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Tips for DC++, oDC and WinMx users



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Tips for DC++, oDC and WinMx users

This is how I still up my PC's and home router to run WinMx in "Primary" mode and either DC++ or oDC in "Active" mode. PC 1 runs WinMx and PC 3 runs oDC If you are not going run in either primary or active mode then you will not need the info below.

I have three or more PC's connected to a Linksys Etherfast Cable/DSL Router model BEFSR41 which in turn communicates to the Internet via Cable.

Linksys connections: WAN - to cable modem

1 - to PC 1 - Mainly used for WinMx as Primary or Secondary

2 - to PC 2 - Used as secondary on WinMx

3 - to HP Printer

4 - Hub to PC's 3, 4, 5, 6 PC 3 is Active on oDC

In Windows open a "Command Prompt" window and enter "ipconfig" then hit the enter key. Write down the IP Address, it will start with 192.168.1 10110w221k .xxx, where xxx is anything from 001 to 255. This is your internal IP address, the one the Linksys Router uses to communicate with your PC. Type in "Exit" then hit the enter key to make the "Command Prompt" window go away.

Do step one on each PC you have that you want to allow DC++, oDC or WinMX to use.

Open your internet browser and go to this will tell you the IP address that the Internet uses when communicating with you, your cable modems IP address. Write this IP address down.

Now while you still have your browser open enter the IP address of your Linksys router, the default is and hit the enter key. This will start the administrative functions in your Linksys router. Do it change the "User Name", tab to "Password" and enter "admin" then hit the enter key or click on "OK"

You are now in the Linksys setup environment. Click on "Advanced" tab , then the "Forwarding" tab. You should now be in the "Port Range Forwarding" screen. This is where you tell the Linksys router which ports to forward to which internal IP addresses.

Now the first moment of truth: How many PCs are you going to want to give access to DC++, oDC and/or WinMX. Lets say one for now. In the column "Customized Application" Type WinMX, then hit the tab key, you should now be in the first column under "Ext.Port" enter 50000 and hit the tab key, you are now in the second column under "Ext.Port", enter 50001 and again hit the tab key, you should be the column under "Protocol TCP", hit the space bar to turn the check character on in the little box, when it is checked hit the tab key and do the same thing to turn on the check character under the "Protocol UDP". The numbers and be anything from 00000 to 64000, your call, just remember what you used because we are going to need then later. I would strongly suggest anything greater that 20000 though, some of the lower numbers have specific assignments already, this way you are well above them and hopefully out of harms way.

Now the second moment of truth, the last box under "IP Address" should now be selected. Enter in the last three digits of the IP address for the PC you wish allow access for. Let say that this PC has an IP address of You should enter 100 in the last field and then hit the tab key, you should now be in the column under "Enable" use the space bar to turn the check character on in this little box.

If you are only going to allow one PC access, you are done here go to step 9, if you want multiple PCs to have access then tab to the next row and repeat steps 6 and 7 remembering to change the IP address to match the next PC you want to allow access for. Also changed the "Ext.Port" numbers. I have my system setup so PC 1 ( uses Ext Ports 50000 and 50001 and PC 3 ( uses Ext Ports 40000 and 40001

When you are done click on "APPLY", wait the 5 seconds and shut down the browser, we are done here.

Let do DC++ / oDC first

  1. Start DC++ or oDC
  2. Go to the "Settings" screen
  3. Under "General" enter your nickname. If you wish to run in "Active" mode where you can see everyone and they can see you then
  4. Click on the "Active" option button, turn the little ball inside it on, then click on the text box called "IP", and enter the IP address from step 3 in the first section, then click on the text box called "Port (empty =randon)" and enter the "Ext.Port", first port number that you used in step 6 in the first section for your DC++/oDC PC. ie: your PC's IP address was and you used 40000 and 40001 for this IP address, then enter 40000
  5. Then do the rest of your configuration.


  1. Start WinMx
  2. Click on "Settings", and then click on "Incoming TCP Connections", turn on the option button for "Listen on Port __________ for incoming TCP connections" In the text box enter the first port number you used for this PC back in step 6 in the first section under the TCP column.
  3. Click on "In/Out UDP Packets" and turn on the option button for "Send and receive UDP packets on port_________" In he text box enter the second port number you used for this PC in step 6 in the first section under the UDP column.
  4. Close Settings and in the first screen select the primary option button and connect.

A suggestion if you are using one PC set WinMx port forwarding to xxxxxx/xxxxx+1 andDC++/oDC to port forwarding yyyyyy/yyyyyy+1. You can forward multiple ports to the same machine. If you are using multiple PC's then be sure to keep track of which PC is using which forwarded ports when you configure WinMx and DC++/oDC. Remember WinMx does not ask for an IP address while DC++/oDC wants your cable modems IP address not your internal IP address (

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