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Remove the .NET Credentials (Stored User names and Passwords)


Remove the .NET Credentials (Stored User names and Passwords)

To remove the Stored User Names and Passwords from your system, try this:

Click Start, Run and type Control keymgr.dll
Remove the entries from the list.

The other ways to access this dialog are:

1. Type Control Userpasswords2 in RUN box, click Advanced, Manage Passwords

2. From Control Panel, select your User Account, click Manage your network passwords


HOW TO: Set Up a .NET Passport Account in Windows XP:;en-us;309011

Change the Windows Logon screen backgr 656i811g ound color

With no logon wallpaper set, Windows displays a pre-defined color for the logon desktop. ( If you have enabled Welcome Screen, press CTRL+ALT+DEL twice to see the logon screen background color. ) To change the logon background color to that of your choice, you need to alter the registry:

Click Start, Run and type REGEDIT and press Enter

Navigate to the following key:

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors

Backup the registry key by exporting to a REG file

In the right pane, double-click Background

In the Edit String dialog box, type the Color code in R G B format and then click OK.

Example: Type 0   if you want to see a Black background. You can choose any combination from 0-255

Points to ponder

If the logon Wallpaper is set, the background Color may not be visible. So, you must reset the Wallpaper value to a blank string in this key: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

If the Background value is set under the following Winlogon registry key, the above setting is ignored. In other words, the Winlogon\Background value takes precedence over the .DEFAULT \Background value.

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Quit the Registry Editor and log off

Automate the above task using this utility

This tiny utility provides you the option to choose a color from the Color Picker dialog and can reset the logon Wallpaper if you want. Choose your preferred Color and click Apply Background color. Remove Logon Screen wallpaper option clears the logon wallpaper.

Download (~6KB Zip)

Related articles

How To Change the Windows Logon Screen Saver in Windows XP

Make your company logo move around the screen similar to logon.scr

Customize the logon screen wallpaper, screensaver and other settings using Tweak UI

Spegnimento automatico in Xp pro

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Entrare in "OPZIONI RISPARMIO ENERGIA" nel Pannello di controllo.

Attivare il supporto APM nell'apposita finestra

Windows XP::Spegnimento lento del pc?

Il problema principale sta nel fatto che nella versione di Xp non è attiva la funzione APM.
Quindi non ci resta che installarla:
Dal menu di avvio start facciamo doppio clic su pannello di controllo; nella finestra che esce clicchiamo sull'icona Installazione hardware.
Quando ci viene chiesto se l'hardware è stato già collegato al computer mettiamo la spunta su"si" e facciamo avanti.
Nella finestra successiva in fondo dobbiamo trovare aggiungi nuova periferica hardware e facciamo clic su avanti.
Fatta questa operazione dobbiamo far cercare l'hardware in maniera Automatica.
In questo modo il sistema effettuerà la ricerca consigliandoci di selezionare l'hardware da un elenco specifico facendo clic su avanti.
A questo punto, visualizzato l'elenco hardware, scorriamo il menu nella finestra apposita fino a raggiungere la voce Supporto NT Apm/Legacy; selezioniamola e facciamo clic su avanti. Successivamente selezioniamo la voce Supporto NT Apm/Legacy e facciamo clic su avanti seguendo la procedura visualizzata, in questo modo il sistema installerà automaticamente il supporto APM.
Finita l'installazione andiamo sul pannello di controllo/opzioni risparmio energia e se prima dell'installazione non esisteva la voce APM adesso è presente, non dobbiamo fare altro che inserire il segno di spunta all'interno dell'opzione attiva supporto APM.

Questo argomento è stato discusso nel forum dal nostro maghetto_ . Per discussioni e/o approfondimenti: Forum: Spegnimento Pc

Shutdown is very slow - Windows XP

When you shutdown your Windows XP computer, it may take more time to complete the shutdown process. Slow shutdowns are caused by a number of factors. One of the common cause is the Clear Pagefile at Shutdown option enabled.

Virtual memory support uses a system pagefile to swap pages of memory to disk when they are not used. On a running system, this pagefile is opened exclusively by the operating system, and it is well protected. However, systems that are configured to allow booting to other operating systems might have to make sure that the system pagefile is wiped clean when this system shuts down. This ensures that sensitive information from process memory that might go into the pagefile is not available to an unauthorized user who manages to directly access the pagefile.

When this option is enabled, it causes the system pagefile to be cleared upon clean shutdown. This takes considerable time of the Operating System to flush-out the pagefile, thus causing the slow shutdown. You may disable ClearPageFileAtShutdown option to improve shutdown times. But the pagefile.sys will be intact and accessible via other Operating System, in case or dual or multi-boot.

Start Registry Editor and navigate to the following key:

[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Set ClearPageFileAtShutdown value to 0

Or, using Group Policy Editor [for Windows XP Professional]

Click Start, Run and type "Secpol.msc"
Click Local Policies | Security Options
In the right-pane, set Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile to Disabled

However, this setting is not the only cause for slow shutdowns. Non-responsive programs and Services also contribute to slow shutdowns. Lowering the WaitToKillServiceTimeOut may help may help as well.

The WaitToKillServiceTimeout value name in the registry allows you to specify a length of time that the service control manager must wait for services to complete the shut-down request. Open Registry Editor and navigate to:


Backup your registry first, as explained here. Then, reduce the Service timeout value (default being 20000ms) to your preference. By doing so, we're forcibly closing a non-responsive service. On the other hand, troubleshooting the service / related application is also necessary.

If this does not help, read below:

You need to see which application or a filter-driver is causing this issue. Check the Event Logs for any errors and track-down the software/driver causing the problem. It's been noted that corrupt Event Log too can cause slow shutdowns. View the error messages registered in Event Log

You may be having profile unload problems if you experience slow logoff (with Saving Settings for most of the time while logging off). UPHClean is a service that once and for all gets rid of problems with user profile not unloading. See User Profile Hive Cleanup tool's Readme.txt before installing it.

For more troubleshooting on shutdown issues, I recommend you visit MS-MVP James Eshelman's Shutdown troubleshooter page here: 
SHUTDOWN WORKS, BUT IT'S REAL SLOW Watch-out for other important notes in Jim's site.

To Disable CD autoplay, completely, in Windows XP Pro

1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC

2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.

3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.

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