Ancyt01: Anal canal. Cytology. Normal. Sheet of normal squamous epithelial cells from the anal canal. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt02: Anal canal. Cytology. Normal. Sheet of normal glandular cells from the colorectal zone of the anal canal. Note similarity to endocervical cells. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt03: Anal canal. Cytology Low grade AIN. Note central group of normal glandular cells, surrounded by normal squamous epithelial cells, and two mildly dykaryotic squamous cells. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smith, Sheffield.
Ancyt04: Anal canal. Cytology. Low grade AIN. Note field obscured by faecal and other debris. A cluster of mild dyskaryotic cells are seen. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt05: Anal canal. Cytology. Low grade AIN with some wart virus features. Note single dyskaryotic cell and dyskeratotic cell. The anucleate squames may also be associated with wart virus infection. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield. (LINK to AINCYT10m)
Ancyt06: Anal canal. Cytology. High grade AIN. Several mildly dykaryotic cells are seen, and a solitary severely dyskaryotic cell. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt07: Anal canal. Cytology. High grade AIN. A group of moderately dykaryotic cells are seen. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt08: Anal canal. Cytology. High grade AIN. Note the mildly and moderately dyskaryotic cells. The anucleate squamous cell may be associated with wart virus infection. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt09: Anal canal. Cytology. High grade AIN. Note the mildly dyskaryotic cells and a single moderately dyskaryotic cell. Cytobrush preparation. Courtesy Dr JHF Smit 24524c217y h, Sheffield.
Ancyt10: Anal canal. Cytology. OMIT
Ancyt10m: Anal canal. Cytology. Same smear. High magnification. Courtesy Dr JHF Smith, Sheffield. (LINK back to AINCYT05)