Remove the OEM Branding on Windows
Removing the OEM Branding of Windows
Vista: The following tutorial covers how to add, remove, edit, change and
modify the factory OEM branding that comes Windows
Vista from system manufacturers. OEM's typically inclu 16216e417q de their logo and other
system builder information in the System information applet when the install
Windows. The goal of this tutorial is to enable a user to customize the OEM
"logo" and "manufacturer" information of the users
Removing or changing Windows
This process will change the OEM
system branding that is displayed in the system properties section of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ OEMInformation
Logo Note: The logo needs to be in .bmp format and should be 120×120. Larger images will be automatically resized.
Once finished, you can check your system properties and you should see a custom Logo and manufacturer description based on Step 3.
Changing the Logo in the
"performance information and tools" section of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winsat\WindowsExperienceIndexOemInfo
Logo Note: Again, the logo needs to be in .bmp format and should be 120×120. Larger images will be automatically resized.
Once finished, you can check your performance information and tools section and you should see a custom Logo and manufacturer description based on Step 3.