Vesicularia dubyana - the Java Moss -
inhabits the amphibious zone of forest streams in South
East Asia. It grow well below as well
as above the water as long as the air is humid. V. dubyana attaches to
rocks and roots also in natural habitats and it is especially suitable for the
Aquarium concept where it relatively easy builds beautiful turfs on
roots. The Java Moss is sometimes a slow starter but when it has established
it does not require any special attention. It accepts all kind of waters -
even weakly brackish - and all kind of light qualities at a wide range of
temperature. V. dubyana can, however, be tricky when problems with
filamentious algae occur because they infiltrate the moss and are almost
impossible to remove mechanically. Also, detritus may build up in the moss
turf which looks quite unpleasant but a pipette with a moderate flow will
soon clean up the mess.