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How to burn a firmware file on to a CD with Nero


How to burn a firmware file on to a CD with Nero.
How to update your DVD-player.
This guide is for Pioneer DV-470/575/380/585/393/490/696..

This guide is for Nero Burning ROM
You could use any other burn program to make the disc.
After every step there will be a piture to show you how it looks in Nero Burning ROM.
To creat the Software Update Disc ,tune in the program as follow:

  1. Start the program Nero Burning ROM
  2. Choose CD type CD-ROM(ISO) and check No Multisession

  3. On the tab ISO you do as follows :

A) Data mode: Mode 1
B) File system: ISO 9660 only
C) File namne length: Max. of 11 = 8+3 (Level 1)
D) Character set: ISO 9660 (Standard ISO CD-ROM)
E) Nothing else should be checked.

  1. On the tab Label at ISO 9660 you should write PIONEER with capital letters.
  2. On the tab Burn you check Write, Finalize CD.
  3. Write speed 4x
  4. Write method: Disc-at-once

  5. Click on New and the following window will open, see picture.

  6. Find the *.bin file you should burn on the CD. Drag it over to the burn window. make sure the lable of the CD is PIONEER.
  7. Bin file name shall be in CAPITAL letters that includes also the BIN.
  8. Now you can start burning.
  9. When its finished, take the CD to your DVD-player.
  10. Turn on the player, and open the disc tray.
  11. Put the Software Update Disc on the tray, and close the tray.
  12. A screen will be displayed inviting you to push the "play" button to start the update.
  13. The player will load the data, and the tray will open again. It is safe to remove the Software Update Disc from the tray now. Leave the tray open
  14. Wait until the update process finishes and the Pioneer logo is shown on the screen. The update process will complete in less than 5 minutes.
  15. The DVD-player is now updated with your new firmware.
  16. The player is set back to Fresh out of the box.

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Accesari: 1282
Apreciat: hand-up

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