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Favorite Function


Favorite Function

Press Menu

=> Go to Channel Manager

=> Scroll down to Edit Channel and press OK to select

You will see the EDIT CHANNEL Page.

Press RED for FAV

After pressing RED button on your RCU

You will see the list of FAV1 to FAV 8 on the left top corner.

Rename List

To rename this list, choose the list that you want to rename and press the GREEN button. Rename it with the Edit Name panel.

Create FAV Group

1) Select the group from the FAV1 to FAV8 or which ever name you renamed it.

2) Then press the RECALL button to move to the list of channels. Recall is located under the 7 on the RCU.

3) Once you are on the list, select the channel you would like to make favorite. Then press OK on the RCU, you will see a heart which means it s been selected. If you press OK again, the heart will disappear, which means it not selected.


Press EPG on the RCU.

You will see EPG panel. A small screen will appear on the left side to show the channel you are watching, and the right there is the list of the programming and time.

Press EPG again or EXIT to exit the panel.

Delete Channels

Press Menu

=> Go to Channel Manager

=> Scroll down to Edit Channel and press OK to select

You will see the EDIT CHANNEL Page.

Press YELLOW button on the RCU.

Delete panel will appear.

To delete on channel

Select the channel you want to delete and press RED. If you are done then press EXIT, when you exit the receiver will ask you if you want to continue your selection. Answer YES or NO to the question.

To delete a TP

Select that channel that has the TP that you want to delete. Then press GREEN, all the channels with the same TP as the channel selected by the user will be mark with an X. Press EXIT when you are done. Warning question will appear to make sure you want to delete the marked channels.

To delete SAT

It s the same as the above. Press YELLOW, and it will select all the satellite channels you want to delete.

To delete ALL

Press BLUE button on the RCU. It will select all the channels, press exit once you are done. And answer the warning message.

NOTE: You could combine delete functions. You could delete TP and channel and satellite.

Channel Edit

Press Menu

=> Go to Channel Manager

=> Scroll down to Edit Channel and press OK to select

Press Green

You ll see the Channel Editor panel

RED Lock channels

GREEN- Move channels

YELLOW Add channels

BLUE Rename the channel selected


Press Menu

=> Go to Channel Manager

=> Scroll down to Edit Channel and press OK to select

This section you select which channel display mode you will like.

Channel List

Press OK to Display the channels list

You ll see the channels in order.

1) Press RED button in the RCU to see the ADVANCED CHANNEL LIST. On this list you could look for the channel by alphabetical order, satellite, FAV, etc.

NOTE: to move to the next list PRESS RECALL button which is located under the 7 on the RCU.

2) Press BLUE to change the channel list MODE.

How to enter key:
1) Press "Menu"
2) Then enter "8888"
3) Press "blue" button on the RCU to change list. Then select N2
4) Select the line you want to change keys
5) Then press "OK"
6) If you did everything right, you will see "Edit Key Information"
7) With red and green button you move side to side.
8) Press green to skip the spaces you don't need to change.
9) Once you get to the key. Input the numbers with your RCU
And with the "< >" select the alphabet letter which you want to select and press "OK" to select.
10) Last once you are done, select "OK" on the "EDIT KEY INFORMATION" by using "< >" on the RCU.

And you are done.

Now do the same with the second line of the key.

Channel sort by  SID ORDER

Press Menu

=> Go to Channel Manager

=> Scroll down to Edit Channel and press OK to select

Press Green

You ll see the Channel Editor panel

RED Lock channels

GREEN- Move channels

YELLOW Add channels

BLUE Rename the channel selected

Press Green again (move channels)

You ll see

Red start

Green cancel

Yellow- sort

press yellow (sort)

==== scroll down to SID Order

8) and you will see all channel will change to Dish order.

Document Info

Accesari: 773
Apreciat: hand-up

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