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SLAX USB installation tutorial


  • A 256MB or larger USB flash drive
  • HP-USB Format tool (Optional)
  • ISO Extracting utility (7-Zip)

SLAX USB installation tutorial:

  1. Download the HP-USB Format tool and format your flash drive using the Fat or Fat32 option (SP27213.exe) 17417w2216r
  2. Download the Slax ISO(slax-
  3. Using 7-Zip extract the files from the SLAX ISO to the root of your USB stick(7z445.exe)
  4. Download the and extract the files within to the root of your USB stick
  5. Run the fixs.bat file from the USB stick (follow the onscreen instructions) (
  6. Download and unzip the files to a directory called syslinux on your computer(
  7. From Windows click start-> run-> cmd
  8. From the command window, type cd \syslinux\win32
  9. Type syslinux.exe F: (replace F with your USB drive letter) to make the drive bootable
  10. Reboot your computer and set your system BIOS to boot from USB-ZIP or USB-HDD. Also set the hard disk boot priority to boot from the USB stick if your BIOS lists the device as a hard drive
  11. Save your BIOS settings. On the next reboot, you should have a sucessful launch of your USB SLAX Linux compilation

* If you need any additional help making your flash drive boot, check out our BIOS boot options section or Tools Section

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