To issue server commands you have to log into the server using the r_password command first. Issuing server commands is done through the say or teamsay controls. Once you have a prompt at the say or teamsay, all commands have to be start with a \ to issues the command to the server. For example:
Say: \r_password globaloperations
Say: \r_kick Cancerboy
Say: \r_kill Tyr
playerinfo - will display a dialog box contain a list of player names and ids.
r_password <password> u 929l1122j sed to log into the server
r_changemap - causes the current map to be switched
r_restart - is used to restart the current map. Removes all items from players and gives them starting cash.
r_kick <playername> - will kick all players with the same name
r_kick <id> - kicks the same player with correct id
r_ban <playername> <time> - bans the player from the game for the specified time. The time is in minutes. To ban permanently <time> should be set to 0. The banning is done on an IP address basis.
r_ban <id> <time> - same as the banning by playername except the players ID is used.
r_banip <ip address> <time> - ban an ip address for a certain amout of time. Time is in minutes. To ban permanently <time> should be set to 0.
r_readbanlist - reads the ban.txt from the harddrive.
r_writebanlist - writes the banned ip address to the ban.txt file.
r_unban <ip address> - will unban the ip address
r_quit - will shutdown the server remotely
r_kill <playername> - used to punish a player in the game.
r_kill <id> - used to punish a player in the game.
r_say "text sent" - sends an admin say message to all clients
r_quit - shutdown the server
r_mirrorcash <cash value> - set how much cash is reduced when teammates are shot. To turn off set to 0.
r_voip <0, 1> - turn on voice over ip
r_ffteam < 0 - 100 > - how much damage a teammate takes from friendly fire
r_ffallies < 0 - 100 > - how much damage an ally takes from friendly fire
r_mirrordamage < 0, 1 > - turn on or off mirror damage from friendly fire
r_mirrordamagepercent < 0 - 200 > - determines how much damage a teammate takes from mirror damage.
r_tkpunish < 0, 1 > - turn on or off team kills and civilian kills
r_numtkstokick - determines how many team kills before offender is kicked
r_numcivstokick - determines how many civilian kills before offender is kicked
r_servername < name > - sets the name of the server.
r_adminname < name > - set the name of the admin. Pass no parameters to clear the admin name. Maximum admin name is 254 characters.
r_adminemail < email > - set the email address of the admin. Pass no parameters to clear the admin email. Maximum admin name is 254 characters.
r_serverwebsite < website > - set the website address of the server. Pass no parameters to clear the website name. Maximum admin name is 254 characters.
r_serverpassword <password> - set the password for the server. Pass no parameters to clear the password. Must be at least 6 characters in length with a maximum of 30.
r_timelimit < minutes > - set the time limit before the map will be changed
r_numrounds < rounds > - number of rounds a map will play before switching. Set to 0 to disable.
r_teamflip < 0,1 > - turn on team flip after the end of a round.
r_flipround < round > - how many rounds to play as on team before a team flip occurs
r_voting < 0,1 > - turn on or off voting.
r_playerkickvote < 0 - 100 > set the percentage of votes needed for a player to be kicked
r_mapvote < 0 - 100 > set the percentage of votes needed for a map switch.
r_allowuploads < 0,1 > turn on or off the uploading of badges to the server.
r_kickafktime <minutes> - set how many minutes a player can be away from keyboard before they are kicked.
r_autoteambalance < 0,1 > - enable team balancing at the end of rounds
r_incapacitatedtime < seconds > - set how long players can remain incapacitated before they are reinsterted into the troop transport device.
r_forceteambalance < 0,1 > - force team balance on the team select screen.