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Create a Sunset in less than a minute


Create a Sunset in less than a minute
Photoshop Tutorial

Here we have an image of some people playing on the beach in the afternoon. We can easily change this image to look like it is late in the day and the sun is setting. The beach will be bathed in golden 414h76e light.


by Colin Smith

  • Match Color

  • Difficulty 2/10

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Open the image that you want to work with and also open any image of a sunset.




Choose Image>Adjustments>Match Color

The Match Color dialog box will open.  We will only need to use 2 settings for the task at hand.

Under Source, click the drop down menu and select the image of the sunset. There will be a thumbnail for you to check that you have selected the correct image.

Turn on the preview option if it isn't already. The working image will now take on the color attributes of the sunset image. Most probably the effect will be a bit too much.

Adjust the Fade slider until you are happy with the result. Move it to the left for more of the inherited color and to the right for the original color.


When you are satisfied, click the OK button to apply the changes. There are many things that can be done with this new Filter in Photoshop CS including using the match color to remove a color cast in a single click.

For more cool techniques like this on an easy to follow video format check out Photoshop Secrets For Digital Photographers

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