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Smart Boot


Smart Boot

Some Special options in this version are:

Smart Boot This will check automatically what protocol they are one and what protection they using and select automatically the according boot for it

Smart Auto This will check if the victim is online. When online it will detect what protocol or protection they using and select the according boot. It boots e 20120j97u very time again when the person comes online. This can be an power full boot depending on what the victim is using. Keep in mind this might give you a ban when run to long

Offline_B A new window opens with more options. Here you can flood some ones offline messages.

Find This will find the room of the victim. When the room is found you either can select Goto bot. This will go with a bot into the room of the victim and will open the roomlist which will give you room options. It gives you also the options Goto Chat. When your using messenger you will go then automatically to the room of the victim.

Room chat The possibility to chat in the room with a bot. In the options I have added that you can change the color the font size and select bold and or italic and send the text by pressing the enter key

How to buy the copy

With the download in the zip file are 2 files. One of the files is called serialgrabber.exe

Run this program which will give you a key

Send this key with the payment and I can activate your program.


With the download in the zip file is the program 1_Smart_Boot.exe

Start this program. This will run a setup.

Follow the steps in the setup.

After the installation you have an Icon on your desktop Called 1 Smart Boot

A folder created in C:\program files\1_Smart_Boot. In that folder are a couple of files

1 Smart Boot.exe




Before you start the program.

Make sure you have enough working bots (around 200 or more).

Bots are normal working yahoo accounts. If you do not have bots, you need to make them first. On my site in the download section under ID Creators you can find programs which can make fast bots. Easy id creator v4.1 is working good for me.

Place those bots in the names.txt file in the c:\program files\1_Smart_Boot.

You can use notepad to add bots to the names.txt file. The format is as follow.

Name1 pass1

Name2 pass2

Name3 pass3


Make sure there are no empty lines in between.

Also the id creator save the bots in this format



You need to change the colon to a space. This can be easy done in notepad. Click on edit, then one replace. Type in the Find what field a colon : and in the Replace with a space . and select Replace Al. Then save the file.

Place those bots in the names.txt file which is located at C:\program files\1 smart boot.

Now your set up to start the program

Start the program

Click on 1 Smart Boot icon on your desktop.

You will see a Splash screen, and it will do an authentication to check if you did pay for the program. If you did not the send the key to me to activate the program will close again.

Also make sure you have given your firewall permission to access the internet.

When everything correct you will see after some time the main program.

How to login.

1) If correct you should now see in the list next to the Load button the bots with a gray icon in front of the bots. If not then click on the load button and browse to the correct text file which contains the bots.

Before you login you can click on the options button. This will show you a new screen on the program. There is a setting to change the login speed. (at default set to 1 millisecond). How higher the number how slower the program login. This option is here because people who have a slower connection (dial up) might use a slower login so it won't skip bots during the login.

3) Below the logout button you see what we call a combo box. (field with an arrow down next to it) Here you can select how many bots you like to login. After selection it will automatically login the amounts of bots you have selected and the smiley's will turn yellow and the bots are logged in. Also the login button will change to Missed. When not all bots are logged in click on the Missed button and it will login the bots which didn't login the first time. You can keep clicking the missed button until all bots are logged in and the button will change back to Login. Not all bots needs to be login for the program to work but it will work better when they are.

4) Also you can use the login button to login. It will login the amount of bots of selected at the combo box.. the rest of the login works the same as described at number 3

5) The logout button will logout the bots

6) You can login single bots by clicking on the smiley in front of the name.

Note: When login in and logout to many times you will get a yahoo ban and the bots won't login for some time, until the ban is lift.


The settings are there to adjust the amount of packets and the speed it will send.

This way you can modify the boot power which suite best for your computer and internet upload speed.

How higher the number how more it will send.

Keep in mind how more packets you select. How easier it is that you flood your own connection and the power will be less. You need to find the best setting to send the most amount of packets without flooding your own connection. Also when to many packets are selected the change you get a ban is higher.

The packets send delay is to change the speed of packets send. How higher the number how slower the packets will be send. This way you can also adjust the speed so your own system does not get flooded.

IMPORTANT: On some computers when set the speed to low (send faster) then the program can crash or hang up.

Cs1 Next Server

By clicking on this button you will select an other server to login to.

Chat Settings

Here you can change the color of the font, size, bold or italic

Victim field

Here you place the victim you like to boot.

Also when you open a pm in yahoo messenger and you double click on the victim field it will automatically add the name from the pm box

Boot and play options

The boot power depends on how many bots are logged in and the settings at options.

I can login around 800 bots without getting a IP Ban.

Boot: boots yahoo messenger (YMSG protocol). Also some on Ytunnel if the victim have a slow connection

SL-D/C: boots yahoo messenger(YMSG protocol). Also some on Ytunnel if the victim have a slow connection Victim won't receive any packets.

YT-D/C Boots Ytunnel and yahoo messenger(YMSG protocol). Make sure you have logged in at least 100 bots. When victim have a real fast connection it won't boot them

YT-Bomb This will send blank pm's straight try Ytunnel. It send 1 pm per bot so make sure you have logged in loads of bots. This will at the end disconnect them.

(takes some time before you see effect)

Clone-B This send a clone pm and will boot only yahoo messenger.

Cloaked This will boot victims who are logged in chat under a cloaked is. However if they have a fast connection it won't boot them. How more bots logged in how higher the change is that you boot them. Don't use this to often or you will get a yahoo ban leave about 5 minutes between this type of boot.

Bridge This option is one of the heaviest boot. This will flood the victims connection so the get disconnected. How ever this needs loads of bots and it send loads of packets. You might get a ban after using this boot. Also when victim is on a high speed connection it is hard to flood their connection and he will not get disconnected.

Chat2 This is a power full boot as well and boot people who are logged in on chat2 protocol and lots more. Don't use this option to often or you will get a ban (5 minutes in between. This will not boot people who are on bridge and might lagg some YCHT protocols and even discconect. Login enough bots to have affect.

PM D/C Power full boot and disconnect a lot of people with enough bots loaded and correct settings at options. Leave 5 minutes between boots to prevent a ban.

Freeze This will send pm's to the victim with a lag packet and freeze their messenger.

Buzz This will send a buzz bomb to the victim. Funny if they are on voice and have sounds enabled. You will hear constantly ding dong.

Ypager This will error out yahoo messenger and give them a Ypager error. They have to restart messenger.

Online This will check if the person is online even when invisible. Keep in mind after using a powerful boot you computer is sending packets for a long time (about 3 minutes on a fast upload connection. During this time if you check the online status if may give false results

Protocol This will check what protocol or protection they using. The result of this check is about 80% accurate. When people have changed some particular settings it gives false responses. This option is useful to check what they using so you can select the according boot for it

Add to list This will ad the victim to the list which is placed in the victim field

Boot list This will try to boot everyone in the list. However this is a light boot. If heaver boot was used then you will get an IP ban.

Clean List This will clean the list

Custom PM This will flood the victim with loads of pm's with the custom text

Smart Boot This will check automatically what protocol they are one and what protection they using and select automatically the according boot for it

Smart Auto This will check if the victim is online. When online it will detect what protocol or protection they using and select the according boot. It boots e 20120j97u very time again when the person comes online. This can be an power full boot depending on what the victim is using. Keep in mind this might give you a ban when run to long

Auto boot This check if the victim is online. When online it will boot the person. This only boot yahoo messenger

Combi boot This is a power full boot with can boot a lot of people. However use to much will give you a ban. Leave 5 minutes in between.

Offline_B A new window opens with more options. Here you can flood some ones offline messages.

Save list Here you can add people to the save list which you don't like to get booted. There is an option to Save the list and load the list and clear the list.

Extra Here you can find the Mic Locker and Room up and Room Down. Room up and Room down just let you change quickly to an other room. The Ascii Textt will be released in the an updated version which are free.

Find This will find the room of the victim. When the room is found you either can select Goto bot. This will go with a bot into the room of the victim and will open the roomlist which will give you room options. It gives you also the options Goto Chat. When your using messenger you will go then automatically to the room of the victim.

Room-L This will open the Room options section of the program

The room list will automatically update all the time

Room This will load the room list and a bot will join the room. When using messenger it will automatically goto the room from your messenger room. You can also type manually the room name.

Refresh This will Take out the bot of the room and bring a new other bot in the room and it refresh the room list.

Copy This will mimic everything what is said in the room. Even font colors

Error This will send to everyone in the room an ypager (only messenger)

D/C This will send to everyone in the room an D/C (only messenger)

Anoy This will send to everyone in the room a pm with the text what is typed in the room

Send Here you can send a custom text into the chat room

Enter key This send also the custom text into the chatroom

Double click on name in room list will boot that victim

Single click followed by the space bar will ad that name to the save list

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Accesari: 1860
Apreciat: hand-up

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