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This is the design "a" that you've chosen:


a) This is the design "a" that you've chosen:

a1) Now it's the same design, but with only letter "a" (with "century gothic" font) is changed in "c 10210d320k ranberry" line, and the web address line is being left the same. Also the "snack" from paradise line is being left the same.

a2) In "a2" you've got all "cranberry" line changed (with the "century gothic" font), and the web address also changed with the "century gothic" font. The "snacks from paradise" line is being left as I was originally.

a3) In "a3" design, you've got EVERYTHING (all 3 lines) changed in "century gothic" font.

Please note that in "a2" and "a3" options you've got the "cranberry" line in century gothic font but the THICKNESS is different.

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