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Welcome to Internet Download Manager Start page


Welcome to Internet Download Manager Start page

Congratulations to you on installing Internet Download Manager (IDM). IDM is the best choice for people who download from the Internet frequently.

How to use IDM

IDM integrates into most popular browsers during installation, and after restarting your browser, it monitors internet links and takes over downloads from the browser automatically. If IDM has taken over a download, it shows the following starting dialog

Here you can change the path to save file and download the file immediately, or press "download later" button to add the file to main download queue. Then you can start the queue manually, or schedule its start with a convenient scheduler. You can move files between queues and create new queues. Please note that all elements of IDM main window have context menu. You can customize IDM toolbar, change its buttons and skin, you can customize columns of the list of downloads, add new categories, and etc.

IDM has an advanced web site grabber to download complete web sites for offline browsing or to download parts of web sites, for example all pictures or videos from a web site. The tasks for Internet grabber are created with a convenient and easy to use wizard.

If you have any questions how to use IDM, please refer to IDM help files by picking Help->[Index, Tutorials, Grabber help, Scheduler and Queues] IDM menu items, or refer to frequently asked questions on IDM web site.

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