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Didiplis diandra


Didiplis diandra



Part of the world

Northeast America


5-15 cm


2-4 cm

Light requirements

high-very high

Temperature 24124d38y


Hardness tolerance


pH tolerance



difficult-very difficult

Didiplis diandra is a delicate and difficult but also very beautiful aquarium plant with opposite leaves in rows of two. In its' natural habitat of Northeast America it occupies the banks of rivers and lakes where it develops both submerged, floating and emergent shoots. It does not resemble any other aquarium plant, and thus it creates a very conspicuous contrast when planted in groups of 3-5 shoots in the foreground or in the middle of the aquarium. On the other hand, they should not be planted too close to each other since the lower leaves are then lost due to light deficiency. As a rule of thumb, D. diandra is offered enough light only when the leaf apex is coloured red. D. diandra prefers a fine-grained substrate and CO enrichment of the soft and acid water is absolutely necessary to assure optimum growth. D. diandra may be reproduced by cuttings.

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