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ApexDC++ Connection Settings


ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained

This guide as been written to explain and try to give instructions on how to configure the various options contained in the connection settings section of ApexDC++.

Bind Address.

This is an Advance user setting. If you are a beginner you can set this to As said above this is normally set to and most users do not want to change this. However 23223t192x If you have two network interfaces you will need to use this option, Set this to the LAN IP which is connected to the internet. ApexDC++ will then only use
that particular network interface for all connections. If binding fails, it will do so silently and INADDR_ANY will be used instead.

If you experience connection problems make sure that this is set to default. (default: This feature requires a restart

Incoming connection settings Direct Connections

This should be used if you computer is connected directly to the Internet. With no firewall. If this is the case you should seriously think about getting a firewall. Sunbelt Kerio personal firewall is a good free software firewalls.

Firewall with UPnP (WinXP+ Only)

Windows XP is the first Microsoft operating system to support UPnP. This option is therefore disabled for operating systems before this. Universal Plug And Play (UPnP) is a technology to allow, among other things, Internet applications to configure home routers and gateways, bypassing the need to perform manual port forwarding.

To take advantage of UPnP, you must have support enabled in Windows and UPnP capable hardware (typically a broadband router using NAT traversal). If you meet both of these requirements you should enable this setting (requires restart). If your UPnP system is setup correctly, ApexDC++ will now automatically create the required port mappings for ApexDC++ to operate in Active Mode.

Please see the following page for more information on UPnP and how to enable it

Firewall with manual port forwarding.

Select this mode if you are behind a firewall/router. You will need to specify the external IP address of your router. Alternatively you could use the Get IP Address button. For ApexDC++ to work properly in this mode, it requires access on TCP and UDP listening ports, as well as outgoing access on all ports for both TCP and UDP. First you need to set up your router to forward ApexDC++ connections to the computer which has ApexDC++ running. This process is normally called Port mapping/redirecting/forwarding or something like that. The following page has examples of how to perform port forwarding with many different routers port forwarding

You need to forward two ports, one TCP and one UDP (the TLS port can be ignored), these can be the same port number. Select your Port(s) numbers between 1024 - 6000 (any port is valid. However for performance reasons it is recommended that on windows box this should be between 1000 & 6000) theses should mostly all be free. Make sure both UDP and TCP is being forwarded. To ensure everything is set up correctly please use the check settings button unfortunately this is not always correct. The best way to test is to just do something. To test that UDP is working perform a search (use something common like film), if you receive
results udp forwarding is working. if you can download one of the results then tcp forwarding is working, i generally try to get a file list as this is small and normally doesn't need you to queue.

For information on the TLS port please see this guide

Don't allow hub/UPnP to override.

This option dose exactly what it says on the tin. i.e. If enabled ApexDC++ will only use the settings which you have entered. If this is not enabled your UPnP device can/will change these settings dynamically to try and attempt to get the best performance.

Update IP on Startup.

Again this one is pretty self explanatory. if this is enabled the Get IP Address button is press when apex is started/run

Firewall (passive, last resort)

Select this mode if none of the previous options apply or work. This mode carries some limitations:
. only 5 results per user will be returned in response to searches
. you will not be able to download from other passive users
For best performance you should try to enable Active mode with one of the methods above.

Outgoing connection settings Direct Connection
If you are not using a socks 5 proxy or do not know what one is you should choose this setting.

Select this mode if you want to make outbound connections through a SOCKS proxy. The caveats for Firewall (passive) mode also apply here. SOCKS5 proxies are not the same as HTTP proxies. ApexDC++'s SOCKS5 support does not include GSSAPI.

Socks IP
This is the IP, not host name, of your SOCKS5 server.

The port that your SOCKS5 server runs on. The default is 1080.

Login name for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.

Password for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.

Use SOCKS5 server to resolve host names
Enable this to use the SOCKS5 proxy, instead of the local name server, to resolve host names.

Related Guides: Dynamic IP's with ApexDC++

Attached File(s)

 ApexDC___Conection_settings.pdf ( 173.69K ) Number of downloads: 1423

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