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On the warm and pleasant afternoon of September 23, David Lang (owner of a horse-breeding farm about twelve miles outside of the small town of Gallatin, Tennessee) stepped off his front porch. Remaining on the porch, his wife and two children watched him head into the field, toward the barn. At that same time, the town's most respected legal mind, Judge August Peck accompanied by Lang's brother-in-law, were driving toward the farm. Judge Peck saw David Lang walking across the field. From the porch, Lang's wife spotted Judge Peck and her brother. When she lifted her hand to ring the bell and call Lang back, she looked out toward her husband's walking figure. The figure she was gazing at sudd 959w224j enly vanished. Without any change of stride or turn of head or any warning, the man disappeared from sight. At that identical moment, Judge Peck started to call out to Lang. The judge opened his mouth to shout when he witnessed Lang vanish into thin air. This account happened in 1880, and is considered the most famous case of a witnessed vanishing....A year after Lang's disappeance, it was noted that the spot where David Lang had vanished (within a circle of some ten feet in diameter) the grass had grown tall and thick. Not a single animal on the farm would graze there. It was also free of insects. Accounts like this happen frequently, and not only in the Bermuda Triangle (the most famous of all places of unrest). Mathematicians have been discussing a "fifth dimension" for decades: The great Russian mathematician Lobatchevsky, who died in 1856, was the first to suggest that the angles of a triangle drawn on the surface of a balloon add up to more than 180 degrees. Bernhard Riemann suggested that space might be curved. Physicist Max Planck created the Quantum Theory, and also invented a geometry in which space can have a number of dimensions. The phenomena of the vortex may be due to electromagnetism. Add to this the idea that the waves of space-time are not fixed, but roll across the universe in a definite rhythm. Such space-time warps could have strange consequences for anyone who happen to get caught in it.

POWER EXPERIENCES March 14, 1999....Together with a couple of my friends, we may have located another entrance--Black Mountain in Henderson, Nevada. This is how it happened: My teenage daughter and I slowly drove by the area where we now feel is a vortex. At the time, we both felt something strange was happening. We both felt a strange sense of displacement. Later, a friend contacted me with word of a similar feeling of displacement when she passed by the area. Subsequently, two other friends (Polly and Jane) accompanied me to the area, and without my saying anything about why, we drove slowly by the area of the vortex. Their remarks matched the feeling of displacement my daughter and I had felt. Another week passed before the four of us were able to approach the area again. This time, we wanted to pinpoint the area, to find the center of the vortex. After several hours, each of us pointed to the exact area where we believed the power point to be, causing the feeling of displacement. Unfortunately, construction in the area hampered our attempt at reaching the power point so, we left the area and returned to my home where we promptly jumped on the internet in order to locate a precise map of the area. Three quarters of a mile around the mountain from the power point, I pulled up a four year old community from where we hoped to access the power point by hiking up and around the mountain.

(Click on the thumbnail to view the full picture.)

<page2a.html> <page2a.html>

What a shock. This is the community about three quarters of a mile and south west from the vortex. Evidently, in 1994, someone else felt they had found the vortex too.

- Click on the thumbnails to view directions to the actual site of the Vortex. -
<vortex.html> <vortex.html> <vortex.html>

NEWS ABOUT THE SITE: Construction in the area is hampering our progress to access the vortex, and from what we were told, construction would not be completed until the Spring of 2000. We had been trying to access this site since March of 1999. During the winter of 2000, construction was still not completed. At that point, we were told that another company took over the project when the first company could not complete it. Then we were told it would be completed by Spring of 2001. Well, we went there on May 21, 2001 and nothing has been done since our last visit around winter of 2000. We decided that something out of their control may be stopping construction. Well, went to the site on Sunday, August 19th 2001, and we could not get in. They still have not finished constructing, but they have put up security fences so, we couldn't enter the area. Evidently, the development company (Sterling) went bankrupt and all gates were locked. We will continue to go there to check on the progress. It all depends on the speed of the construction. UPDATE: April 9, 2002 Undaunted, we went back again on April 6th 2002. Another development company (Beazer) had taken over the site last October. The gates are open again. Construction is continuing but this time we were able to climb some steep inclines, and faced the vortex without being noticed. I could not go any further since I wasn't prepared (wrong shoes for climbing and not enough water). I went with my friend (Liz) who was visiting from California. When my friend faced the vortex, she said her teeth and gums began vibrating. This is a friend who had never approached the vortex before. After climbing down, we went to the sales office. Here's the info I got: Sterling encountered problems from the beginning of construction. They went bankrupt approximately May 2001. Beaser took over in October of 2001 and have had similar problems. UPDATE: Monday, July 22, 2002 Polly, Liz and I returned at 8:00PM. It was dark but we had a full moon to help in the darkness. This time, the gates were open, and we were able to walk up the slope without problem. The moon was almost full, so we were able to see where we walked. Because of the lateness, we didn't want to climb too far and encounter rattlesnakes. So, we just stood facing the vortex. Right away, Liz and I saw a small flash of light coming from the vortex. There were no lights or reflections to cause this. Then, both Polly and I saw the vortex opening and closing. We waited for 15 or 20 minutes but nothing more happened. Check back for further updates. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Monday, August 19, 2002 Polly and I returned today. The vortex is closed. We went to the sales office to check on the construction. We were told, construction will finish in 1 and 1/2 years. They are building duplexes not castles. But they gave no answer why it's taking sooooooooooo long. Seems when we went there last July, and observed the flashing lights and the vortex opening and closing, the vortex was in the process of closing. There is no portal there at this time. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't open again. We are keeping our fingers crossed in hopes that it will return. In the meantime, we will be searching for other, more accessable, vortexes in the area.

Below are two maps. One of Henderson, NV. The other one is a TerraServer map showing the contours of the Black Mountain area.

(Click on the thumbnails to view the maps in full.)

<page2b.html> <page2b.html> <page2c.html> <page2c.html>


Possible Birth of Vortex Lake Baikal-Siberia Time-Warp Vortexes: Gold Hill-Oregon; Sardine Creek, Oregon Devil's Footprints-North Carolina Blowing Rock-North Carolina Natural Beacon Vortexes: Ayers Rock-Australia Devil's Tower-Wyoming (RememberClose Encounters of the Third Kind <Clsenctr.wav>?) Glastonbury Tor-Somerset, England Stone Mountain-Georgia Silbury Hill-Wittshire, England Additional Vortexes: Mt. Shasta Haleakala (Hawaii) Yucatan (Mexico) Amazon (Brazil) Mt. Sinai Killimanjaro (Africa) Shamballa (Gobi Desert) Himalaya Mt. Fujiyama

Poles of Vortex Axis'


Angkor Wat, Cambodia Machu Picchu, Peru

Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean Stirling Range, West Australia

City of Refuge, Hawaii Kalahari Desert, Botswana

Great Pyramids, Egypt Tubuai Island, South Pacific

Katmandu, Nepal Easter Island, South Pacific

Mihintale, Sri Lanka Galapagos Islands, Pacific Ocean

North Geographic Pole South Geographic Pole

North Magnetic Pole South Magnetic Pole

Stonehenge, England Stewart Island, New Zealand

Ulan Ude, USSR Tierra del Fuego, Chile & Argentina

Sedona, Arizona (34 degrees 51 minutes 6.1 seconds north latitude & 111 degrees 47 minutes 25.3 seconds west longitude) Indian Ocean (36 degrees 40 minutes 11.6 seconds south latitude & 71 degrees 20 minutes 19.2 seconds east longitude)

NOTE: Several places in Las Vegas, Nevada are considered entrances--Red Rock is one.
Barstow, California is an exit. At this time, unknown from what entrance.

Be sure to stop by Haunted New York <> where there's a description of an area at Thompson Park in Watertown, NY that may be a possible vortex.

A little fiction here from:

This episode is about a little girl sucked into a parallel universe attached to the bedroom wall.

Mother asks, "An opening to what?" Neighbor answers, "I think...another dimension....Kind of a gap, opening to another dimension. A 4th dimension" Neighbor continues, "Let's just see how big this thing is."

  Little Girl Lost Air Date: 3/16/62

A diagram in chalk to outline the next dimension Neighbor's arm vanishes into the vortex Father's hand and Twilight Zone's impression of a parallel universe Little girl with dog in parallel universe as her father reaches for her

Email me with your ideas, info or locations of unrest at: <>

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