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CM2 Editor - Guidelines


1. Introduction

This document tells you how to use the Championship Manager 2 Editor, and provides guidelines for updating/entering information. Please read this document through carefully before using the editor.

Please note that any changes made to the databases will only be used when a new game is set up. Existing saved games will not be affected.

2. Loading the Editor

The CM2 editor has been written for DOS and although it should work OK in WIN95, it is best to run it in DOS.

In your CM2 directory type CM2ED. This will run the database.

You will come to the main menu of the CM2 Editor

Follow the procedural instructions below.

3. Using the CM2 editor

General Notes:

The CM2 Editor works on a similar basis to the CM2 game. The "Done" bar at the bottom will take you to the previous screen. When there is no "Done" bar then use of the "Escape" key will take you to the previous screen.

Main Menu

The following options are available at the main menu:

Load Database

This option lets you load the database you want to edit. Enter the file name - press return. If the database file is in a different directory to the CM2 Editor then remember to include the path.

Save Database

This option lets you save the database. You are shown the name of the database, simply press return and overwrite by clicking on "YES". If you want to save to a different file or directory change the name and the path if needed.

Edit Database

This option takes you to the "Edit Database" menu. The options are explained below in the "Edit Database" Menu section.

Exit Program

The "Exit Program" option bar along the bottom of the screen allows you to exit the database. You will be asked to confirm if you want to exit. Remember to save the database before exiting (a 11411q168l s saving is not automatic).

Edit Database Menu

The following options are available at the editing records menu:

View Records

This option allows you to see all the records in the database in the order they have been sorted. There are 26 records on each screen and you have the option of going backwards and forwards through the screens in sequence by using the buttons "Next Screen" and "Previous Screen" located in the bottom right and left hand corners respectively.

To edit any of these records simply click on the record to view all the fields in that record and edit any field by clicking on it.

Please note there is no cursor in the CM2 Editor so if you want to edit a field completely you need to use the backspace to first clear the field before entering the new data.

Add Record

This option is used to add a complete record. From here you can enter the value for each field of a particular record in the order they appear.

The name of the field to be entered appears at the bar across the bottom. Enter the value of one field at a time and press return. Entering the final field and pressing return will take you to the complete record so you can check the values entered and amend any, if needed.

Delete Records

This option is used to delete a block of records. You will probably never need to use this function as it is easier and safer to delete a record from the "Search Records" option.

In order to delete a block of records you need to check the starting and finishing record numbers of the records you want to delete. Enter the first record number you want to delete - press return. Enter the last record number you want to delete. Be very careful as the default record numbers for deletion are the first and last records in the database and you are not given a warning about deletion after the last number has been entered.

Search Records

This option is used to search for a particular record or to narrow down to a band of records (e.g. all the players in one team). Enter some text and all the records which contain this text will be displayed.

To edit any of these records simply click on the record to view all the fields in that record and edit any field by clicking on it.

Please note there is no cursor in the CM2 Editor so if you want to edit a field completely you need to use the backspace to first clear the field before entering the new data.

Sort Records

This option is used to sort the records by particular fields. You can sort the records by three different fields at one time.

If you want to sort the records first by "Club", secondly by "Second Name", then thirdly by "First Name", then do the following.

1. Click on sort records

2. You will be asked "sort by which field ?"

3. Click on "Current Club"

4. You will be asked "Second sort field ?"

5. Click on "Second Name"

6. You will be asked "Third sort field ?"

7. Click on "First Name"

The sort will now take place. The bigger the database the longer the sort will take (e.g. sorting the players database will take at least 20 minutes even on the most powerful machines).

If you just want to sort the records by just one field, then click on the same field three times when prompted. This will also make the sort quicker.

Edit Records

This option allows you to edit a particular field of a sequence of records. It is particularly useful when wanting to change a particular field for a set of records. Combined with the sort records functions this option can be very useful.

To use this option, first check the record number of the first record you would like to edit. Enter this record number when prompted and then select the field you wish to edit by clicking on it. Edit each field in turn until you have completed the set of records you want to edit. Use the "escape" key to exit back to the editing records menu.

View Record Structure

This option allows you to choose which fields are shown when viewing a list of records.

This is very useful for comparing fields, so you can, for example, show all the players' abilities within one team when viewing the records through the "Search Records" option.

To determine which fields are shown when viewing records. Go to "Structure Overview", highlight the field you want to be shown by clicking on it to make it light blue in colour. Clicking on a field again to make it white in colour means that the field is not shown when viewing the records.

View Colours

This allows you to see a colour chart of the colours used in CM2 to represent the home and away colours of each club/country. The abbreviations needed to be entered in the home and away colour fields of the team records are shown under each colour.

This colour chart can also be accessed from a complete club record by clicking on the small grey "colours" icon in the top right hand corner.


The delete option appears on all the record list screens (got to from the "View Records" or "Search Records" options). It is the small grey icon in the top right hand corner.

This is the best way to delete a single record. Get the record you want to delete on to the view records screen by using the "Search Records" or "View Records" option. First click on the "delete" option to make it white in colour and then click on the record you want to delete. You will then be asked for confirmation to delete the record.

4. Procedure for Updating/Entering Information

The three database files (DB1 files) in CM2 are as follows:

tmdata.db1   - team database

players.db1   - player database

mgdata.db1  - manager database

To load a database, first run the editor, select the "Load Database" option and enter the database file name.

Remember: The Golden Rule when entering/updating information is to only enter it, if you are sure, otherwise leave the field blank and the game will generate appropriate values.

If you need to use country specific characters (e.g. ü, å, à, ß, etc.) and they are not available from your keyboard, then refer to Appendix 6 where you will find instructions on the code to enter to get these country specific characters to appear in the editor.

Check Appendix 1 below for a detailed description of each field and rating for each of the three databases.

Important Note:

There are the following limits on the number of records that can be entered in the three databases. Exceeding these limits will crash the game.

tmdata.db1   - 2300 teams

players.db1   - 20000 players

mgdata.db1  - 1000 managers

The number of records in a database is displayed in the top left hand corner.

Appendix 1: The Database

Section 1 - TEAM

Unique ID

This field is disabled as you do not need to edit it.

UK Long Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in English

Please note: The long name of the team is the name you expect to see at the top of the squad screen in CM2.

UK Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in English

Please note: The short name of the team is the name you expect to see in a fixture list or league table in CM2.

Ita Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written Italian (if different from the UK Long Name)

Ita Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in Italian (if different from the UK Short Name)

Ger Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in German (if different from the UK Long Name)

Ger Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in German (if different from the UK Short Name)

Spa Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in Spanish (if different from the UK Long Name)

Spa Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in Spanish (if different from the UK Short Name)

Fre Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in French (if different from the UK Long Name)

Fre Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in French (if different from the UK Short Name)

Por Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in Portuguese (if different from the UK Long Name)

Por Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in Portuguese (if different from the UK Short Name)

Dut Long Name(maximum of 30 characters)

The long name of the club team/country as written in Dutch (if different from the UK Long Name)

Dut Short Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The short name of the club team/country as written in Dutch (if different from the UK Short Name)

Nation (maximum of 30 characters or refer to list in Appendix 7 for countries))

The country in which the club team plays (please use the English Name of your country) or the football federation/continent to which a country belongs (See Appendix 7 for a list of federations/continents)

Please note that the spelling of the country must match the English spelling of the country name in the team database (tmdata.db1).

Region (refer to list in Appendix 8)

This field is for nations only. This represents the region/style of football of a country. This is to help in generation of player names and ratings (see Appendix 8 for a list of possible regions).

Developed (Value: 1, 2 or 3)

This field is for nations only. This represents the development of a country both in economic and football terms (Developed=1, Developing=2 and Third World=3).

X Co-ord

Do not enter any information in this field (used for English & Scottish Leagues only).

Y Co-ord

Do not enter any information in this field (used for English & Scottish Leagues only) .

EEC Member (Value: 0 or 1)

This field is for nations only. This indicates whether the country is a member of the European Union or the European Free Trade Area (Member=1, Non-Member=0).

T Coeff 89-93 (Format: Number)

This field is for nations only. This is for the current UEFA Co-efficient of the country over the last 5 years which determines the number of berths a country gets for the UEFA Cup.

Enter the number without the decimal point (e.g. 61.259=61259, 3.666=3666)

City or Area (maximum of 30 characters)

The City/Large Town or Area in which the club plays its matches e.g. North London, North West, South East. This is very useful when 2 clubs play near each other e.g. Liverpool and Everton (City = Liverpool), Tottenham and Arsenal (City = North London). This is to prevent home matches being played on the same day. Otherwise this field is optional.

Stadium Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The name of the stadium in which the club team/country plays as written in your own language.

Capacity (Format: Number)

The maximum number of people that can be accommodated in the stadium (both standing and sitting). Enter the exact number.

Seating (Format: Number)

The number of seats available in the stadium. Enter the exact number.

Following (value range 0-128)

The total fan base of a club in 1000s, during an average season in the top division

e.g. 1 = 1000, 90 = 90000.

Reputation (value range: 1-20)

The rating of a club on a world scale in terms of reputation (size of club).

e.g. Man U = 17, Barcelona = 20, Juventus = 19, Coventry = 11, Average English 1st Division club = 10

Average English 3rd Division club = 5, English Non League = 3

Blend (value range 1-20)

How settled the team is in real life. The higher the number the more settled the team.

Formation (Refer to list in Appendix 3)

The formation the club team/country commonly uses.

Note: For a list of formations that can be entered in this field see Appendix 3.

Style (Refer to list in Appendix 4)

The style in which the club team/country usually plays.

Note: For a list of styles that can be entered in this field see Appendix 4.

Home Text Col (Refer to "View Colours" chart in database or list in Appendix 5)

The secondary colour of the club team/country's home kit. This is the colour of the TEXT when the club name appears in the title bar in CM2.

Note: For a list of colours that can be entered in this field see the colours chart in the database or Appendix 5.

Home Back Col (Refer to "View Colours" chart in database or list in Appendix 5)

The primary colour of the club team/country's home kit. This is the colour of the BACKGROUND of when the club name appears in the title bar in CM2 .

Note: For a list of colours that can be entered in this field see the colours chart in the database or Appendix 5.

Away Text Col  (Refer to "View Colours" chart in database or list in Appendix 5)

The secondary colour of the club team/country's away kit. This is the colour of the TEXT when the club name appears in CM2 on the match screen when playing away from home.

Note: For a list of colours that can be entered in this field see the colours chart in the database or Appendix 5.

Away Back Col  (Refer to "View Colours" chart in database or list in Appendix 5)

The primary colour of the club team/country's away kit. This is the colour of the BACKGROUND when the club name appears in CM2 on the match screen when playing away from home.

Note: For a list of colours that can be entered in this field see the colours chart in the database or Appendix 5.

Division (Refer to list in Appendix 2)

The current division in which the club team plays.

Note: For a list of division abbreviations that can be entered in this field see Appendix 2.

Last Division (Refer to list in Appendix 2)

The division in which the club team played in the previous season.

Note: For a list of division abbreviations that can be entered in this field see Appendix 2.

Last Position (Format: Number)

The position in the division in which the club team finished in the previous season. Enter the number of the position (i.e. first = 1, second = 2, etc.)

Cash (Format: Number)

The approximate amount of money in UK pounds the club has available for buying players. This is entered in 1000's. Please check the current exchange rates.

i.e. 1 Million = 1000, 400000 = 400, 12.5 Million = 12500, etc.

League Std (Value Range: 1-20)

This field is for nations only. This number represents the standard of the league in that country on a world scale.

e.g. Italy=20, Brazil =20, Japan=10.

Under 21 (Value: 0 or 1)

This field is for nations only. If a country has a represented Under 21 team in CM2 enter the value "1" Default value is "0".


Do not enter any information in this field as it is inactive.

B Team ? (Value: 0 or 1)

If the club is a B Team playing as a separate club in a professional division (e.g. Barcelona B). If a B Team enter the value "1". The default is "0"

Essential (Value: 0 or 1)

If the team is essential to all versions of CM2 enter the value "1". This means the team will be loaded into all league combinations of CM2. The default is "0"

Transfer Record (Format: Number)

This field indicates the transfer record paid by the club or the national transfer record for the country.

Enter the exact number in UK Pounds (e.g. £150,000=150000, £10 Million=10000000)

Appendix 1: The Database

Section 2 - PLAYERS

Unique ID

This field is disabled as you do not need to edit it.

General Player information

First Name (maximum of 25 characters)

The first name (Christian name) of the player

Second Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The second name (family name) of the player, or the name most commonly used by the player. If the player is normally called by just one name (e.g. Ronaldo) then enter this single name in this field.

Nation (maximum of 30 characters)

The nationality of the player (or the national team this player would play for). Please use the English name of the nation.

Please note that the spelling of the country must match the English spelling of the country name in the team database (tmdata.db1).

Caps (format: number)

The number of appearances the player has made for his national team

Goals (format: number)

The number of goals a player has scored for his national team.

Current Club (maximum of 30 characters)

The club the player is currently playing for or contracted to.

Please note that the spelling of the club must match the English spelling of the club name in the team database (tmdata.db1).

This field is also used for the current status of a player if not at a club in the team database. The following alternatives can be used: Free Transfer, Retired, Non League, Minor Team.

Date Joined (format: mm.yy)

The month and year the player joined the club.

Please note: this is most useful when the player recently joined the club (i.e. after 01.97)

e.g. 1st May, 1997 = 05.97, 30th June, 2002 = 06.02

Contract Ends (format: mm.yy)

The month and year the contract of the player ends (if known)

e.g. 1st May, 1997 = 05.97, 30th June, 2002 = 06.02

Date of Birth (format:

The date the player was born.

e.g. 1st May, 1997 = 01.05.97

Age (format: number)

If the date of birth of the player is not known then enter the player's age.

Enter as a number (24 years old = 24)

Player Position Information

All the positional information is given a value of 0,1 or 2. Combinations of these values in the appropriate positions listed below will give all the different positional possibilities found in CM2

"O" means a player does not play in that position.

"1" means a player can sometimes play in that position but prefers not to (this will be a hidden position)

"2" means a player plays in that position (this will be the position of that player shown in the game)

See the example table below for examples of what to enter to get the correct position.

If you are not sure of the exact position of a player then enter the value "1" in the appropriate position. For example, if you know the player as just a:

Defender  - Defence = 1 or:

Midfielder   - Midfield = 1 or:

Forward  - Support = 1 or:

Attack  - Attack = 1

The game will then generate an appropriate position for that player.

Goalkeeper (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays as a Goalkeeper

Sweeper (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays as a sweeper (just behind the defence)

Defence (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays in defence

Anchor (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays as an anchor (between the defence and midfield)

Midfield (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays in midfield

Support (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays in a supporting role behind the striker

Attack (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays as a striker

Right Sided (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays on the right side of the pitch

Left Sided (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays on the left side of the pitch

Central (Value range: 0-2)

When player plays in the centre of the pitch

Examples of values to put in to get different positions:



















Right Sided

Left Sided


Player Attributes and Ratings

If you do not know any of the ratings, please leave them as "0" and the game will generate appropriate values for the player depending on his position, club and country.

Ability (Value range: 0-200)

This is in overall rating from "0 to 200" as to how good the player is now on a world scale.  All his other ratings are relative to his ability.

= Ronaldo

= Average English International

= Average English Premiership player

= Average English First Division

70 = Average English Second Division

50 = Average English Third Division

Potential (Value range: -1-200)

This is a rating from "-1 to 200"  as to how good the player could become or how good the player was at his peak on a world scale.

For a young player his ability will rise to his potential ability as he gets older; for a player at his peak, his ability will equal his potential ability; for an older player his ability will drop below his potential ability again.

Please note: Potential is never lower then Ability. You may find that some of the players have a higher ability than potential - this is a mistake in the database, so please correct any of these you find.

If the player is a young player with an apparently big potential then set his ability to  "-1" (e.g. an U21 International).

Reputation (Value range: 0-200)

This is a rating from "0-200" as to how good the player is perceived to be on a world scale.

This is more a value which affects the value of a player.

All the following ratings are based on the overall ability of a player. They show a players strengths and weaknesses. The higher the number the more of a strength the attribute is for a player, and the lower the number the more of a weakness the attribute is for a player.

Please note the special Goalkeeper statistics marked "GK - Attribute Name:" Fill-in all other attributes for Goalkeepers in the same way as outfield players.

Adaptability (Value range: 0-20)

Whether a player can adapt to a different team or country when transferred. The higher the number means the easier the player adapts

Aggression  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he goes in hard when competing for the ball, without necessarily being dirty.

Big Occasion  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he rises to the occasion in big games, play-offs, top of the table clashes, cup finals, etc.

Character  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether the player reacts badly to on/off the field events. On the field this could be whether he reacts to provocation, off the field whether he reacts to being dropped, fined etc. The higher the number the more likely a player will react badly to on/off the field events.

Consistency  (Value range: 0-20)

How likely he is to perform to his ability in a game.

Creativity  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can create goal scoring chances for his team-mates with incisive passes, headers, flick-ons  etc.

Determination  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he keeps battling, even when the odds are against him.

Dirtyness  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he resorts to foul play, either to win the ball, or in off-the-ball incidents. The higher the number the more likely a player will resort to foul play.

Dribbling  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can take on and beat defenders to create dangerous situations from which a goal scoring chance might arise.

Flair (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has the tendency to do the unexpected, for example shoot from 30 yards, or try something brilliant.

Heading (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he is good in the air and wins headers either in defence or attack.

GK - Aerial Ability: For goalkeepers this is their ability in the air, for example when handling corners and crosses.

Influence  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can motivate and inspire team-mates, as for example a captain would.

Inj Prone  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he is often out of action with injuries. The higher the number the more likely a player will be out of action with injuries.

Marking (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has the ability to track an opponent and mark him out of the game.

Off the Ball  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he makes good runs into space which can lead to a shot/header on goal if he is given the ball.

Pace (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has speed and acceleration both in and out of possession.

GK - Rushing Out: For goalkeepers this is whether he can rush out quickly in one-on-one situations.

Passing (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can pass the ball where he wants it.

GK - Distribution: For goalies this is their accuracy when kicking or throwing the ball out.

Positioning  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has good defensive positional sense and rarely gets caught out of position.

GK - Positioning: For goalkeepers this is their positioning for shots, crosses etc.

Set Pieces  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can make use of set piece situations either by making a creative pass or a direct shot on goal.

Shooting  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he scores goals.

Stamina (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he can keep going at the end of the most gruelling matches.

Strength  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has strength in holding off opponents to keep possession or in competing to win the ball.

Tackling  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he is good at making tackles to dispossess an opponent.

GK - Shotstopping: For goalkeepers this is their ability to save shots.

Technique  (Value range: 0-20)

Whether he has good control, first touch, and all round technical ability.

Appendix 1: The Database

Section 3 - MANAGERS

Unique ID

This field is disabled as you do not need to edit it.

First Name (maximum of 15 characters)

The first name (Christian name) of the manager

Second Name (maximum of 30 characters)

The second name (family name) of the player, or the name most commonly used by the manager. If the manager is normally called by just one name (e.g. Ronaldo) then enter this single name in this field.

Nation (maximum of 30 characters)

The nation the manager comes from (please use the English name of the country).

Please note: The spelling of the nation must match the English spelling of the nation in the team database (tmdata.db1)

Yrs in Game (Format: Number)

The number of years the manager has been in management. Enter a number.

Favoured Club (maximum of 30 characters)

The club that the manager would like to manage (i.e. a club he was with as a player, a club he supports or his home town team)

Please note: The spelling of the club must match the English spelling of the club in the team database (tmdata.db1)

Motivating Abil (Value range: 0-200)

How good a manager is at getting the best performances from players.

Judgment (Value range: 0-200)

How accurately a manager judges players' ability

Reputation  (Value range: 0-200)

How good a manager is on a world scale.

Formation (Refer to list in Appendix 3)

The formation he most commonly uses.

Note: For a list of formations that can be entered in this field see Appendix 3.

Style (Refer to list in Appendix 4)

The style of play he most commonly adopts.

Note: For a list of styles that can be entered in this field see Appendix 4.

Current club (maximum of 30 characters)

The club he is managing. If the manager has no current club then leave this field empty.

Please note: The spelling of the club must match the English spelling of the club in the team database (tmdata.db1).

Date Joined (Format: mm.yy)

The month and year the manager joined the club.

e.g. 1st May, 1997 = 05.97

National Job (maximum of 30 characters)

The national team he is managing as written in English.

Please note: The spelling of the nation must match the English spelling of the nation in the team database (tmdata.db1)

Date Started (Format: mm.yy)

The month and year the manager became manager of the national team.

e.g. 1st May, 1997 = 05.97

Playing ? (Format: 0 or 1)

If the manager is still playing then set this field to "1", if no longer playing then leave/change this field to "0".

Board Conf. (Value range: 0-100)

How secure a manager is in his job in real. Very Secure=100.

Appendix 2:  Division Abbreviations


BD1 - Belgian Top Division

BD2 - Belgian Second Division

BNL - Belgian Non League


DD1 - Danish Top Division

DD2 - Danish Second Division

DD3 - Danish Third Division

DD4 - Danish Fourth Division

DNL - Danish Non League


FD1 - French Top Division

FD2 - French Second Division

FNL - French Non League


GD1 - German Top Division

GD2 - German Second Division

GNL - German Non League


HD1 - Holland Top Division

HD2 - Holland Second Division

HNL - Holland Non League


ISA - Italian Serie A

ISB - Italian Serie B

ISC - Italian Serie C and Non League teams


ND1 - Norwegian Top Division

ND2 - Norwegian Second Division

ND3 - Norwegian Third Division

ND4 - Norwegian Fourth Division

NNL - Norwegian Non League


PD1 - Portuguese Top Division

PD2 - Portuguese Second Division

PNL - Portuguese Non League


SP1 - Spanish Top Division

SP2 - Spanish Second Division

SPN - Spanish Non League


WD1 - Swedish Top Division

WD2 - Swedish Second Division

WD3 - Swedish Third Division

WNL - Swedish Non League

Appendix 3: Formation Abbreviations

VDEF - Very Defensive

532VD - 5-3-2 Very Defensive

SWPVD - Sweeper Very Defensive

442D - 4-4-2 Defensive

451D - 4-5-1 Defensive

CNTN - Continental

532N - 5-3-2

352SW - 3-5-2 Sweeper

352N - 3-5-2

AJAX - Ajax

442N - 4-4-2

CMSN - Christmas Tree

DIAN - Diamond

433N - 4-3-3

532A - 5-3-2 Attacking

442A - 4-4-2 Attacking

433VA - 4-3-3 Very Attacking

424VA - 4-2-4 Very Attacking

VATT - All Out Attack

Appendix 4: Style Abbreviations

CONT - Continental

PASS - Passing

DRCT - Direct

LONG - Long Ball

Appendix 5: Colour Abbreviations

BLA - Black

WHI - White

DWHI - Dark White (off white)

VLRED - Very Light Red

LRED - Light Red

RED - Red

DRED - Dark Red

VDRED - Very Dark Red

VLORA - Very Light Orange

LORA - Light Orange

ORA - Orange

DORA - Dark Orange

VDORA - Very Dark Orange

VLYEL - Very Light Yellow

LYEL - Light Yellow

YEL - Yellow

DYEL - Dark Yellow

VDYEL - Very Dark Yellow

VLGRN - Very Light Green

LGRN - Light Green

GRN - Green

DGRN - Dark Green

VDGRN - Very Dark Green

VLBLU - Very Light Blue

LBLU - Light Blue

BLU - Blue

DBLU - Dark Blue

VDBLU - Very Dark Blue

VLPUR - Very Light Purple

LPUR - Light Purple

PUR - Purple

DPUR - Dark Purple

VDPUR - Very Dark Purple

VLGRY - Very Light Grey

LGRY - Light Grey

GRY - Grey

DGRY - Dark Grey

VDGRY - Very Dark Grey

VLCYA - Very Light Cyan

LCYA - Light Cyan

CYA - Cyan

DCYA - Dark Cyan

VDCYA - Very Dark Cyan

VLTRQ - Very Light Turquoise

LTRQ - Light Turquoise

TRQ - Turquoise

DTRQ - Dark Turquoise

VDTRQ - Very Dark Turquoise

VLWIN - Very Light Wine

LWIN - Light Wine

WIN - Wine

DWIN - Dark Wine

VDWIN - Very Dark Wine

Appendix 6: Country Specific Character/Symbol Key codes

The use of the "ALT" key together with the following 3 figure number (on the number pad)  gives the desired country specific character/symbol (if not available from your own keyboard):

Appendix 7: Nations - Football Federations/Continents






South America

Appendix 8: Regions/Styles of Football





Central Africa

Central America

Central Europe

Eastern Europe



Great Britain


Low Countries

Middle East

North Africa

Northern Europe




South Africa

South America

Southern Europe


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