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Application Description


Application Description

New v2! The #1 seller for 2 straight years just got better!

Power Time
World time view. See where it's daylight, or check when your friends / customers are awake or at work.
Automatically grabs the latest exchange rates & current weather conditions for each city. With Journal Bar installed, displays the current 5 12212r1714m day forecast for each city.


Battery Bar can now show more items using the innovative scrolling technique pioneered on the Smartphone version.

Battery Bar now displays the time zone information from Power Time including the local time and current weather conditions.

New Power Application brings all Power... components together for the first time.

Fully Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible - including VGA and landscape support.

Battery Bar
Displays Battery, Memory, Storage Card, Network connection, Time, Time zone & backlight data on the today screen.
Tap on each section for detailed information.
Speaks to you when your battery, memory or storage cards are low, or battery is fully charged.
Battery life is shown in hours an minutes. This customizes itself to how you use your Pocket PC over time.

Program Bar
Create up to 160 shortcuts to your favorite Pocket PC programs right on your Today screen.
Auto scroll to pack the maximum number of icons into the minimum space.
Tap and hold on an item to find full information about it.

Power Task
Close button actually closes programs.
Speed up your Pocket PC by closing slowly running programs taking up lots of memory. Keep your Pocket PC running as fast as the day you bought it!

Power Bars Displays the battery, memory & storage card life on the title bar - see your Pocket PCs vital statistics all the time.

Power Buttons
Launch 2 programs from each button on your Pocket PC. Tap to launch one, and tap & hold to launch the second one.

Open settings applets, documents, or perform "special" functions like soft reset the device.

Power Store
Provides even more detailed battery, memory and storage card information.

Power Graph
Keep a track on your battery, memory & network usage with graphs which show your usage over the past 24 hour period.

Power Clean
Reclaim valuable space by removing unwanted files automatically.

Power Alert
Adjust Calendar, Task & Alarm sounds to repeat, change volume & more. Keep reminders quiet during meetings; have unique sounds so you know what the alert is!

Power Adjust Customize your Pocket PC with lots of cool tricks, including different system fonts & animated windows.

Power Light Don't fumble with the keys in the dark - turn your Pocket PC screen into a flashlight, or a warning light for emergencies

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