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A Guide to Settings for Wireless Internet Connections with iPaq Handheld Computers Running WM5.0


A Guide to Settings for Wireless Internet Connections

with iPaq Handheld Computers Running WM5.0

(in two parts: Part One-settings on the iPaq;

Part Two-settings on the wireless router)

by Marc Cogan

([email protected])

Part One: iPaq

These are the generic settings to be made on iPaqs running WM5.0 for using Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet through a wireless router. (NOTE: It is assumed that no security or encryption has been enabled on either the iPaq or the router.) These settings will work with most installations, though not necessarily all.

Tap: Start Menu

Choose: Settings

Tap: Connections (tab)

1. Tap Connections (icon) 19419y241t

Screen Title = Connections

Tap: Tasks (tab)

Add a new modem connection (leave at defaults)

Add a new VPN server connection (leave at defaults; no hostname entered)

Tap: Set up my proxy server

Screen Title = My Work Network

This network connects to the Internet [checked]

All else unchecked and blank

Tap: OK

Tap: Advanced (tab)

Tap: Select Networks

Screen Title = Network Management

(top: "Programs that . . . connect to Internet) Set to: "My Work Network"

Tap: Edit

Screen Title = My Work Network

General (tab): leave name My Work Network

Modem (tab): leave blank

Proxy Settings (tab): This network connects to the Internet [checked]

All else unchecked and blank

Tap: OK

Screen Title: Network Management

(bottom: "Programs . . . connect to private network) Set to: "My Work Network"

Tap: Edit

Screen Title: My Work Network

General (tab): leave name My Work Network

VPN (tab): leave blank

Proxy Settings: This network connects to the Internet [checked]

All else unchecked and blank

Tap: OK

Screen Title: Network Management

Tap: OK

Screen Title: Connections

Tap: Dialing Rules: make sure blank

Tap: Exceptions: make sure blank

Tap: OK

[back at Start Menu - Settings - Connections (tab) screen]

2. Tap: Network Cards (icon)

Screen Title: Configure Network Adapters

(top: My network card connects to) Set to: "Work"

Tap: on "HP iPaq Wi-Fi Adapter"

Screen Title: HP iPaq Wi-Fi Adapter

Tap: IP Address (tab)

"Use server-assigned IP address" [checked]

Rest of screen blank

Tap: Name Servers (tab): make sure all blank

Tap: OK

Tap: OK in Adapters alert box

Screen Title: Configure Network Adapters

Tap OK

[back at Start Menu - Settings - Connections (tab) screen]

Tap iPaq Wireless (icon)

Tap: WiFi button to turn WiFi on

Tap: Settings

Screen Title: Configure Wireless Networks

Tap: View Wi-Fi Networks

[working from bottom of this page]

"Networks to access": Choose: "Only access points"

In box "Configure Wireless Networds": tap on name of preferred network

Screen Title: Configure Wireless Network [note singular]

Tap: General (tab)

Network name: should be the one you tapped

Connects to: ("Internet" or "Work"-both seem to work)

"This is a device-to-device connection" [unchecked]

Tap: Network Key (tab)

Screen Title: Configure Network Authentication

Authentication: Open

Data Encryption: Disabled

"The Key is provided . . . automatically" [unchecked]

Tap: 802.1x (tab)

Screen Title: Configure Network Authentication

"Use IEEE 802.1x . . . access control" [unchecked]

Tap: OK

Screen Title: Configure Wireless Networks

Tap: OK

Screen Title: iPaq Wireless

Tap: OK

Do a soft reset

Part Two: Router

Here are the most fundamental and straightforward settings to check on your router. These assume that the router will distribute IP addresses dynamically to networked devices. Such a set-up is what is desired in most situations, and will usually work without difficulty. (Sometimes more complicated measures become necessary, but this is where to start.)

(Access to the router is almost always by means of a standard internet browser running on a device that is in communication with the router. The router's manual will explain what URL to input and what userid/password to use to gain access.)

Once at the router's set-up pages, check that:

1. All security/encryption has been turned off. (If it can be done without disrupting the network, it is desirable to do this until a stable connection has been established. Security/encryption should also be turned off on the iPaq.) Specifically, make sure:

a. that WEP has been disabled

b. that Authentication has been set to Open

c. that any firewall has been disabled

d. that MAC Address Filtering has been disabled

e. that Broadcast SSID is enabled.

2. DHCP or DHCP Server has been enabled. (And the iPaq should be set to "Obtain IP address from server.")

3. "Wireless Mode" (or "Wireless Network Mode") has been set to "mixed" or to "802.11b and 802.11g." (Current iPaqs are unable to operate at the speed of 802.11g.) If problems persist and there is an option to set this mode to "802.11b only," try that setting.

4. Any accelerator features, or "Turbo" features, have been disabled. (They are likely to be too fast for the iPaq.)

5. If there is an option to set "Preamble Type," choose "Long Preamble" (rather than Short).

For any changes made, be sure to click "Apply" before moving to another page in the setup menus.

Somewhere in the menus, there will be an opportunity to look at the router's "DHCP Client List." Look to see whether the iPaq is on the list. (It will usually be identified by its MAC address. You can find the iPaq's MAC address by going on the iPaq to Start Menu > Settings > System > HP Asset Viewer > WiFi [or WLAN].) If the iPaq is on the client list, that confirms, at least, that a connection has been established between the iPaq and the router.

It is also always a good idea to check the manufacturer's web site to see if there is a firmware upgrade for the router. If there is, download and install it.

Good luck.


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Accesari: 1319
Apreciat: hand-up

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