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Control System Operation


Section 2: System Manager

The ACS is started using either the icon created on the Desktop or via the Windows Start menu to launch the System Manager program.

The System Manager starts up with a Splash Screen

Operators have to then enter a Password

The default Password: SERV

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the System Manager application does not start.

If the operator types the wrong password and presses the "OK" button then the System Manager application does not start.

If the correct password is entered and the user presses the "OK" button then the System Manager Window appears.

The operator can do a number of operations

Edit the Services on a Head End

View Services on a Head End

Configure Timed Channel Updates

Import New Decoders

View Used Decoders

View the Keys on a Head End

Set new Keys on a Head End

Change the System Passwords

Add / Delete / Modify Head Ends

View the Software Version release

Edit Services

If more than one Head End is configured on the system then the operator is asked to select on which Head En 23223f522x d they want to edit the Service

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the System Manager Window appears.

If the Operator selects a Head end and presses the "OK" button then the Service Manager Window appears

Each row depicts the Services for the Head End.

Each row has a Coloured Status Flag

Red means that the Service is unavailable

Yellow means that the Service is unavailable but being reconfigured

Green means that the Service is configured and available

Each Service has a Number (From 1 to 48) and a Name

Pay Per View Services have Numbers from 33 to 48 and have a "Yes" within the PPV Column.

The Columns are the Channels that are defined on the system.

Each Channel has a number (1 to 99) and a Name

The grid Section of the Window shows the matrix of Channels assigned to Services.

A Channel can be on many Services and a Service can have many Channels.

Pay Per View Services can not have a Channel Assigned to them

A non Pay Per View Service must have at least one Channel assigned to it.


The Service menu item is used to

Add a Service

Delete A Service

Modify A Service


The operator is prompted for the Service number to be added

The operator has to enter in the Service Number they want to add

If the operator presses the "Cancel" Button then the operation is aborted

If the operator presses the "OK" button then if the Service has already been allocated then the error message is displayed.

If the Service Number was valid and not already allocated, then the operator is prompted for the name of the Service

The operator has to type in the Name of the Service being added

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is aborted

If the operator presses the "OK" button then if the Service Number was between 33 and 48 the operator is asked if it is a PPV Service that is being added

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the Service will become a PPV Service.

If The Operator presses the "No" button then the Service will be a normal or non-PPV Service.

The Service is added to the row

Additional Services can now be added


The operator is asked which Service Number they want to delete

If the Service Number is one that is defined, then the operator is asked to confirm that they want to delete the service

If the operator presses the "No" button then the operation is abandoned.

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the Service is deleted.


The operator is asked which service number they want to modify

If the Service number is one that is defined, then the operator has the ability to change the Service Name.

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned.

If the operator presses the "OK" button then the text in the edit box is used as the new Name for the Service.

If the Service Number was between 33 and 48 then the operator is asked if the service wants to be a PPV Service

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the Service will be a PPV Service.

If the operator presses the "No" button then the Service will become a normal or non-PPV Service.

The following Window appears

A Channel can be added or removed from a service by double clicking the square that is the intersection of the service and the channel

When All the changes to the services and channels have been completed, the Head End needs to be updated.


The UpDate menu item in all sections of the ACS is used to update or reconfigure the ACS Database with the most current of operator changes

The UpDate menu item is used to update or reconfigure the Services

If the operator presses the "No" button then the operation is abandoned and the System Manager Window appears

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the Services are updated.

The following Window appears whilst the new settings are being reconfigured

The Status of all the Services changes to Yellow, this means that the Head End is being updated and the services are currently not valid.

When completed the following Window appears

After the Head End is updated, the Status of the service will change to green and all of the services will now be available

The New Services will now appear in the Subscriber Manager

and in the Pay Per View Manager section of the ACS

Note: If the Head End is not updated before exiting this Window then the ACS will disregard all new changes and revert back to the last settings! Channels

Using the Channel menu item brings up the Channel Definition Window

The Channel Window allows the operator to view all the channels defined for the Head End.

Each Channel should have the following.

A Number (1 to 99)

A Name

A Frequency (within the range of 43.25 MHz to 823.25 MHz)

Video Encoding (D- signals a DALVI Encoder) Levels (0 to 4)

Audio Encoding (Yes/No)

Parental Control (Yes/No)

If the Channel is not assigned to a DALVI Encoder then it will not have Video Encryption, Audio Scrambling or Parental Control facilities

Channels can be added, modified and deleted.

The Channel Information can also be updated from this Window



The Operator is asked for the Channel Number

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the operator presses the "OK" button then the text in the edit box is used as the new Channel Number.

If the Channel Number is between 1 and 99 and is not already being used then the operator is asked for the Name of the new Channel

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the operator presses the "OK" button then the text in the edit box is used as the new Channel Name.

The operator is requested to define the Frequency for the new Channel

The Frequency is limited to a range from 43.25 MHz to 823.25 MHz inclusive

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the operator presses the "OK" button then the text in the edit box is used as the new Channel Frequency.

The operator is requested to define the Video Encryption mode for the new Channel

The Operator can select one of the 4 Dalvi Encryption Modes or Dalvi clear Mode

If the Operator un-checks the DALVI Encoder, then the Dalvi Encryption Modes are disabled

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the Operator presses the "OK" button then the current mode selected is used as the new Channels Video Encryption Mode.

The Operator is then requested to select Audio Scrambling

The operator can click on the check box to enable Audio scrambling or clear the check box to disable Audio scrambling

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the Operator presses the "OK" button then the current selection made is defined as the new Channels Audio-scrambling Mode.

Dalvi Audio scrambling system uses a Spectrum inversion technique.

This simple method makes all low frequencies become high frequencies and all high frequencies become low frequencies

The operator is then requested to define the Parental Control Mode

The operator can click on the check box to enable Parental Control or clear the check box to disable parental Control

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the Operator presses the "OK" button then the current mode is used as the new Channels Parental Control and the Channel is added to the matrix grid as shown below.


The operator is able to update the Channel information at any time during the Channel Add procedure. It is recommended that a full update is performed form the Channel Manager Window after programming new Channel information

If the operator double clicks on any of the Frequency, Video Encoding, Audio Encoding or Parental Control Columns when viewing the Channel Manager Window, the Update buttons for each section will use the current data from the relevant windows when updating the system.


A Channel can be deleted from the system by using the Channel Delete menu item.

The Operator is prompted for the channel number they want to delete

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the operation is abandoned

If the Operator presses the "OK" button then the text in the Edit box is used as the channel number of the channel they want to delete.

If the Channel number is between 1 and 99 and is already being used then the operator is asked to confirm that they want to delete this channel

If the operator presses the "No" button then the channel is not deleted

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the channel is deleted

Head End

The Head End item menu in the System Manager and Service Manager, allows the operator to perform the same functions as described in the ACS Manual Section 1:

For operation, refer to: Adding a Head End

View Services

If more than one Head End is configured on the system then the operator is ask to select which head End they want to view the services on

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the System Manager Dialogue appears.

If the Operator Selects a Head end and presses the "OK" button then the Service View Dialogue appears

The View Services Window is the same as the Edit Services Window except that all the menu Items are disabled and that an operator can not edit any of the Channel or Service information

Timed Channel Updates

Select the Head End and press "OK" button

The Timed Channel Update Menu item will now display a list of Dalvi Encrypted Channels associated to the Head End

Double Clicking on any Channel will bring up a Window showing the Timed Event for the Channel that you selected

To configure a Timed Channel event for the Channel you have selected double click anywhere on the first row

The following Window will appear:

The Timed Channel Event displayed is the current Time and Date, by double clicking on the Date and Time box the following window appears

The Date is selected by the Calendar; also there are small pull down menus located to the right of the Month, Year, Hours and Minutes

The Timed Column specifies at what Date and Time the change will be made, by double clicking the Interval box the following window appears

The Interval Column will then be used to calculate the Next time the change will be made. This is specified in Minutes, if you specify 0 minutes then the Timed Channel Event will be disabled immediately after the event has occurred. When more than 1440 Minutes is specified then the column will display 1 Day.

The Video column specifies what Dalvi Video Encryption Mode is to be used when the change is implemented

Blank = No Change (Default to Clear)

Set to Mode 0 (Clear)

Set to Mode 1

Set to Mode 2

Set to Mode 3

Set to Mode 4

To change the Dalvi Encryption Mode, double click the current Mode to change to the next available Mode

The Audio column specifies what audio Scrambling Mode is to be used when the change is implemented

Blank = No Change (Default to OFF)

Audio Encoding to ON

Audio Encoding to OFF

The parental column specifies what Parental Control will be changed

Blank = No Change (Default to OFF)

Parental Control to ON

Parental Control to OFF

The Enabled Column will be used to enable and disable the Timed Channel Update. The Timed Channel Update will not occur unless there is a YES in the Enabled column; therefore it is possible to pre-program future Timed Channel Events

The Update Menu item is used to update the Timed Channel Event to the ACS Update Manager and passed on to the Event Manager held within the System Scheduler

If the operator presses the "NO" button then the operation is abandoned

If the operator presses the "YES" button then the update is processed

When the Timed Channel Event has been updated to the Head End, the following Window shows notification

Pressing the "OK" button confirms and clears the Window

To delete a Timed Channel Event you must double click on the Date and Time box, the Calendar Window will appear

Select "Cancel" button and the following Window will appear

Select "Yes" button

Below are examples of Timed Channel events:

Event 1.

Event 1. Has been programmed to change the BBC TV Channel on 03 January 2001 at time 14:47 from its current Encryption Mode i.e. Clear

Switch to Video Encryption Mode 4 for an interval time of 10 Minutes.

During these 10 Minutes the Channel will also be enabled with Audio Scrambling but without the Parental key function.

This Timed Channel has been enabled so once the operator selects Update the Timed Channel Update will be loaded into the ACS Event Manager held within the System Scheduler until the system clock reaches the time that the event will occur

Note: All Timed Channel Events occur 59 Seconds after the elapsed time, so a Timed Channel Event scheduled for 14:47 will occur at 14:47.59

This also applies to the Interval Time

Event 2.

Event 2 Has been programmed to change the BBC TV Channel on 03 January 2001 at time 22:30 from its current Encryption Mode i.e. Mode 4

Switch to Video Encryption Mode Clear for an interval time of 1.56 Days = 2240 Minutes.

During these 1.56 Days the Channel will also be enabled with the Parental Key function but without Audio Scrambling.

This Timed Channel has been disabled so if the operator selects Update, the Timed Channel Update will be loaded into the ACS Event Manager and held within the System Scheduler until the system clock reaches the event time but the event will not occur

Event 3.

Event 3 Has been programmed to change the BBC TV Channel on 03 January 2001 at time 10:00 from its current Encryption Mode and switch to Video Encryption Mode Clear for an interval time of 1 Day = 1440 Minutes.

During this 1 Day the Channel will also be disabled with the Parental Key function and without Audio Scrambling.

Event 3 Has also been programmed to change the BBC TV Channel on 03 January 2001 at time 22:00 from its current Encryption Mode Clear and switch to Video Encryption Mode 4 for an interval time of 1 Day = 1440 Minutes. During this 1 Day the Channel will also be enabled with the Parental Key function but without Audio Scrambling.

This Timed Channel has been enabled in both cases so if the operator selects Update, the Timed Channel Update will be loaded into the ACS Event Manager and held within the System Scheduler until the system clock reaches the event time.

By combining multiple Timed Channel Events it is possible to flip flop between Video Encryption Modes and Audio scrambling. This means that for the Example in Event 3 for the hours between 10:00 am and 10:00 p.m. the Channel will be in Clear Mode and the next 12 Hours will be in Video Encryption Mode 4

It is possible to increase the number of Timed Channel Events for this Channel by double clicking the next row


Decoders can be imported into the system using the Decoders Import menu item

If the operator presses the "OK" button then the operation is abandoned

If the operator presses the "Import" button then they are prompted to browse for an Import File named with an extension *.dec

If the operator highlights an import File and presses the "Open" button then the ACS automatically imports all the Serial Numbers defined in the import file into the Decoder Database

These Decoders will be stored into the Free Decoders location ready to be allocated by the Subscriber Manager

If the Serial number of the decoder being imported is already in the Decoder Database then an error message appears

If the operator presses the "Yes" button then the import is abandoned

If the operator presses the "No" button then the Serial Number in the import file is ignored and the process continues to the next Decoder Serial Number in the imported .dec File.

During the import Process, the Serial number of the Decoder being imported is displayed in the Import Decoders Window.

When the import is completed a message appears

Pressing the "OK" button exits the Window

Used Decoders

Used Decoders are those that have been previously imported into the Decoder Database and that were previously allocated to a Subscriber then removed by deletion using the Subscriber Manager.

The Decoders that are marked for deletion are held in a location known as Used Decoders.

From System Manager Window select Decoders, Used item menu and the Used Decoder Window appears

These Used (or deleted) Decoders can be re-allocated as Free Decoders by highlighting each Decoder and selecting the "Return To Stock" button

The "Decoder Serial Number" box allows the operator to type in to find a specific Used Decoder Serial Number

The "Maximum Number of Records" box allows the operator to select how many Used Decoders they would like to view from the full list of Used Decoders

Pressing the "OK" button exits the Window Keys

The Keys menu displays the System and Video keys the Head Ends use.

If more than one Head End is configured on the system then the operator is ask to select which Head End they want to view the System Keys

If the operator presses the "Cancel" button then the System Manager Window re-appears.

If the operator selects a Head End and presses the "OK" button then the Key Manager Window appears

The operator is able to update the System keys by pressing the "New System Keys" Button, the last time the System keys were changed is displayed in the Window opposite or alternatively all System Key changes can be viewed by pressing the lower "View System Keys Changes" box

The operator is requested to confirm the new System Key change

Pressing "No" will abandon the operation and return to Key Manager Window

Pressing "Yes" will continue the operation and return to Key Manager Window

The operator is able to update the Video keys by pressing the "New Video Keys" Button, the last time the Video keys were changed is displayed in the Window opposite or alternatively all Video Key Changes can be viewed by pressing the lower "View Video Keys Changes" box

Pressing "No" will abandon the operation and return to Key Manager Window

Pressing "Yes" will continue the operation and return to Key Manager Window

The operator is requested to confirm the new System Key change

The operator is able to swap between viewing each Key Change

The operator is able to print the System Keys Changes History using the Print button when pressed the following Window appears

Pressing "Cancel" will abandon the operation and return to Key Manager Window

Pressing "OK" will continue the Print Manager operation and return to Key Manager Window

The operator is able to clear the Log File of the System Keys Changes History using the "Clear Log File" button when pressed the following Window appears

Pressing "No" will abandon the operation and return to Key Manager Window

Pressing "Yes" will continue the operation and return to Key Manager Window

Note: The System Keys Changes History list will remain in the Window until View Video Keys Changes or View OSD Changes button has been pressed, the View System Keys Changes History will then become clear of any past changes


The operator can type in a new OSD in the OSD box

The OSD message will only support numeric characters

(From 0-9 and up to max 15 characters in length including "- " and "spaces")


The OSD number is transmitted to the system by pressing the "OSD" Button; the previous OSD is displayed in the Window opposite or alternatively can be viewed in the OSD Changes History by pressing the View OSD Keys Window box

Note: The new OSD message even when received by the Subscribers decoders will still show the old OSD. This will occur until the Subscriber selects a Channel that the Decoder is authorised to Decode and then back to a Channel that the Decoder is not authorised to Decode before the new OSD will appear on the TV Set

The Operator can change the default Passwords used in the Subscriber, Pay Per View and System Manager sections of the ACS


The following Window appears

Type in the old default Password: OPS

Type in the new Password

Type in the new Password

Pressing "Cancel" will abandon the operation and return to System Manager Window

Pressing "OK" will continue the operation. If the System Managers default Password is correct and the New Password matches the Confirm New password, then the password will be changed and return to the System Manager Window

Pay Per View

System Manager

The Password configuration is the same procedure for both Pay Per View and System Manager Passwords

Note: All ACS Passwords are unrestricted in length and can be mixed Alpha or Numeric


The About item menu in the System Manager and Subscribers Manager Window, allows the operator to view the current Software release of the ACS and the Installation configuration


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