Echinodorus 'Oriental' arose from a
spontaneous mutation in tissue cultures of Echinodorus X 'Rosé' at the
aquarium plants nursery ORIENTAL in Singapore. Echinodorus
'Oriental' segregates from other Echinodorus species by the
youngest leaf which is light-red and almost transparent. The colour changes
via deep-red with green nerves over dark-green older leaves, beautifully
undulating. Grown emergent it reveals its relationship with Echinodorus X
'Rosé' by the characteristic black spots. The plant is slow growing and
requires high light intensities and rich substrate. Echinodorus 'Oriental'
is a peculiar novelty and it offers the opportunity to create new colours and
contrasts in the aquarium. The plant is a protected variety which means it
can't be grown comercially without a prior accept from Tropica Aquarium
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