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Anatomy, blood supply and lymph drainage of breast



What is Anatomy?
112 Cellular Phreaking
Classification of partially edentulous arches
Wild fauna animals
Body or horizontal part of the mandible.
Palatine process of the maxilla
Baby maybe

Anatomy, blood supply and lymph drainage of breast

roughly circular base extending:

transversely from lat. border of sternum to midaxillary line.

vertically from 2nd - 6th ribs

the breasts lie 2/3 on the deep pectoral fascia & 1/3 on fascia covering serratus ant.

retromammary space: potential space containing loose c.t. & fat, located between the pectoral fascia & breast

the mammary gll.:

suspenssory lig.: attaching mammary gll. to dermis.

divided into 15-20 lobules. each drained by lactiferous duct, that usually open independently on the nipple.

lactiferous sinus: formed by the dilatation of the ducts deep the areola. store milk during lactation.

tubuloalveolar gll. alveoli arranged in grape-like clusters.

modified sweat gll.

- The axillary tail (of Spence): a small part of the mammary gl. may extend along the inferolat. edge of pectoralis major towards thw axilla. may enlarge during menstrual cycle.

Areola: circula pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. contain sabeceous gll. that elarge during pregnancy & secrete oily substance that protect areola & nipple.

nipple: a conical prominence at the center of the areola. usually located at the level of 4th intercostals space. it is composed of circular smooth m. ff. that compress the lactiferous ducts during lactation & erect the nipples in response to stimulus.

Blood supply:

Medial mammary branches of perforating branches and ant. Intercostals branches of the internal thoracic a.( coming from subclavian artery)

Lat. Thoracic a. and thoracoacromial aa., branches of axillary a.

Post. Intercostals aa., branches of thoracic aorta in 2nd -4th intercostal spaces

Venous drainage:

Mainly to axillary v.

Some to internal thoracic v.

Lymph drainage:

Axillary lymph nodes( apical, humeral, central, pectoral, subscapular lymph nodes) > clavicular (infra/supra clavicular) lymph nodes > subclavian lymphatic trunk(also drain upper limbs)

Parasternal lymph nodes > bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk( also drain thoracic viscera)

Both drained to >>> right/ thoracic duct >>> venous angle


Nerves of breast derived from intercostals n. (2-6)


  • mammography: radiographic examination of the breasts. used in order to detect cancer & as a guide in removal of brain tumors, cysts & abscesses.
  • lactogram: insertion of opaque material for examination with x-rays.

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