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Users manual for Remote monitor


Users manual for Remote monitor



Remote surveillance system pictures

Introduction of surveillance system

Main function

4.1. the interface of surveillance system

4.1.1Display mode

4.2. logon

4.2.1 enable surveillance system

4.3.setup panel

4.3.1 setting video server modify, delete the server camera setting operator setting new operator modify, delete, popedom server group definition option setting alarm setting patrol setting line output

4.3.2 control cut all turn off the alarm voice channel swift group switch automatically playback log view system's information

4.3.3 information

4.4. menu control

4.4.1 split

4.4.2 connection


4.5. Remote control

4.5.1 listening, talking

4.5.2 turn on/off the light, turn on lock

4.5.3 switch the camera

4.5.4 remote PTZ control select camera speed control PTZ focus control preposition

4.6. Single remote

4.6.1 connect server

4.6.2 setup the server mode add server modify, delete server

4.6.3 logon server logon server logon server directly

4.6.4 remote setting select camera remote record, playback adjust surveillance resolution adjust compression ratio Patrolling setting add, modify, detect the patrolling aim

4.6.5 remote control logon password display control full screen display remote control cut connection/ close window

4.6.6 remote playback

4.6.7 remote alarm receiver

4.6.8 remote PTZ control


With the constant change of the social state and constant development of science and technology, Front integrate, video digitalization, control networking, system integrated represent video's monitoring system's generally acknowledged developing direction. Because the digitalization is the premise of networking, and networking is the base of system integration, both of them become the greatest characteristic of developing video surveillance. Once both of them fall together, the revolutionary developing will happen in the security range. In a way, the networking breaks patulous section and amounts limit of configuration and equipment, and it will advance the share of source of hardware and software, the share of assignment and load, facilitate the system's management. According to the concrete matters of digital monitoring networking, Our company analyses some substantive questions in a group of networks, designs remote surveillance alarm system for networks system, designs remote receiving and disposal alarm system, remote gate control system and remote defending document information management system, have developed this remote surveillance management system.

2. Remote surveillance system pictures

Remote surveillance system picture

3.introduction of surveillance system

It is mainly to concentrate control over each remote front 131f53b video, and the managements can be divided to multistage ones. The tertiary control center mainly surveillance the scene, the second control center mainly control the image that from the tertiary control center, and can monitor it; The first class control center monitors the video picture of second control center mainly, and can manage alarm system of the network site that belongs to the second one.

4. Main function

This remote monitor center most can support 4-color display system. The main color display shows multi images (single image to 36 images), the function supports 4 channel remote/ local playback, alarm receiving, dynamic detection alarm and record, PTZ, listen/talk, turn on light/ turn on lock, patrol, watermark, image encrypt, dynamic IP and so on.

4.1. the interface of surveillance system

4.1.1 Display mode

There are a lot of display modes on remote monitor alarm software, such as single-channel, 4 channels, 6 channels, 7 channels, 8 channels, 9 channels, 16 channels and 36 channels. Every display mode is able to display the same remote video images, and can also display the different ones. And you can select any front video image to display from any channels at random.


4.2. logon

4.2.1 enable surveillance system

Double click the shortcut icon " "on the host desktop and enter the logon interface. Click "logon" button " "on the bottom right

corner. It will appear the dialog box as figure 2.                

And then select the corresponding operator and input the valid password, click "OK" to enter the main interface as figure 1.

Figure 2

4.3.setup panel

setup panel is the key partment of remote monitor system, all setting can be realized in the setup panel. Following figure 3, you can see the panel include "group definition", "control", "info", "logon/exit".

Figure 3:

4.3.1 setting video server

Click "    " button, it will pop up a video server dialog box, please click "new" on upper left corner. Following figure 4

Figure 4

Fill in the corresponding information. There are two formats for input the information, because of the different network's connecting ways. 

   if it is connected by LAN or fixed IP network., you only have to input the correct "server name" "host name" and "IP address", and then click "OK"to comfirm.

   if it is connected by dial-up, you must firstly confirm wheather has the Windows set the "dial-up". If not, please set it by clicking the"NEW"buttons at first, and the following steps is the same as the one for the Windows to set up the dial-up (omitted). If there are a lot of "dial-up" in Windows, please select corresponding username from the drop-down menu on dialog box of software's "dial-up". And then input the telephone number of server, "username" and "password" that offered from server. (There are two format of "telephone number", one is public network's number such as 8163,8169, and the other is individual)


server name, host computer's name, IP address, TEL, user name and password is provided by the server.

If join through the network of dynamic IP, such as ADSL. Server end must analyzes, registers its name at the network server of DVR2000 at first, and then click on the login box when setting the remote monitor system. modify, delete the server

Select the server name you want to modify,  click "modify", it will pop up the dialog box as figure 4, input the corresponding information and then click "OK".

If you want to delete the server, plese select the server name that you want to delete , click "delete", and click "OK" on the message box finally. camera setting

You can setup the alarm level, compression quality and data flow of sever end which you want to surveillance.

Select the server's name, click "camera' to pop up a list of all cameras of this server.

Set the alarm level: the default is 1 level. If you want to change the level, please click the "1 level" of the corresponding camera, and then select the level you need from the dialog box, finally, click "close".

Levels: it can decide which channel have priority authority to show in a situation that there are many channel alarm. The alarm with 1 level can be show firstly, 2 level shows sencondly, 3 level shows thirdly, 4 level shows forthly. If the level is the same, it will display the latest alarm channel firstly.

Figure 5

Set the ratio of the compression quality and data flow: compression means to compress the reomte pictures, the lower value, the better image; data flow means that the data amount when transmitting, the higher value, the better image quality, but the higher value may take up the larger bandwidth. Such as figure 6

After setting, please click "OK" to exit.

 Note: if it is connected through dynomic IP network, the register box must click , as figure 7 operator setting new operator

System support multistage users, you can setup different authorities, different servers and monitor groups and so on according to your need. Click the icon

" on the control panel. It will pop up a dialog box for setup, click "new"to add new operator and password, after finishing setting, please click "OK", as figure-8

figure 8: modify, delete, popedom

Modify: use the modify button to change the operator's password. select the operator you want to modify, click "modify", and then input the new password, finally click "OK" to finish setting.

Delete: select the operator you want to delete, click "delete", it will pop up a message that "do you want to delete this operator" , please click "OK".

 Note: the operator named "system", which is alaredy existed in system, can not be deleted because of its highest operate popedom.

   Popedom: you must set the popedom for the new operator. Click the new operator's name to select it. press "popedom" button, and then select the popedom you need from the "operate popedom" dialog box. As figure 9.

Figure 9: server

You need to set the valid remote server's name for the new operator. Select the operator, click "server" button in the right hand, it will pop up a dialog box as figure 10, select the corresponding server from the list, click "√ and then input the just username and password which is supported by this server. (the server with different username and password own different popedom and functions.), click "save". After finishing, please press "close" to exit.

Figure 10: group definition

After setting the server, in order to manage and operate more conveniently, you need to define the camera's group of the remote server.

Add new group: select the operator you want to procee group definition firstly, click "group definition" button to pop up a dialog box as figure 11, input the corresponding group's name and cleck "OK" to confirm. Figure 11

   Add new channel: click the group's name from the list, and then click "new channel" button to select the channel NO(there are 32 channels NO), select the server that you want to offer channel from the server list on the below left will pop up all the camera's name of this server on the right hand, please select the camera correspond with ths channel from the list. Click "OK"to finish adding the new channel.

Modify, delete: select the channel, click the modify or delete button to process, finally click "OK".

Figure 12:

 Note: remote monitor support viewing of multi group, in order to facilitate switching over every group, you can join the group to the list of auto switch when doing group definition, click the front box to be . And you also can adjust the time for auto swiching, the default value is 10 sec. As figure 13

Figure 13:

After all definition and configuration, plese click "Close" to exit.the new group will show in the "group define" box as figure 14, double click the group's icon, the system will connect with it automatically.

Figure 14: option setting

Double click "  " in the dialog box of setup, It will pop up a dialog

box for setting option.

Select record disk: select the disk you want to save the record data by click thefront box to be

 Note: in generally, the C disk is going with the system, in order to guarantee the system running normally,  not recommend to use C disk to record.

  Control the communication porting by light: both of COM1 and COM2 are the porting for the monitor center controling the light. You can select it by your need.

  Time interval when communication is time out: From the last second that last connection fails, go on time interval that joins to the second time. The default value is 60 sec.

  Duration for build a record file: the time for the reomte record to establish a file, the default time is 15 minutes, but it can be channged.

  Enable remote map function: if the remote software support the electronic map, (the alarm will show in the electronic map),you only need to click the front box to be to enable it.

  Enable PTZ function: if you want to control the reomte PTZ, please click the front box to be to enable this function.

Server IP registered in web It's work for dynamic IP. It must be registered on a host Server IP is the host that we offer to users. If user set a host by oneself, you need a dedicated device and install a software for registered.  

Figure 15 alarm setting

The remote monitor system can support the function that it will pop up the picture from the channel which alarm has taken place in there. In the same time, it also show noice and light alarm. In order to facilitate affirming camera and doing capacity management, you can define the cameras to be one group. Click the icon " " on the control panel, it will pop up a dialog box as figure 16

Figure 16:    

  New group: The alarm group means that connects the relevant camera in an area together. If any channel of them alarm, the remote monitor center will show all the channels of this group. Please select the sever you want to add new group, click "add new group" button to input the new name of this group, and then select the cameras you want to put in this group.

  Modify, delete: you can modify the name of alarm group and the camera's channel NO. you also can use "delete" button to delete the alarm group. patrol setting

this setup facilitate users to manager the remote monitor. It can carry on patrolling automatically to the record's situation, and also can record automatically. Click " " on the setup panel, it will pop up a dialog box as figure 17. double click the defined server from the "server and camera list" to show all cameras on this server. Following the picture hereunder:

figure 17:


Patrol setting of everyday: if you want to add new camera to patrol, please click the camera at first, click the blank box of "patrol setting of every day" to made it become blue, press "NEW" button and input the time and date in the "time and date" dialog box, finally, click "OK" to complish adding one camera. The box on the front of "patrol setting of everyday" must be clicked to be

Patrol setting of every week: the operation process is the same as above paragraphs. The box on the front of "patrol setting of every week" also must be clicked to be

Duration: it means whole the time for processing the patrol.

  Modify, delete: select one patrol record and click "modify" to amend the time and date. Delete's operation is the same.

After all setting, press "close" to exit. line

DVR2000 RVSC software support detecting web situation function.It will list the connect info in the memo. Click " " on the setup panel, it will pop up a dialog box as figure 18

The check box on the front of server from the "server list for testing" must be clicked to be for detecting. Also you can set the interval of detection.

You can click the "Check Report" to look over the network infomation in a window poped up.

Figure 18: ouput

DVR2000 RVSC software can be video signal to output to TV monitor with the Video decode output card(H1RT X1 and H4RT X1).Also RVSC software can be video signal to output to PC display which with Video decode input card S4R/S4D/H1RT/H4RT .It greatly fcilitates to monitor and output 1-32 channels video signal. Click "  " on the setup panel, it will pop up a dialog box as figure 19, the channel of Video decode output card which be setted conncet the channel of video signal for outputing.

 Note:Only version 'DVR2000 RVSC Especial' support this function.

Figure 19:

Drivers for H1RT X1 and H4RT X1:

a.. Hardware compress Divers are applicable for H1RT X1 and H4RT X1.At first You can install the divers with files(Hardware compress Divers files) after installed the boards.

b.. Second,What is different from hardware compress card.H1RT X1 and H4RT X1 should to istall memory control driver.

4.3.2 control

control panel is the Intellectual part of the remote monitor system. Some simple control can be realized on this panel directly. It includes "cut all", "alarm voice" "channel S/W", "group auto S/W", "playback" "view log" and "system's info" cut all

if you want to cut all the linkage of the remote server, please click " ". turn off the alarm voice

if you have set the alarm link, after alarm of the server end, the remote monitor center will automatically pop up the alarm pictures and show the corresponding information, and sound to remind the monitor. If you want to turn off the voice, press " "is ok. Concerning press this button will turn off all channels' alarm

voice, so if you have press this button, please restore it. In this way, you can listen the voice from other channels. channel swift

in order to facilitate monitor to view whole the status of remote areas, you can link the corresponding channel together, and then click "channel switch". The detail is that please left click the position of the channel you want to switch from the monitor channel box, and then select the NO of camera you want to switch, it is OK. group switch automatically

In case of many groups, in order to avoid the trouble of switching over the group each time, this monitor center possesses the function of switching over the group automatically. You only need to press " " to do automatically switch within some set time. playback

there are two mode for playback, one is "local playback", one is "remote playback". The "local playback"only could go on under the condition that the remote monitor system had done the remote record in the server end. "remote playback" need the server end sharing the record data. If you want to doing record playback, click " ",the operation process of the single playback and multi channel playback are the same as the one of playbacking on the server end. Please consult the "4.5 record playback" part of the "users manual". log view

the system log will write down all the operation action. If you want to view who has done what for the system, you only need click " ". There are some details. system's information

the system's information has publicized all the information such as version, company's info contact way and so on. Click " "to view.

4.3.3 information

"information" has note the local time, current operator, login time, camera NO for listening/talking, latest alarm record and so on. Following figure 18.

Figure 20:

4.4. menu control

4.4.1 split

there are a lot of display mode in the remote monitor system: 1 splits, 4 splits, 6 splits, 7 splits, 8 splits, 9 splits, 16 splits and 32 splits. You can select the number from the figure 19 to do display. Click the different number to swith the different display mode.

Figure 21

4.4.2 connection

Connnection has 3 ways to realize: double clicking the definited group's name on the "group definition" box (following figure 14)is the first way, the second way is clicking the camera's NO on the "connection"panel, and then selecting the server and camera's NO on the pup up dialog box. Right clinking to choose "server" on the monitor box, and then select the server and camera to connect is the third way. When the number box become green, it show the camera has been connected successfully. As figure 22 and figure 23.

Figure 22:                             figure23:


4.4.3 record

The remote monitor system process the function that it can doing record for the remote camera end. Please click the channel's number to turn green directly to doing record. If you want to disable, please click again to turn blue.

4.5. Remote control

remote control is a important function of remote monitor system. It can process remote listening, remote talking, remote turning on the lamp, remote control PTZ and so on. Pop up the dialog box by right clicking the monitor image, and then do the operation by your need. Following figure 25

4.5.1 listening, talking

In the case of audio inputs normally, remote audio control can realize the remote listening, talking and other audio disposals.

 Note: please make sure there are microphone and sound box in the monitor end.

Listening: select "start listening" on the drop down menu to listen the sound that from server end.

Talking Select "talking" to do on the listening states.

4.5.2 turn on/off the light, turn on the lock

  Select "remote turn on/off light" on the pop up menu.

  Select "remote turn on lock" on the pop up menu.

Figure 25:

4.5.3 switch the camera

select the "camera" from the pop up menu, and then select the camera you want to switch on the subordinate menu.

4.5.4 remote PTZ control

After enable the PTZ control panel, the users can logon in the PTZ control server to use the control function. Right click the PTZ control icon on the upper left corner of the control panel, it will pop up a dialog box about server and user logon. As figure 26.

 Note: only after adding the user name to the user account on the PTZ control server, user logon can be supported. select camera

use the camera selecting box on the PTZ control panel to select the camera that controled by PTZ.

 Note: camera NO of recode must consist with the connected camera. speed control

The running speed of PTZ can be controlled by sliding scale. PTZ focus control

Select the camera firstly, and then click the arrowhead button to control the direction, focus and multiple. preposition

The position of PTZ can be keep to back to this position again by your need.

  Setup the preposition: input the preposition NO on the dialog box.

After selecting the preposition's NO, adjust the camera to the position you need, click "setup" button to finish.

  Show the preposition: input the preposition NO, click show button, and adjust the camera to the preposition.

  Hot key of preposition: offer hot key for the 4 often using preposition. After setting, you can return to the preposition only by using the hot key.

4.6. Single remote

DVR2000 remote have strong functions such as remote surveillance, remote monitor, remote tall back, remote recording, playback, remote control (indication light and lock on/off), remote control PTZ, patrolling, remote receiving alarm and so on.

Note: please make sure the web is expedited before connecting remote surveillance software.

There will automatically create a shortcut icon on the Windows interface after the single screen remote software having been installed. Following the below figure 27. Double click the icon, there will pop up an operation interface as figure 28 on the upper right hand of the screen.

Figure 27                                      figure 28

4.6.1 connect server

Chose servers firstly and then click "video interface" "server" to pop up following dialog box:

Figure 29

4.6.2 setup the server mode add server

Click "set" button in the video server, pop up a dialog box following figure 30

Figure 30

Input correspond content in every label box of figure 30, then click "add" key. If you want to monitor more than one server, please input correspond content of another server by the same way.

After setting, click "OK" to return main interface, select the server name you want to link to, press "OK".


If server and surveillance center is linked by dynamic IP network, you must draw " " in the "logon" to allow the server can logon by user resolution server. modify, delete server

If the server setting is error, please select the error server in the server list and make it become blue color, and then click "modify" again after finish modify by click "modify" button, press "OK" to return main interface.

4.6.3 logon server logon server

After set the server, return to main interface as figure 29. Select the server want to land in the drop down menu, click "OK". It will pop up a dialog box as figure 31 after many seconds. Input user name and password provided by server port, click "OK" to logon server and to monitor remote image.


You must draw " " in "save password" to avoid input user name and password again when you want to view second channel and third channel.

Figure 31 logon server directly

There is a method to logon server directly instead of logon through server setting.

Click "<<" in the main interface as figure 29 swap to another logon method like figure 32, input server name (that have registered) or the server IP address, press "OK". It will pop up a dialog box as figure 34 after many seconds. You only need to input user name and password to logon. The other method is that clicks "scan" and directly selects the server you want to monitor in the network (available in the LAN), other operation are the same as upper.

Figure 32

Figure 33

4.6.4 remote setting select camera

Click "camera" and select the channel you want in the drop down menu to view different camera channel.

Figure 34 remote record, playback

If you want to do remote record, please click "record" and select "Start" in the drop down menu to record, press "stop" to stop and click "playback" to return playback interface after many seconds, you can refer 4.5 part to know the playback operation.

Figure 35 adjust surveillance resolution

Select different surveillance resolution according users' different taste. Click " resolution" to select.

The image will be more clear and small when showing by less resolution. The standard is 384*288.

Figure adjust compression ratio

Compression ratio is set for remote record. In generally, users use the standard setting of the company instead of setup again. But the record setting can be set according users' need.

Following figure 37

Figure 37


The record time can be select by will, but the disk NO usually is more space disk except C: (system disk).

After setting, please click "save" "OK". Patrolling setting

Patrolling function means that the monitor interface can automatically swap to the camera channel that had been set in the limited time when there is no person doing monitor. It will facilitate the user to play back the status of patrolling camera when he has free time.

Detailed setting following figure 38

Figure 38

Patrolling end time

Select camera you want to patrol

Input user password


Patrolling start time

Select sever you want to do patrol

Input user name

Aim list of patrolling


5.1 add, modify, detect the patrolling aim

Add: click "add" button after camera channel has been set according user need. If you want to add another camera channel, please select other camera No, after input the corresponding content click "add".

Modify: select the aim wanted to modify in the patrolling aim list, and click to change the color to blue, and then modify the corresponding content in every boxes. Finally click "modify" "OK" to return to main interface.

Delete: select the aim want to modify in the patrolling aim list, click to become blue color, and then click "delete" "OK" to return main interface.

After setting, it will OK after select "start" in the drop down menu of "patrolling".

4.6.5 remote control logon password

Click right mouse after enter the surveillance image. The main interface will pop up a drop down menu as figure 39: click " logon password" to disappear the dialog box as figure 36, and then input the correct user name and password. Click "OK" finally.

Figure 39 display control

There are 3 options in the display control such as "display status bar", "display detail bar" and "display instant status". Other is " hidden bar".

Enable "display status bar", it will add a bar with " frame size", "frame count", and a status bar with current time and surveillance time in the bottom of main interface.

Enable "display detail bar", it will disappear some detailed status information to be clear at a glance in the bottom of main interface.

If you needn't this detail information, please select "hidden bar".

The detail information following figure 40

Figure 40

 Audio control

Remote audio control can enable remote monitor, tall back and other audio dealings under the status that server input correct audio.


The monitor port must install microphone and sound box..

Monitor: select "start monitor" in the drop down menu.

Talk back: select "talk" under the monitor status.

Other options can be select according the users' need. Like figure 39 following:

Figure 41

 full screen display

You only need to select "full screen display" button in the drop down menu in figure 41 to display the view image by full screen.

Click left mouse in the full screen to return to original image. remote control

The remote system set, remote light the lamp, open the luck and other series functions will be realized in the remote control option.

Remote system set: select " get system setting or log" to pop up a dialog box as following figure:

Figure 42

Input the super password, click "OK", then you can set the remote system in the system setting box that pop up after seconds. Please refer to "user guider" to see setting details. If you want to get the server's log, please click "OK" after affirming the start date and day of log you want to view, wait for seconds to view the detailed log information by linking to network successful.

Remote indicator light and lock turn on /off

Select "ON/OFF light" and "open the lock" buttons in the drop down menu to control remote indicator light and lock.


The electromagnetism lock and electromotion lock in the server can automatically close several seconds after starting.


The user can select other options according control need. Following figure 43

Figure 43

 cut connection/ close window

Select "cut connection" in the drop down menu like figure 43 to cut the current link. Select "close window" or click " " on the upper right hand of main interface to close the current monitor interface.

4.6.6 remote playback

Note: if you want remote playback, you must share the file that agree doing remote playback firstly.

There are two formats of playback: one is remote playback, and another is local playback. Click the green triangle button of "playback". If it is remote playback, you can input server name (have been registered) or IP address in the pop-up dialog box, and then click " ok". If it is local playback, you just can click "local" to enter the playback interface in the pop-up box directly.

Figure 44

The operation of playback is the same as the one of server playback: select camera name select date select play file play.

Please refer to "4.5 record playback"

4.6.7 remote alarm receiver

The remote alarm receiver means to the monitor side will receive the alarm information and pop up that camera image immediately when the alarm happened in the service side. It makes the monitor side can see the status and deal with in time.

It will appear a head portrait icon in the lower right side of Windows by clicking and starting "alarm receiver" button. Click right mouse in the icon to pop up a dialog box, if you want to exit receive, please select "exit" directly. If you want to view the alarm information and doing corresponding setting, please select " resume" to pop up the dialog box as figure 45.

There are two departments of alarm receiver: one shows current alarm information, and another records history alarm information. Alarm information points out "channel", "alarm server name", "status", "alarm date", "detailed alarm time" and "alarm type" in detail.

Set: click "set" button to pop up a dialog box as figure 46.

  Permit auto link: the monitor side not only can receive current alarm information, but also can auto pop up the alarm camera image, and then input the user name and password provide by server in the pop-up dialog box.

Only pop up alarm window: the monitor will pop up a alarm information window instead of pop up the camera window at once there are alarm happened in the server side.

Alarm tip: there are two mode of sound. One is "DI" voice that the software own; another is the sound the users can set by their will. Click "scan" and select WAV mode sound file in the mainframe.

Alarm linkage: this function only can be used by the guidance edition with electronic map. Draw " " in the front box and input the title of alarm linking in the back blank box.

After setting, click "OK" "close" to exit.

Figure 45

Figure 46

4.6.8 remote PTZ control

Remote PTZ control means the server side can change the direction of pain/toil, adjust the camera "zoom", "lris" and "focus", and can control remote indicator light and lock on/off and so on.

Click PTZ button to start PTZ controller, input server's name or IP and user's name that provided by server side in the pop up dialog box. Following figure 47. Detail operation please refers to figure 48.

Note: it will support user whose name has add to the user list in the PTZ control server to logon.

Figure 47

   Camera select

Use the camera select box in the PTZ control panel to chose the camera that controlled by PTZ.

Note: the setting of OSRD camera number must correspond with the linked camera number.

   Speed control

The moving speed of PTZ can be control through slide.

Pre position

The position of PTZ can be saved in order to make the camera back the position by need.   

Set pre-positions: input the pre position number in the pre position box.

Adjust the camera to the pre-position up/down, right/left after select pre position number. Click "set" button to distribute the pre position to this station.

Display pre-positions: input pre-position no. Click display button to set the camera to the pre position.

Pre-position hot key: have supported pre-position hot key for the four pre-position that in common use. Use the hot key can adjust the camera to the corresponding pre-position after the successful setting.

Figure 48

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