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Instrument Editor Tutorials - Wave Pool


Instrument Editor Tutorials - Wave Pool

The following information is designed to be complementary to the online tutorial which includes automated playback of an actual editing session. Each section has a name that corresponds to the section in the help file. To start the help file (two different ways):

Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM Drive.

Open up the Instrument Editor and 17117i812r go to the Help Menu.

Select "Run Tutorial".


Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM in your computers CD-ROM Drive.

Double Click on the My Computer Icon in the desktop.

Double Click on the CD-ROM Icon.

Double Click on Tutorial.hlp

Importing Samples

One way to import samples into the Editor is to right click on a folder and choose import samples. That will bring up the windows explorer and from there you can browse to the wave files you want to import. You can import one or several at a time. They will show up in the folder you right clicked on.

(wave pool \ 01import sample-samples.avi)

Importing Directories

To import a directory of waves, right click anywhere in the wave pool and choose import directory. Browse for the directory you want to import and hit the open button.

(wave pool \02 import import directory.avi)

Desktop Importing

You can also import samples directly from the desktop. Open up the window with the waves or directories of waves you want to import and drag them into the wave pool.

(wave pool \03 import desktop importing .avi)

Deleting Samples

To delete a single sample, select it and right click on it and choose delete sample.

To delete multiple samples select them with the shift or control keys and right click on one of the selected samples. The menu will change to delete samples instead of delete sample when multiple samples are selected. Choose delete samples to delete them.

(wave pool \ 04 delete sample-samples.avi)

Edit Audio

To edit the audio of a sample, right click on the sample and choose "edit audio" This will bring up Sample Wrench or whichever editor is selected in the preferences page. The Editor will turn off the MIDI loop so that you can hear the sound in the audio editor while you edit. When you finish editing the wave, save it and close the audio editor. The edited wave will be in the Instrument Editor with any changes made to it.

(wave pool \ 05 delete edit audio.avi)

Replace Sample

Use this if you want to replace a sample in the wave pool with another one. Right click on the sample you want to replace and choose replace sample. Browse to the wave file you want to replace it with and hit the open button.

(wave pool \ 06 delete replace sample.avi)

Sample Properties

The sample properties window gives you all the information about the sample and lets you change the unity note and the fine-tuning. To get to the window, right click on a sample and choose "properties"

(wave pool \ 07 sample properties.avi)

Document Info

Accesari: 1313
Apreciat: hand-up

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