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DAY 1.


All new joiner to be met at gangway and escorted to Crew Purser to sign on Ships Articles.

Assignment of Cabin and issue of Cabin Key.

Issue of uniform from linenkeeper and any alterations to be given to upholsterer.

Issue and explanation of G.E.S Card.

Issue of New joiners pack ( this pack is to include Name Badge & Cruise pin, Map of the Ship, Bar Abbreviations list, Writing pad, Pen, Cruise Credo Card, Ships Itinerary, and any other relevant material ).

Tour of the Ship.


Introduction of yourself to the trainee's and them to you and the rest of the group with a brief Q&A session about each other.

Cover the Code of Conduct - Company policy regarding Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual Harassment , etc.

Uniform & Grooming - Read over the company policy with regard to uniforms and personal hygiene etc.

Job Description - Talk through all points of Job Description and get each individual to sign and return a copy of this to you. Answer any questions regarding the Job Description.

Appraisal Form - An explanation into the appraisal policy we operate and it's grading system, and how each individual will be graded on their performance.

C.R.U.I.S.E. - An explanation into the cruise program and what the company have achieved since it's implementation and the benefits it provides for it's employees.

Sailaway - Take the group up onto deck to observe the sailaway party on deck and get a general idea into the running of such a party on deck.

C.C.P. Cocktails - Trainee's will be told of the Cocktails we shall be serving at the following evenings Cocktail party and informed what their ingredients etc are, trainees are also informed that their will be a Trivia test on these Cocktails the next day.

Final Meeting - All trainee's are gathered together for a final re cap an all topics covered over the day and any questions that may be forthcoming can be answered. All Trainee's will be told that after the course they will be placed as JBS and that when they do get re rated it will be in an acting capacity and will only be confirmed on their second trip after they have been tested and appraised by the Beverage Operations Controller and have met the required criteria.

Safety Induction - At some time in the afternoon all trainee's will have to attend the first safety induction and Watertight Door instruction, so times of the above will be affected by this.

DAY 2.


Different methods of Cocktail preparation - All Trainee's were shown and explained the various methods of cocktail preparation that we use. All Trainee's also then applied themselves to trying the various methods out for themselves.

Bar Equipment & Measures - All Trainee's were shown all the bar equipment and how to use it, that we carry onboard each vessel. Special attention was given to the jiggers that we use and the importance not only for stock control in using the correct jigger but also for the quality and consistency of good cocktails.

Garnishes - All Trainee's were shown how to prepare the various garnishes that we use and what cocktails they would be relevant to.

Trivia Test 1 - All Trainee's tested on the up coming Cocktail party beverages.

Princes Cays - All Trainee's were escorted to Princess Cays where they observed the Food & Beverage operation on the island and were given a full explanation of how the operation is set up and run and took lunch on the island before returning to the ship.


Captains Cocktail Party - All Trainee's were assembled and walked around the entire area of the Cocktail party and shown all Bar areas and Satellite bar locations and which bar covered which area. Trainee's were then assigned an area to work for the cocktail party but in the capacity of J.B.S.

Princess Quality Service - Trainee's are given an overview of the type of Service that Princess Cruises Offers and the standards that they demand to stay as a market leader in a very competitive business.

Handling complaints/Passenger relations - Trainee's informed on the correct procedures for dealing with complaints and what kind of working relationships they can build with passengers and how this can be to their benefit.

An introduction to bar Abbreviations and their importance to the efficient and rapid service of cocktails.

Wash up meeting covering all points covered so far and answers to any outstanding questions. Trainee's informed that there will be Trivia Test #2 the following day covering abbreviations, methods of cocktail preparation and bar equipment.

DAY 3.


Split Trainee's into 2 groups of 6 Group's A&B

Group A to be assigned to bar set up duties ( 3 groups of 2 ) of the following bars La Patisserie, Deck Bar and Horizon Court.

Group B to be given a tour of the Ships cellars and food rooms and shown the rotation of stocks etc.

Glassware- Trainee's will be shown the Glassware that carry onboard Princess Ships and which type of Cocktails and Drinks are served in the respective glasses.

Signature Cocktails, The Martini Zone & Specialty Margarita's - Trainee's are talked through all of the Cocktails in the above mentioned categories before having a selection prepared for them and a tasting session. All Cocktails are discussed and Trainee's are assigned to prepare some of the Cocktails following the preparation techniques and  measurements indicated in the Bar Rolodex.


Princess Grapevine - All Trainee's will be taken to view the Princess Grapevine and take part in the seminar, so as to get the full picture of this event.

Wash up meeting - All Trainee's will meet and discuss all topics covered over the day and any outstanding questions will be addressed at this time. Trainee's will the be assigned bar locations to work for the evening shift in order to get them acquainted with bar service in the lounges.

Trivia Test 3 - All trainee's will be advised that they will be tested on Single Malts  the Martini Zone and Specialty Margaritas, Signature Cocktails the following day.

DAY 4.


Split Trainee's into 2 groups of 6 Group's A&B

Group B to be assigned to bar set up duties ( 3 groups of 2 ) of the following bars La Patisserie, Deck Bar and Horizon Court.

Group A to be given a tour of the Ships cellars and food rooms and shown the rotation of stocks etc.

Product Knowledge - All Trainee's will be given a theory lesson with examples of why good Product Knowledge is essential and how it can only produce good results and provide a better all round service to our passengers and enhance and further them as individuals.

Upselling - All Trainee's will be given a theory lesson on upselling and the financial impact that it has for the company and for them as individual gratuity earners, and the importance of this to our onboard operation.

Creating a need - All Trainee's will be given a theory lesson on how to read a situation and create a sale best suiting the situation, also on how to maximise a situation to it's full potential and turning a negative into a positive.

The Second Effort - All Trainee's will be given a theory lesson on how and when to go after the second sale and will then be asked questions on different situations and how they would deal with them.

U.S.P.H. - Continuing with the importance of U.S.P.H. Today Temperatures of Glass washers and Fridges will be covered and why these temperatures have to be strictly adhered to.

Speed Drill #1 - All Trainee's will be timed at the speed they can make an order of Cocktails this will be repeated at a later date and both times will be logged.


Coffee & Hot Chocolate Beverages - Trainee's given instruction in the preparation of all Hot Chocolate & Coffee beverages and all ingredients for the different varieties covered.

Trivia Test # 3 - All Trainee's tested on Single Malts, the Martini Zone, Specialty Margaritas and Signature Cocktails.

Wash up meeting discussing all issues covered over the day and any out standing questions.

Trivia Test #4 - Trainee's advised that this test will cover U.S.P.H , Red and White Wine and Bar Abreviations.

All Trainee's assigned bar locations to work in during the evening.

DAY 5.


Split Trainee's into 2 groups of 6 Group's A&B

Group A to be assigned to bar set up duties ( 3 groups of 2 ) of the following bars La Patisserie, Deck Bar and Horizon Court.

Group B to be taken on a rounds of some bars for U.S.P.H. inspection.

Morning Practical on all Cocktails and methods of preparation covered so far and general preparation of virgin Cocktails and Garnishes.

Create a Cocktail - All Trainee's are requested to invent and name a Cocktail of their own. To be prepared and presented for tasting on the next morning.

Trivia Test #4 U.S.P.H ,Red and White Wine and Bar Abbreviations will be held this morning.


Speed Drill #2 - All Trainee's are timed at making the same Cocktails as the previous day to see if there has been an improvement in speed and the way and order in which they prepare Cocktails.

All Trainee's assigned to bar locations for the evening period.

DAY 6.


Split Trainee's into 2 groups of 6 Group's A&B

Group B to be assigned to bar set up duties ( 3 groups of 2 ) of the following bars La Patisserie, Deck Bar and Horizon Court.

Group A to be taken on a rounds of some bars for U.S.P.H. inspection.

Final re cap on all areas covered over the past 5 day's and any outstanding questions answered.

Final Exam to be graded and attached to all appraisals.


All Trainee's to report to the Captains Circle parties before being deployed to lounges for the evening.

DAY 7.


All Trainee's to sign off with the Crew Purser.

All Trainee's to meet in full formal gear for Graduation Party hosted by the Captain and Purser.


All Trainee's will be called to receive their final test results and appraisal.

All Trainee's will be deployed about the bars for the rest of the day.

Upon leaving the ship all trainee's must ensure that their cabin is left immaculate and that they hand back in their cabin key and remove all personal belongings from the cabin.

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