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233. fa

In this meditation I am being shown various forms of energy by a guide called Iffy, who is channeling through Miriam.

Geoff: Right, I have a character in Thailand, I think. There's quite a modern building, 2 storeys and it looks like 10 flats 18318n1319s on the ground floor and 10 flats on the floor above. It's set in a nice wooden surrounding, it's sunny. It's like some form of modern day temple or college. The 20 rooms are occupied by people learning a religion.

Iffy (Miriam): Yes.

Geoff: Now, I was attracted there by the character on the 2nd floor. At the end of the 2nd floor is a big balcony, maybe 20ft sq. And it's got nice views around it. And sitting with his back to one side of the balcony, where there's a fence, is this enormous person. I mean this is fat beyond belief. It is impossible for him to move. He is moved by the students who come there to learn. He just has rolls of fat which are enormous. I mean, he is sitting, it seems to be cross-legged and his stomach is hanging past his knees and on either side touches the floor. I mean we're probably talking about, I don't know, 50 stone or something. Absolutely immense. But he's very happy and he eats, he eats non-stop. Now he is some form of teacher or leader - spiritual leader. Now the young men who are occupying these rooms are trainee monks, who live very spartan lives. They have one cot in a room, they have their begging bowls and they go out each day. They have no possessions at all, except their saffron robes. And every day each of them comes to this man, either separately or in groups, to learn. He constantly eats while they are there, which are luxuries that they could never afford or obtain and this is all for a purpose, to discipline themselves as to feelings and emotions.

Iffy (Miriam): Yes, it is something that he has undertaken to become so gross to achieve that.

Geoff: Very strange. Such a happy guy. He does have a lot of wisdom and what he does teach will benefit his students and benefit mankind as they go out and spread this word.

Iffy (Miriam): He must be very uncomfortable.

Geoff: Mmmm. Now for some reason I'm running my hands over his chest. His chest area is very weak, the upper part of his body is very weak because of this immense burden that he's carrying. The top of his spine, his neck and so on. He's showing me quite a few things, but he can control the majority through... his dedication, his meditation, he is learning, sort of 10 hours a day, so he is able to achieve the continued well-being, for want of a better word, of his body and his ailment. And he can control the pain. When necessary should any part of his body collapse or need repair, he can fix it personally.

Iffy (Miriam): Yes he can.

Geoff: Now what he's saying is because he's been doing, sort of 8 or 10 hours a day, every day, for many, many, many, many years, this is what he can do. And he can do far more things than I can actually believe at the moment. But knowing what I do, with the little experience that I've had so far, I can accept and imagine what he can do with 40 years, 30 years of solid experience and so many hours a day.

Iffy (Miriam): Yes. But I don't think you would every have to do anything like that.

Geoff: His name, which we can remember him by, is Taron. It's the nearest we will get, that's ok. He's pointing to Miriam. He will talk with you later.

Iffy (Miriam): Another day.

Geoff: Yes.

Miriam: He'll be welcome.

Geoff: Right, we will leave him and go look at the next place.

Document Info

Accesari: 1989
Apreciat: hand-up

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