrei - Manager of New Century Holdings (the manager of the biggest American private investments group of Funds)

What if you took this Position?

Even though you may have little or no detailed knowledge, at this point, about the business strategy and tactics at the client organisation, or the particular goals and objectives for the position that you are being evaluated for, make some recommendations and give some creative ideas. How would you improve the company's performance or the performance of the function for which you would be responsible? What should the company consider? What alternatives are available? What might work given the little that you know? You need not be "right", but be creative and broad in your thinking.

7. Availability to start a new job: _____________ (months / weeks)

8. Package

Current salary (+benefits): 

Base salary (net): ______________Bonus / scheme:_____ _______ ______ _______

Company Car: _________Others (please specify): _____ _______ ______ ___________

Minimum package expectations to accept to move are

Base salary (net): ______________Bonus / scheme:_____ _______ ______ _______

Company Car: _________Others (please specify): _____ _______ ______ ___________

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