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Bank accountancy


Bank accountancy

For each of the banks your company has accounts at, it's necessary to create a data base file in R/3. Some information that must be included in the data base are the following:

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;   &nb 17517f510r sp; Banca proprie si numele acesteia

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Codul bancii si numele (cod alfanumeric din cinci caractere)

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Tara bancii

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Cheia bancii (numarul codului, SWIFT cod etc.)

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Identificatorul Contului (cod alfanumeric din cinci caractere ) si descrierea contului.

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Moneda

·   &nb 17517f510r sp;    Conturile din planul de conturil aferente conturilor bancare

The bank identifier together with the account identifier define the bank account. Each bank account has associated an account in the account plan. The account in the account plan must be managed in the same currency the bank account is.

Example: for the bank coding you can use the first initials of the bank, abbreviations or you can make an original coding. For the account you can use the first three letters for the account type, two for the currency.

CRTRO cont curent in ROL

CRTUS cont curent in USD

CECRO cont cecuri in ROL

CECDE cont cecuri in DEM

This coding can define a bank as follows:

Bank ID   account ID

BCR  CRTRO -cont curent in Banca Comerciala Romana in ROL

2.2.1 Define the minimum of data for each bank your company has opened account at:


BCR  identificator banca

RO  (tara)

Cheia bancii

CRTRO  identificator cont

122224555500 Contul bancar

Contul din planul de conturi

ROL   (moneda

3. Supplier Accountancy and Client Accountancy

3.1 Customer Accountancy

The group account is a way of classifying the clients who share similar information. When belonging to a group account the clients receive the following information:

  • The client count
  • Number range - each group account has a separate number range
  • The areas that must be filled when creating the data base file for the clients (name, address, bank details, personal contacts, payment time limit)

Note: the group accounts are not addressed to the client classification regarding the content( country, region, industry). There are special areas for these types of grouping in the client data base file. You can classify according to these areas. Here are some client group examples:

Grup de conturi


Gama numerica





Client general


Client ocazional

Confirm if you agree with the client classification into these group accounts. Otherwise, express your company's requests.

Exemplu: Pentru grupul de Clienti ocazionali se doreste numerotare externa (cod introdus de utilizator),sau un alt interval(800000-899999).

The clients may be classified, grouped according to several criteria:

-   &nb 17517f510r sp;   &nb 17517f510r sp; according to the industry or the field in which they develop their activity (ex:furniture)

-   &nb 17517f510r sp;   &nb 17517f510r sp; the group the client belongs to (ex: export)

On this purpose you must fill in the "industry" or "group key" area from the client data base file. This information can be used for different reports.

3.2.1 Define the industrial (activity) areas or other grouping requests for your company.

Example: transport; distribution

The client data base consists in a file with client data that must be filled in. some areas in this file can be compulsory, optional or can even be suppressed.

Example: the name of the client and the reconciliere accounts are always compulsory areas. The postal code can be either optional or suppressed. For an occasional client the bank details may not be compulsory, these areas being suppressed.

3.1.3 Provide a list with all types of information about the clients disregarding their status (compulsory, optional).

Exemplu:nume,adresa,regiune,tara,numar de inregistrare fiscala, detalii de banca,termene de plata,banca propie,data de plata ,valoare minima pe comanda ,mod de transport marfa etc.

Sistemul asigura integrarea contabilitatii clienti si furnizori (contabilitatea pe subjurnale)cu contabilitatea de carte mare(carte mare). La inregistrarea intr-un cont (cod) de client, sistemul automat actualizeaza inregistrarea in contul corespondent de reconciliere din cartea mare.nemaifiind necesar transferul sumelor inainte de intocmirea balantei.

Conturile de reconciliere pentru clienti sunt:

pentru clienti interni

pentru clienti externi

3.1.4 Are the above mentioned accounts sufficient for your company? If not, determine other reconciliation accounts necessary in your company.

. Supplier Accountancy

The account group is a way of classifying the clients according to the following criteria:

  • The suppliers' count(external- given by the user; or internal - given by the system)
  • Number range - each group has a separate number range
  • The areas that must be filled when creating the data base file for the suppliers (name, address, bank details, personal contacts, payment time limit)

Note: the group accounts are not addressed to the client classification regarding the content (country, region, industry). There are special areas for these types of grouping in the client data base file. You can classify according to these areas. Here are some supplier group examples:

Grup de cont


Gama numerica





Furnizor ocazional

Confirm if you agree with the supplier classification into these group accounts. Otherwise, express your company's requests.

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