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The position and problems of computer safety in different countries


The position and problems of computer safety in different countries.

1. Sweden

Sweden is a leading country in the sphere of creation of standards regulating work with personal computers. In the first half of 80s a serious discussion of work conditions with a computer ws initiated in this country. Not only the questions of monotony and tension of work but also the problems of visual ergonomics and electromagnetic radiation were considered. There were not sufficient scientific proofs of display negative impact on users’ health, but as an answer on total disturbance and affirmations of the National Council of Safety Measures and Occupational Hygiene Sweden government proposed to work up the system of voluntary tests of displays to SWEDAC (the former name - MPR - the Swedish National Measurement and Investigation Committee) in cooperation with the National Council of Safety Measures and Occupational Hygiene and Swedish Institute of Protection against Radiation.

A competent group was established for the fulfillment of this work. It included the experts in different spheres and representatives of different public organizations. As a result of team-work the methods of overall investigations of displays in the area of mechanical, visual and emission characteristics were originated.

When in 1987 the first edition of the methods was being introduced in action, it was decided to re-examine the investigation system after three years of testing. In 1990 on the basis of the experiment the team that included specialists from more than 20 Sweden institutions and also representatives of IBM and Hewlett Packard edited the methods of investigations. Nowadays these documents are presented in two editions. One of them - MPR 1990:8 - is the textbook with investigation methods. It is intended for personnel dealing with display tests. Another edition - MPR 1990:10 - is the manual for users. It will help them to understand the results of investigations and includes the Table of permissible parameters.

The MPR methods include the testing of two types of display characteristics: visual ergonomic (color, brightness, clearness, non-linearity, non-orthogonality, reflection coefficient, image vibration, calculated blinking frequency) and emission ones (X-radiation, electrostatic potential, intensity of changing magnetic field at the ranges 5 Hz - 2 kHz and 2 - 400 kHz, magnetic flux density at the same ranges).

The procedure of voluntary experiments, according to MPR methods, is intended to provide help to users during the estimation of ergonomic and emission characteristics of displays. During the purchase of equipment the protocols of experiments add to the information given by a producer and, therefore, a user can himself estimate the quality of working conditions.

The tougher demands to display quality are made by the standards of the Swedish Trade Unions Confederation TCO 92 and TCO 95. TCO 95 regulates not only display characteristics but also production process (it limits emissions of detrimental chemical and poisonous substances in the environment), conditions of work. The standard NUTEK included in TCO deals with economic consumption of electricity.

Practically all display producers operate in conformity with the Swedish standards.

It should be underlined that in the mentioned methods of displays testing of compliance with standard requirements the participation of a human in this tests is not stipulated by the regulations, i.e. experimentalists do not conduct a test of influence of all existing radiation components, including the torsion one, which is, according to the author’s opinion, the reason of indispositions or complains of PC users (see, for example, Table 1).

2. The USA

The USA is one of the most active participants in the sphere of computer ergonomics. American specialists from different scientific and public institutions conduct large-scale researches with the aim of detailed investigation of the problem. The institutions, which are responsible for creation of the national standards (IEEE, NEMA), co-ordinated their standards with those of the EC countries, which, in their turn, include Swedish standards.

The most prescient company authorities take special preventive measures to avoid professional diseases among computer operators. For example, the company “Blue Cross” developed a special program of intensive teaching of all its personnel. During the eight-hour teaching program the company authority got the knowledge how to define the symptoms of diseases. The directors were charged with the task to create such conditions so that employees immediately informed about their problems. In their turn, the employees during one-hour talk obtained the initial information about the danger. As in the case with directors, they were taught to define first signs of diseases, they also were given the information on the organization of a working place.

The specialists of the company examined some models of “ergonomic” armchairs and chose one that can be regulated and adjusted to the dimensions of every employee’s body. 3500 employees went through the teaching program; their working places were newly equipped.

In 1993 the biggest computer producers - “Apple Computer”, “Compaq Computer” and “IBM Corporation” - granted $ 2.5 mil. for the creation of the Center of investigation of video terminals and their influence on health, attached to John Hopkins University.

In the USA on the market one can find G-33 - Electronic smog buster - a dielectric 919f57j resonator that decreases harmful radiation accompanying normal electromagnetic radiation of video displays, TV set screens. G-33 uses neither electric nor magnetic fields. Its operation is based on the energy of another kind that can be measured by biological, chemical, photographic or other methods (the quotation from an advertisement).

In the mentioned advertisement it is stated that the author did not patent his invention to not reveal its essence. It is probably that the reason lies in the impossibility to describe the mechanism of G-33 without recruiting torsion fields theory, particularly the mechanisms of static form torsion fields formation.

3. Germany and Austia

It was mentioned before about psychological difficulties experienced by operators of production processes. The scientists of the Hamburg University searching for means of estimation of such difficulties suggested that they could be qualitatively described by the characteristics of eyes movements. The premises for such conclusions were the following reasoning.

The process of screen picture scanning and the point of eyes fixation on any object are defined by the essence, content and dynamics of the processes, targeted for control, and also by the mechanism of peripheral eyesight and by a priori knowledge of visual kind of the structure depicted on a screen. The scientists of the University constructed the device that allowed recording simultaneously the positions of a head and eyes. On the grounds of this data one could define the position of sight on the screen. During the experiment the trained people were asked to control a modulated complex process by corresponding transference of the cursor. On a color display with high resolution four separate processes were depicted. Temperature and liquid level have to be controlled in each. Visual movements and all manipulations on the graphic console were immediately registered.

The analysis of eyes movements showed the existence of some dependence between total allocation of the fixation duration and the dynamics of the process.

German and Austrian scientists conducted as well research of influence of work with computer on eyesight. Two groups were examined: one included 642 operators who were in front of a display during minimum one hour a day; the second group consisted of 673 employees who did not use a computer at work. The sex and age in both groups were adjusted. Those who carried out the research did not know to which group every examinee belonged. The accurate checkups of eyes characteristics were fulfilled every year during 6 years.

As early as during the first checkup it was found that the symptoms of eyesight deterioration (such as exaggerated sensitivity to bright light, eye pain, burning and “moist eyes') occur more often in the group of operators in comparison with the control group. In the group of operators the acuity of vision was lower without the use of additional measures and short sight occurred more frequently than in the control group.

A reliable German group of experts generalized the experience of work with children of about 6 thousand doctors who worked throughout all Germany. According to the doctors’ calculation, 22% of young patients had headache because of the long stay at a TV set. Thus, TV sets, PCs threatens greatly the health of modern society.


In Switzerland scientists conduct researches connected with the investigation of cathode-ray tube electromagnetic radiation influence on animate species (seaweeds, fruit-flies, rats, chicken embryos, people).

S.E.I.C. sa. Company (Switzerland, Geneva) produces the device A_NOX/Computer - A_NOX/ Television that consists of two miniball made from neutral plastic and filled with concentrated salts of rare-earth metals. Miniballs, placed diagonally near a display or a TV set, work as passive resonators generating the fields antiphase to the main field of a display, which affects a user.

Thus, a harmful biological effect of a display is decreased (from an advertisement of S.E.I.C.). According to the author’s opinion, the presented explanation of the A_NOX mechanism is not convincing and has something in common with the principle of operation of a device “Gamma - 7”, produced in Russia.

Fig. 24

The general view of a device is presented in Fig. 2

In some degree an exotic device protecting, as the author claims, from radiation of TV sets and similar equipment, for example, computer displays, is the subject to invention in the Swiss patent 680 477, MPK H01J 35/16. Its general view is presented in Fig. 25.

Fig. 25

The device itself is the complex in the form of cones or truncated cones made from metal. Its each component consists of four elements (11; 12; 13; 14). The elements are fastened vertically in grounded metal bearing (15) and positioned under a display or a TV set screen.

According to the affirmations of the author, the device can provide protection from radiation in two or three-dimensional space

5. Australia

In similar Australian researches 43 % of examinees used spectacles and there were no significant differences between groups. During the checkup spectacles were recommended to 6.2 % and existing spectacles were changed for 11.4 %. Eyesight deterioration rate in the group of operators was slightly higher but the differences were insignificant.

There were no noticeable differences between two groups in the prevalence of external eye diseases; however, in the group of operators deviations found with the help of ophthalmoscope were observed more often (10.3 % to 7.8 %). However, in 6 years in the control group there were more examinees with new signs (1%) in comparison with the group of operators (0.4%).

The work with displays was considered to cause cataract of the lens. However, in the control group there were more people with lens turbidity, although it is not thought to be cataract in clinical sense, than during the first checkup (1.7 % and 1.3 %). In 6 years cataract was discovered among 0.7 % of people in the control group and 1.8 % in the group of operators. Such difference is not statistically important.

6. China

One of the most important directions of research work in China is the development of the national ergonomic standards and manuals of construction and use of computers. In 1980 the Chinese Ergonomic Standardization Committee was found. Since then more than 20 national ergonomic standards were worked up and introduced. In recent years some educational ergonomic programs were created for popularization of knowledge and increase of qualification of operators and managers working with a computer. These teaching programs usually include the courses of industrial psychology, computers standardization, management informational systems and programming.

The psychological effects of computer influence on users were investigated. Scientists considered correlation between exertion during the fulfillment of works of different complexity, quantity of tasks, requirements, behavior style, type of interaction between people, on the one hand, and resulting psychosomatic reactions, visual and physical exhaustion, on the other hand. On the grounds of obtained results the number of systems of hygienic, protective, medical, preventive support for users of banknotes and other sources of radiation were created.

7. England

The ergonomic institutions in England in the framework of the program “Health and Safety on a Working Place” examine computer equipment on the spot with the help of a professional ergonomist. The examination includes:

1. Ergonomic estimation of display screens and work surroundings.

2. Instruction on the legislature about health protection and safety of work with a computer.

3. Determination of a teaching method, information about organization and necessary measures of health protection.

The program “Health and Safety on a Working Place” pays attention of all who work with a computer on the necessity to provide health protection actions on a working place. The programs of video studying for directors include practical information about new developments in the sphere of organization, design and equipping of a working place, premises, including computer equipment.

8. Russia

For along time in Russia there was not any standard regulating work with a computer that would conform to the generally accepted European and world standards. But in 1997 a normative document approved by the State Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection “Video display terminals and personal computers. Hygienic requirements to video display terminals and personal computers and work organization”, which standardizes displays and PC radiation characteristics, came into effect. The level of these radiations is brought into accordance with MPR II.

The solution of computers safety problem has also advanced. In the Center of electromagnetic safety scientists work up protective measures from electromagnetic radiation, study a functional condition of a computers operator, analyze radiation level of different computers. Specialists of the Center on demand of institutions estimate and compile the maps of indoor electromagnetic fields, give recommendations on the optimal position of working places and conditions of work with a computer.

The work connected with investigation of guard filters characteristics is fulfilled in the Institute of Eye Microsurgery. The Research Institute of Labor Protection, Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radiotechnical Measurements intensively deal with the problem.

Specialists of the company “Russkiy Tchit” work a lot in the sphere of creation of technical protectants for users. On their credit side there are three models of guard filters, software “Oftalm-Profilactika”, the indicator of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation. The work is fulfilled with the support of the New Medical Equipment Committee of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry of Russian Federation, the Department of research of flight safety medical problems of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, the chair of eye diseases of medical faculty of the Russian State Medical Institute.

Scientists came to the conclusion that there is a necessity in a wide range of researches aimed at the use of physical training facilities for preventive and sanitary purposes, as exactly physical exercises could play a key role in the preserving of PC users’ health. The researches by E. A. Geltischev and G. N. Selekhov from the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene named after F. Erisman proved that making exercises during the work with a computer is favorable and useful. They invented the exercises complexes (three variants) that help to decrease the fatiguability of eyes [29].

V. N. Anisimov, M. A. Zabizhinskiy, E. I. Muratov, I. G. Popovich, A. V. Arutunyan, T. I. Oparina, V. M. Prokopenko (Research Institute of oncology named after prof. N. N. Petrov of Ministry of Heath and Medical Industry of RF, Saint-Petersburg) reckon that one of the urgent hygienic problems of the last time is the study of possible harmful consequences of a wide introduction of personal computers [5].

It is connected with the fact that there are a lot of data about disfunction in neuroendocrine and immune systems, also about increase of the risk to have some tumors having industrial exposition to electromagnetic fields of different frequency and intensity. In the experiment it is shown that static electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields of low frequency can stimulate chemical carcinogenesis in mammae and skin. Concerning PC users, there appeared separate, but always proved, reports about increase of the risk of cerebrum tumors development, increase of miscarriage frequency among women-operators, and among their children -frequency of deformities. Experimental researches of possible harmful video terminals radiation influence were not conducted previously.

The fulfilled experiments give possibility to estimate the exposition to radiation, created by video terminals, as a modifying factor of low intensity with a wide range of biological influence. The greatest effect was observed after a prolonged exposition to video terminals radiation. One can suppose that video terminals radiation affects an organism primarily on system level violating humoral link of homeostasis.

The research of torsion fields influence on blood was conducted in October 1996 in the Center of Energy-Informational Technologies attached to the Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics under scientific leadership of Doctor of Science, prof. G. N. Dul’nev [27]. It consisted of two series of experiments of torsion generator influence on blood. In the first preliminary series specialists examined torsion radiation influence on the indices of clinic blood test: hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leucocytes, rod-nucleus and segment-nucleus neutrophiles, eosinophiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes sink speed (ESS). In the second series features of fields were examined with the help of the index of erythrocytes sink speed that is the most sensitive to their influence.

Scientists examined as well the index of clinic test of the blood taken from the fingers of two volunteers into glass cap tubules that were afterwards irradiated with the help of torsion generator. The research was conducted in cycles. Each cycle consisted of the following phases: a) taking a sample from every of two volunteers (altogether two glass tubules with blood); b) irradiated of the tubules with the help of torsion generator (except the control first cycle); c) fulfillment of clinic test of the blood from the tubules.

There were five cycles:

1 - the control one, without irradiation,

2-5 - with different operating modes of the torsion generator (left and right polarization during minimum and maximum voltage of the torsion generator). Irradiation cycle duration was 20 minutes.

The results of this research are presented in the Table 3. The data for two examinees is given through the slash.

Table 3. Changes of the indices of clinic blood test before and after irradiation by a torsion field.




Right min

Right max

Left min

Left max

Hemoglobin, g/l

Erythrocytes, g/l

Leucocytes, g/l

Rod-nucleus neutrophiles, %

Segment-nucleus neutrophiles, %

Eosinophiles, %

Lymphocytes, %

Monocytes, %

Erythrocytes sink speed, mm/h

The analysis of the obtained data allows to conclude that among the indices of clinic blood test the most sensitive to torsion radiation is the index of erythrocytes sink speed (ESS). The values of ESS of both examinees changed in four-five times depending on irradiation parameters. The changes of other indices of clinic blood test are in the limits of the inaccuracy of their definition methods. For the further investigations the index of ESS was used as the most informative, i. e. the ESS index can be used for registration and estimation of torsion generator irradiation features. The increase of ESS to 35-40 mm/h confirms the fact of a negative influence of powerful torsion fields produced by explotable generators on a human organism.

Important data of the research of right torsion field negative impact on laboratory rats is published in [46].

For the investigation of torsion field influence on animals’ physiological reactions scientists conducted the experiments with the use of the generator from the Interindustry

Scientific-and-Technical Center of Venture and Non-traditional Technologies (ISTC “VENT”, Moscow).

It is known that weakened animals react on external weak influences while healthy ones easily adapt to them.

In the developed method for weakening of animals they were previously irradiated by lethal and sublethal dozes of caesium 137.

Radiation sickness course after critical irradiation is fairly well studied.

The main tests for the examination of animals’ condition are their survival and average lifetime of the deceased ones. Placing the mice in the right field of static torsion radiation, scientists observed the increase of their survival in comparison with the control animals on 17-33 %, while there were not any differences in lifetime of the irradiated animals.

In the further researches scientists used a torsion field generator of V. Panov’s design, which produces a dynamic torsion field of a wide range. Under the influence of this field radiation sickness of the animals proceeded much easier, at the same time less loss of live weight and increase of animals’ survival and lifetime were observed.

Thus, the results of the researches showed that right torsion field evokes reply reaction of warm-blooded animals and that it could be used for improvement of weakened (sick) organisms condition.

It follows from this that application of right torsion field generators is promising in atom power engineering, medicine - for improvement of condition of patients who were exposed to actinotherapy.

9. Uzbekistan

The scientists of Uzbekistan conduct investigations of bio-energy-informational influence of display radiation. In [6] it is stated that animate systems function on the basis of constant exchange of energy and information with environment. Information exchange is fulfilled with the help of electromagnetic fields from visible to sound range. As a graphic example one can use a mirror cytopatic effect in distant intercellular cooperations fulfilled in optic range of electromagnetic fields and experiments of congenital features (genetical information) transmission with the help of electromagnetic fields of ultrahigh frequency range.

Moreover, it was defined that management with the help of electromagnetic fields in animate systems from gene level to level of whole organism is fulfilled in ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and extremely-high frequency (EHF) ranges.

Scientists conducted purposeful heritable alterations in genotype of plants and animals by influencing on elementary cells with the electromagnetic field of the entire organisms with the help of special radiophysical devices of these range. By the coherent radiation of millimeter range one can selectively influence the course of biochemical reactions, restore the activity of immune system as well as influence the consciousness of a human and animals, i.e. to create “biorobots”.

Purposeful researches aimed at finding the mechanism of bioinfluence of electromagnetic fields and other kinds of radiation will lead to the creation of methods and means of protection and neutralization of energy-informational aggression on animate nature and prevention of uncontrollable animate systems appearance as well.

The most urgent task in this sphere is to develop the methods of neutralization of a bioinformational influence of computer radiation. This is due to the computer possibility to manage (control) and purposefully influence a human and animal organism in particular and whole nature in general. Besides, a computer under the definite conditions can work in the mode of data reading from an operator (brain drain) and also it can become a local source (intermediary) of a psychotropic influence. In connection with the above-said, investigation of the mechanism of bio-energy-informational computer radiation influence allows to develop methods of neutralization as well as methods of their exploitation with creative and sanitary aims. At present the following preliminary results are obtained.

The first variant of the method of computer radiation negative influence neutralization was developed. The preliminary results of the tests show that the heath condition of operators before and after installation of neutralization significantly differs. For example, the operator with 7 years seniority had languor, increased fatiguability, irritability and other typical symptoms. During one month after the installation of neutralization the mentioned symptoms become less apparent and capacity for work increased. The observations are being continued.

The sientists completed the first stage of the researches in the development of bio-energy-informational methods of control for harvest and protection of plants on the basis of purposeful selective programs of neutralization and use of negative computer radiation. The experiments in laboratories showed the possibility to accelerate germination periods of cotton-plant, wheat and also the possibility of their growth and development under computer influence. The experimenters obtained as well the encouraging results in the sphere of protection of plants against vermin, particularly against web tick, without the use of pesticides.

10. Ukraine

In Ukraine (Kharkiv, Kiev, Dnipropetrovs’k, Simpheropol’) large-scale researches with the aim of thorough examination of the problems of a negative impact of PC monitors, TV sets, other electronic equipment on users are conducted. Also the corresponding protectants are developed.

These researches are conducted on the basis of previous experience of research work during which both positive and negative influences of torsion fields on animate species were defined.

For example, the group of research officers headed by Litvinov N. Ya. developed the method of mosquito ovums reactivation: with the aim to increase the percentage of mosquito birth, the insects’ ovums are exposed during 45-90 s under the top of a metal cone at a distance of 8-12 centimeters from the top, the cone surface being preliminarily treated with monochromatic coherent radiation with wavelength 6328 A .

The percentage of mosquito birth increases up to 90-92 % in comparison with 51 % under the normal conditions, i.e. without the use of activating factors of right torsion field generated by a cone.

This and other researches promoted the development of devices for protection against a negative influence of left torsion fields generated by PC monitors, TV sets, other electronic equipment and geopathogenic zones.

“TORSER” is the most well-known and widely exploited in Kiev device. It is a generator of static torsion field. This device guarantees the protection of a user’s organism from a negative influence of informational component of display electromagnetic radiation (torsion fields).

The device was invented with the participation of the specialists from the joint venture “Gulf International Corporation” which made small-lot production of these devices. The external view of this device is presented in Fig. 28.

Fig. 28

In September 1998 Semiglazov V. V. and Voitkevich A. N. conducted an experimental research of PC displays torsion fields influence on the processes of NaCl crystallization.


The photographs illustrate the results of the experiment. In this experiment one of the Petri dishes was at a distance of 25-30 cm in front of a display along the current of its torsion field (Fig.29), another one - similarly on a device “TORSER” (Fig.29,a).

In the Petri dish, which was without «TORSER» during the experiment, one can observe a distinct influence of PC monitor left torsion field on the processes of NaCl crystallization that is illustrated by “creeping-out” of crystallizing NaCl outside the Petri dish, reaching the bottom level from the external side (Fig. 29).


In the Petri dish, placed on « TORSER» during the experiment, scientists registered, as it is in normal geoenergetic zones, the polycrystalline structure, with comparatively homogeneous and monotonous allocation of various granules that proves the effect of removal of left torsion fields influence on the processes of NaCl crystallization by “TORSER” (Fig. 29,a).

Later the author of this book in co-operation with Kurik M. V., Agnihotri S., and Ivanov L. A. conducted similar experiment but somewhat more modernized. While Semiglazov V. V. and Voitkevich A. N. positiond Petri dishes with NaCl solution in display torsion field and exposed until the end of crystallization, the author and co-operators exploited not only the Petri dishes, producing weak right form static torsion field, but also the containers in the form of a long cylinder generating weak left torsion field (Fig. 30). The aim of the experiment was to define the peculiarities of the dynamics of crystallization process in the containers with different own torsion fields.

Fig. 30

It appeared to be that the initiation of the process in the Petri dish was observed along the eddy flow of PC display left torsion field (Fig. 31), while in the container in the form of a long cylinder crystallization processes commenced in the plane perpendicular to the stream of display left torsion field (Fig. 30).

Fig. 31

These results require further consideration and explanation, however it is obvious even now that initial phases of molecule aggregation can fix the influence of weak form static torsion fields, formed by the nuclei in which crystallization occurs.

It should be noted that these results point on the possibility to create one more way of experimental methods for the work with torsion fields. Their essence lies in the fact that we can judge about qualities of torsion interaction depending on parameters of structures formed in torsion fields.

Furthermore, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems of the National Academy of Science and Ministry of Education created an indicator of computer radiation.

A short description of a device is presented below.

An indicator of electromagnetic radiation defines values of electric and magnetic components of field and their conformity with established norms and also calculates a permissible time of irradiation on a working place. A device has two ranges of measurement. Using the indications of a device one can choose such technical equipment and working time so that radiation would minimally affect health.

The indicator is a device of a directional action. The indications constitute the measured magnetic flux density (nT) and calculated field intensity (V/m) multiplied by cosine of the angle between the direction on radiation source and the longitudinal axis of a device.

The service program allows to see the characteristics of display radiation of the most widespread displays for the comparison with the established norms and the display being tested.

Main performance specification:

Definition limits: 0-750 nT, 0-200 V/m;

Frequency range: 0.3-80 Hz;

Miscalculation: 5 %;

Integration time: 70 ms;

Range of working temperatures: +10°-+30°C;

Radiation parameters

At the moment of device output the most excepted norms for computers in a controlled range are the following ones

According to the standard MPR II (MPR 1990:8), magnetic flux density is 25 nT, electric changing field intensity is 2.2 V/m, according to the standard TCO’91 - 25 nT and 1.0 V/m respectively (N. B. Aizenberg - Защита пользователей ЭВМ от негативных воздействий слабых электромагнитных полей//Прикладная эргономика: -М.,-1992, №7). According to the standard MPR II, radiation control is conducted at a distance of 0.5 m from the surface of a display front and on the surface of imaginary cylinder with corresponding radius and longitudinal axis in the display center (Gert Ander and Lars-Erik Paulsson Measure-incrit of electric and magnetic fields from VDU in Sweden//Swedish Radiation Protection Institute SSI).

According to the medical instructions for schools, intensity of electric component at a distance of 0.1 m from all surfaces of a display should not exceed 25 V/m (Hygienic and ergonomic conditions for organization of working places and regimen of lessons with the use of computers in secondary school// Ministry of Health: K., 1990).

Work with a device

A device is connected to a computer through a port COM1 or COM2. An adapter is used if needed.

For calculations the program DOSIMETR.EXE is launched in DOS. The program finds the port of connection. Control keys are shown in the foot of a screen. At one side of a device there is a sensor, at another one - the cutoff point of a connecting cable. To guarantee accuracy one should hold a device with a hand at the side with the cutoff point on the maximum distance from a sensor.

During the measurement one should place a device in a chosen point and orient it on the maximum indication. Having connected to one computer, one can measure radiation of other nearby computers and TV sets. For measurement of radiation at a distances stipulated by the standards a straightedge is used.

Let’s consider some results of the examinations of a device “FORPOST-1”

The tests conducted in the Ukrainian Scientific and Hygienic Center of Ministry of Health of Ukraine and in the Center of Voluntary Certification “MIRA” show that there were not any changes of health among the people working with a protective device.

The experiments were conducted on the foreign displays with the same protection rate from well-known harmful irradiations. Before the beginning of the experiments the health condition of every examinee was defined (according to Foll method). Foll method made a good showing in the world and has the definite scientific grounds [63].

The participants of the experiment:

from Minskiy district diagnostics center of Kiev - a therapeutist, specialist in electroacupunctural diagnostics and therapy according to Foll method A. N. Sokolenko;

from the National Technical Institute of Ukraine “KPI” - head of applied ecology department, candidate of science, assistant professor A. R. Pavlenko.

The aim of the experiments

To determine a harmful influence of PC display screen torsion radiation and to determine the effectiveness of users protection from it with the help of “A device for human protection against negative impact of video terminal, TV sets and other home equipment”.

The program and methods of experiments

The experiments lasted 2 hours in three chosen rooms. The working places were situated so that PCs and users were not in geopathogenic zones.

A. R. Pavlenko fulfilled the arrangement of working places with the help of the complex of bioaffinor by the method of biolocation.

Before the beginning of the experiments a therapeutist A. N. Sokolenko according to Foll method, taking into account three indices, examines health conditions of 6 person and chose 4 of them, who were to work with a device for protection against torsion component of PC display radiation. Level of health condition was determined by three indices:

total (total indices of organism condition) parameters of electroacupunctural diagnostics (TPED);

immune system condition (IS);

nervous system condition (NS).

The examinees:

Elena Anatolievna, Nikolay Andreevich, Tatyana Ivanovna and Sergey Ivanovich - work on a computer without a protective device.

Tatyana Nikolaevna and Viktor Andreevich - work on a computer with a protective device.

The experiment began on February 5, 1997 at 10-00. Parameters measurement was conducted at 5(10)-minutes intervals, in the process of experiments a protective device was set (see Notice in the Tables 4-9). The data obtained during the experiments is presented in the Tables 1-6. It was discovered that risk factors, connected with PC displays left torsion fields influence, including those affecting the general organism condition and capacity for work, are defined, on the one hand, by individual characteristics of an organism and mentality of a person and, on the other hand, by a specific “spectrum” of left torsion fields.

The results of the health condition analysis of the examinees (PC users), protected from negative influence of PC display radiation torsion component, are the evidence of a significant decrease of this influence. The indices of health condition did not change significantly during all time of experiments.

At the same time indices of organism health condition of the non-protected users had the downtrend with time. Their indices of health condition became worse on 20-40 % in comparison with the initial data.


1. The results of the research showed that a device for human protection from a negative influence of video terminals “TORSER” decreases considerably the effect of torsion component of PC monitors electromagnetic radiation.

2. The mentioned device may be recommended as a preventive measure for removal of a negative influence of torsion component of PC monitors, TV-sets, other electronic equipment electromagnetic radiation.

The experiments were conducted by V. Pereveziy

Chief of the laboratory N. Voyta

Table The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Elena

Time, minutes





10-00 Initial data

A protective
device is set

Table 5. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Nikolay

Time, minutes





Initial data

A protective

device is set

Table 6. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Tatiyana 

Time, minutes





Initial data

A protective

device is set

Table 7. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Sergey 

ime, minutes





Initial data

Table 8. The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Tatiyana –

- work with a protective device

Time, minutes





Initial data

Table 9.The data of the examinations (condit. units) of Victor

Time, minutes





Initial data

During the more minute investigation of the results of interaction between the left torsion field of the monitor and right torsion field of the protective device by the biolocation method it was discovered that part of the left torsion field changed its direction in circular arc almost on 180 degrees, i.e. as if it reflected and got into right field which was located behind the display. As a result of interaction between opposite twisted swirls of the torsion field both of them significantly weaken, and total torsion field behind the display is practically equal to the background level.

For more efficient understanding of the results of the examination of a device “TORSER” we present more detailed description of Foll method, as a reader may be unacquainted with it.

In the course of conducted examinations of different acupunctural points Foll defined the indices corresponding to the “norms”. An EAF device (“electroacupuncture according to Foll”) is used not for revelation of electric symmetry of points of paired meridians but for the examination of single points parameters. The level of electric potential of a definite acupuntural point reflects the energy level of the organ (organs) connected with the corresponding meridian. The deviation of potential value from the norm carries important information about existing organ disfunctions. For example, decreased current in acupunctural point can be connected with pathology of corresponding organs or with definite external conditions that reduce general vitality of an organism. And on the contrary, increased current probably points at inflammatory process. The examination of acupunctural point reaction on electric stimulation gives additional information about the form of disease (acute or chronic). Switching a Foll device on mode of treatment, one can influence with low current on weakened acupunctural point and connected meridian, whose possibility to absorb currents coming from the outside depends on the seriousness of disease. In the case of slow disease course or a little weakening of organism vitality it is possible to “recharge” it through electroprobe - the stimulation of the point with reduced potential takes place. It will be difficult to restore parameters of this point for a short period of time if disfunction is caused by more difficult (chronic) form of disease.

An EAF device allows to obtain more detailed information about the type of existing organ disfunction. Researchers claim that they managed to discover a close connection between parameters of acupunctural points, arranged along the meridian of a corresponding organ, and definite features of organ. One can obtain detailed information about organ functioning analyzing electric potentials of the definite acupunctural points, arranged along a definite meridian.

An EAF device can help to carry out rather detailed energy “inventory” of different organs functions. Deviation (in this or that side) of electric parameters of a corresponding meridian from normal level serves as a sign of existing degenerate of inflammatory processes in an examined organ. One can work out data in detail measuring parameters of acupunctural points arranged along a meridian. Examination of a patient with the help of a Foll device requires much more time than in the case with other devices, nevertheless, it is fully compensated by a more detailed elaboration of data obtained. A Foll device not just can diagnose presence of these or those disfuctions in definite organism systems but also often gives a possibility to find genuine reasons of energy disfunction and outline potential ways of treatment.

The phenomenon of biological resonance prevailing in the nature is used. As we know, electrons in atom rotate around a nucleus in definite orbits. An electron has to absorb energy quantum of a definite frequency to proceed to a higher orbit from a lower one. In the case of transition of an electron from a higher orbit on a lower one it irradiates energy quantum of the same frequency called “resonance frequency”. Atoms and molecules have special resonance frequencies, however resonance can be generated only by the energy with strictly defined vibrational characteristics. For example, a singer sustaining a high note can fully broke a glass to pieces - on condition that this note precisely corresponds to the resonance characteristics of this glass.

One more examination of “TORSER” influence on health condition of a user who is located near a computer display was conducted by V. I. Stavitskiy, a candidate of science, chief research officer of biofields laboratory of the Fundamental Researches Center of the Academy of Natural Science in February 2000.

In the protocol of the tests of “TORSER' it is stated that as a result of scientific and technological progress we observe the importance to prevent a human from the possibility of dangerous man-caused influence. There is also a possibility of danger from implicit influences on a human, which are not accessible to the control in actual time but can cause irreversible disfunctions of health afterwards.

In connection with this possible measures for human protection from implicit impacts are already being taken. “TORSER” is proposed as one of protective means in particular from torsion component of display radiation. But revelation of protection effect in the process of influence is complicated in this case by the fact that the factors of both the influence on a human and his protection are not accessible for direct observation. As a result of this a registering apparatus of new generation “ELECTROPSYCHOGRAPH” [60] was used for the solution of this problem.

The known methods of examination of human processes and conditions with the help of electric signals allow to measure solely energy of information carrier. In contrast to them the operation of “ELECTROPSYCHOGRAPH” is based on qualitatively new method and system patented in the Russian Federation. The informational capabilities of this device are extended by the registration of wave qualities of an information carrier. For this a known for a long time electrovacuum device “politron” is used. “Psychograph” assumes a possibility of emanation of additional information about an examined object. It is useful in those cases when quantum nature of charges interaction is important. The regularities of quantum charges interaction as a physical phenomenon are known to the fundamental science as Aaronov-Bom effect. But manifestation of these regularities in an abnormal regulation of registered electric signal was obtained, as we know, for the first time with the help of psychograph.

With the help of psychograph it is possible to discover the dependence of a human on different external factors including those non-measurable. If these factors are controllable during experiments then satisfactory statistic reliability of experiments can be obtained. Exactly this capability was used during the examinations of a device “TORSER”.


Fig. 32

Scientists conducted ten sessions of device influence on a human, a device being placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from a display screen. During every session lasting 1000 s an examinee was in front of a display, his condition being registered by psychograph. With the aim to define the dependence of human condition on device influence it was periodic: in the first and third phases of a session (Fig. 32 and 23) the device was absent, while in the second and fourth it was placed under a display screen in accordance with instructions. Every session consisted of four equal in time phases. The results are presented by the change of parameter of human condition (the diagrams 2 in Fig. 32 and 33). With the aim to check influence of a device on a psychograph, apart from a human, scientists registered the indications of the psychograph during the placement of the device in the same order but without connection of the psychograph to a human (the diagrams 1 in Fig. 32 and 33). In Fig. 32 there are the characteristics of one session and in Fig. 33 - the characteristics generalized through entire database.

Fig. 33

As qualitative parameters for the evaluation of dependence (or its absence) of a human condition on the presence of a device, scientists used: “the proportion signal/ interference” (r, Fig. 34) and “the coefficient of correlation” (k, Fig. 35). These parameters characterize the correspondence between human reaction and phase of device influence (these parameters are presented more detailed in [60]). For the check of statistical authenticity of accumulated database scientists conducted the qualitative estimation for every session as well as for total quantity in the process of data accumulation from the first to tenth session.

Fig. 34

The nature of the obtained dependences and stable increase of the differences between the indications of the diagrams 1 and 2 in the process of data accumulation are the evidence of “TORSER” influemce on the condition of a human located in front of a display.

The nature of the diagrams 1 also shows that the dependences presented on the diagrams 2 are not conditioned by the direct influence of a device “TORSER” on the indications of the psychograph.

Taking into account the accumulated statistics of a psychograph use [60], we may consider the significant equating of characteristics in the phases of (Fig. 32, 33) to be a favorable feature of human conditions stabilization. The more overall judgment about the nature of “” influence is possible during the parallel observation of physical paramete “TORSER”

Fig. 35

The monitoring of some physical indications, energy of internal organs and psychosomatic condition can be conducted with the use of the hardware complex “GDV-Camera” produced in the Russian Federation.

With the help of special programs ('CDV PROCESSOR', 'CDV AURA', and 'CDV DIAGRAM') the mathematical processing of obtained bioenergograms is carried out, which allows on the basis of quantitative estimation of image parameters to conduct express-diagnosis and monitoring of psychosomatic condition of a human in general and energy of his internal organs as well.

The complex “GDV-Camera”, based on Gas-Discharge Visualization method, is successfully applied in the research sphere in medicine for estimation of different influences on a human organism, including allopathic and homeopathic remedies, psyco- and physiotherapy.

The research of effectiveness of user’s protection from a negative influence of PC displays by the device “TORSER” was carried out on 14 persons in daytime in February-March 2000. Their age varied between 17 and 70, mainly they were 35-50 years old.

The research was carried out on three foreign computers, produced in 1999.

The degree of user’s protection against known harmful radiation is the same.

Before the beginning of the research the workplaces were arranged in the way that a PC user was not in geopathogenic (biopathogenic) zones.

The research lasted 4 hours. The experiment consisted of 4 parts.

On the first phase before the beginning of research the level of health condition was defined by the data obtained after the shooting of examinees’ ten fingers fluorescence by the standard method on “GDV-Camera” in background mode.

On the second phase the examinees were proposed to work without a protective device during 10 minutes. After this the repeated shooting was carried out on “GDV-Camera».

On the third phase the examinees were proposed to get out of left torsion zone and to hold in the hands TORSER during 10 minutes. After this the repeated shooting was carried out on “GDV-Camera” once more.

On the fourth phase the examinees were proposed to work with a computer during 2 hours while “TORSER” was placed under a display in accordance with user instruction.

During the information registration by “GDV-Camera” an examinee puts in succession his fingers on the electrode made of optical glass and on short impulse of current (10 µs) on the electrode surface the creepage appears and it is recorded by the optical system of the device. During the shooting corresponding rules of work with “GDV-Camera” connected with fingers inclination angle from vertical line and placing of fingers axis relatively to the axis of the device were observed.

Pig. Pig.37

After fixation in the program “CDV-GRABBER” the information is processed in “CDV-DIAGRAM”. This program in graphic form on 16 rays of ring diagram for left and right hands separately represents the normalized area of light striking of corresponding sectors connected with a definite human organ or system. The points on rays build the closed graph. Pig. 36, 37

The external ring of the diagram corresponds to the redundant energy of a human organ or system, internal ring - insufficient energy, middle ring - normal condition. Insufficiency and redundancy of energy defines hyper- or hypofunction of a human organ.

Influence on human organism energy was estimated by semi-qualitative method taking into account the existence of the difference between check diagram and diagram after corresponding influence. The trend of the influence of “TORSER” was taken into account (whether it provokes improvement or worsening of human organs or systems energetic condition)


On the diagram of “CDV-DIAGRAM” each of 16 rays corresponds to a definite human body organ (system). The diagram is double - for left and right hands separately.

According to “energy” the examinees formed some groups.

Within the norm - 3 persons.

The norm but some organs experienced lack of energy - 4 persons.

Prevalent hypofunction or frontier condition - 2 persons.

Mixed type - 5 persons.

The health condition parameters of PC users non-protected by  “TORSER” tended to decrease with time (Fig. 38,39).

In course of experiment we recorded 48 (12% of total number of chan ges) biggest influences of torsion field of a PC on human organs (systems) condition.

Pig.38 Pig.39

The “targets” appeared to be the urino-genital system - 12% and also spleen, liver, endocrine system, kidneys that totaled in more than half of all maximum changes. Other organs experienced less a negative impact of display radiation leading to the changes of their “energy”, especially it responds to heart and colons.

It is necessary to note the difference between right and left hands in the number of recorded changes in this or that organ. The number of changes on the right hand approximately twice more often exceeded the corresponding value on the left hand.

We discovered some selectivity in the influence on a number of organs of men and women. The maximum influence on women organisms was recorded in the area of spleen (90%), and the most sensitive organs of a man appeared to be kidneys (80%).

Except this the degree of PC display influence on a user depends on psychophysical condition of an examinee in the moment of influence as well.

Data obtained in the research were brought together in the tables.

Skewness between left and right hands was not observed as well in both samples.

As a result of the carried out analysis (the 3rd phase, the users held “TORSER” in the hands during 10-15 min.) we discovered the trend of the device to the harmonious condition, i.e. the device fulfilled a compensatory function. In the majority of cases the changes of organs “energy” had a harmonious character with the tendency to “norm”, i.e. the positive influence of the device on men as well as on women was observed (Fig. 40, 41).

Pig.40 Pig.41

The results of parameters analysis of health condition of PC users who were protected from the a negative influence of the torsion components of PC displays electromagnetic radiation by ' TORSER ' show that this harmful influence is considerably decreased as the parameters of these PC users’ health condition did not changed considerably during all the period of the research.


1.The results of the research showed that “TORSER” decreases considerably the effect of torsion component of PC displays electromagnetic radiation and its use may be connected with a favorable sign of PC users’ health condition stabilization.

2.The mentioned device may be recommended as a preventive means for the removal of a negative influence of torsion component of PC displays, TV-sets, other electronic equipment electromagnetic radiation.

Except “TORSER” on the markets of Ukraine and Russia one can purchase a device “Antor” invented by the firm “Erva” from Simpheropol’ (Ukraine). As it follows from the promotional materials, “Antor” - is a device for human protection from a harmful influence of the radiation of computer displays, TV set screens, electric copying equipment, lasers and other sources of radiation.

The principle of operation of the device is not described yet anywhere.

11. France

In France scientists conduct intensive researches devoted to the determination of PC displays electromagnetic radiation negative influence on users, examine the level of a psychotropic influence, experienced by operators of industrial processes. The team-work with the Swedish company S.E.I.C. (Geneva) in mentioned directions also takes place.

Fig. 42

The subject of the invention, described in the patent pending of France 2 692 155, MPK A61N 1/16, is the device for protection against electromagnetic radiation of computer displays, cellular and radiotelephones, TV sets, etc. The device (Fig. 42) consists of two hollow tubes (1) filled with liquid (6) whose ends (2) are closed with steel balls (3). The tubes (1) are fastened on the mutual bearing (4) whose base is provided with two-side adhesive tape (5). The device is fastened on the display body in the position shown in Fig. 43 and provides protection in the radius of 35-50 cm.

Fig. 43

One of the latest developments is an electromagnetic oscillator (by prof. Guy Thieux and Allan Fouquet). It is a variant of “space harmonizes”

Fig. 4

Nowadays one can observe the tendency to the realization of joint researches between French and Ukrainian scientists.

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