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Linksys Mac Address Manipulation - change IP


Linksys Mac Address Manipulation - change IP

Open your Web Browser.

In the address line of your browser enter (If no page comes up try  If that is unsuccessful you will have to refer to y 21121m1221v our router manual for the routers IP address.)

A Security box like the one below will pop up. 

3) Enter ID and Pass

ID: admin

Pass: admin

If this doesn't work, you will have to refer to y 21121m1221v our router manual for the default username and password or to reset the password if you have changed and forgotten it.

Click Advanced.

Click Mac Addr. Clone.

Now for the most important part:

Enable/Disable. To have the MAC Address cloned, click the radio button beside Enable.

User Defined Entry. Enter the MAC Address registered with your ISP here.

Clone Your PC's MAC Address. Clicking this button will clone the MAC address.

Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Cancel

Changes to cancel your changes.

This let you change your Physical "MAC Address" for your Router! So change any of the numbers to something else:

*Note: Only digits you can Use is : 0-9, and A-F*

*Note2: The router should restart, if it doesn't, try to hit the restart button, if it exists*

Uplug your Modem for 10 seconds, and then replug it in.

Wait a bit...and your IP address will change!!

All Credit to DarkSage @

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