The purpose if these tests is to eliminate the canditates not able to communicate fluently, which is of great importance for the profession of a financial consultant.
For each question, the interv 18518c21s iewed should mark from 1 to 4 , in terms of his agreement or disagreement, partial or total, regarding the statements in the questionnaire.
There are 3 clusters of questions, which are meant for 3 types of atittudes, regarding communication:
Type A: questions 3,6,9,12,15,17,20
Type B: questions 1,4,8,10,13,18,21
Type C: questions 2,5,7,11,14,16,19
Type A represents those persons who have problems establishing relations based on sincerity. Those persons have difficulties carring a discution with conversation partners charged with negativity, due to either to underestimation or to overestimation of speaker's negative feelings.
Type B represents those persons which are predisposed to authority conflicts. Often the impression made on their partners is that they do not care about their opinions.
Type C are those persons who easily express their thoughts, know how to convince the others of their point of view when it's neccesary, but they don't abuse of authority for that. They are flexible and they reevalute the attitude.
The answers which will show maximum communication capacity should be as close as possible to 4.
We consider that a canditate that simultanous records:
More then 18 points (50%) to type A questions
More then 18 points (50%) to type B questions
Does not reach minimum 21 points (> 60%) to type C questions
Working time: 10 minutes
The purpose of these tests is to eliminate canditates uncapable of a logical or/and minimum 1 - 8 grade mathemathical knowdlege.
P1: c
P2: b
P3: 0, 16
P4: 46
P5: a) 28,75%; b) 14.285.000
P6: 9.062.500
We consider that a canditate who doesn't answer correct to at least 4 of 6 (>60%) problems IS NOT FIT FOR BEING FINANCIAL CONSULTANT
Working time: 20 minutes
The purpose of this test is the verifying of verbal abilities through linguistic exercises range, which comprise classifications, antonyms, synonyms and alternative meanings.
To hear- to be deaf
Agreement - rejection
To live- to die
Handling about - foreseeing
Earnings - loss
We consider that a candidate who doesn't answer correct to at least 3 of 5 problems (60%) at each of the four categories IS NOT FIT FOR BEING FINANCIAL CONSULTANT
Working time: 10 minutes