Return completed application to the following address: NTNU, Dept. of Production and Quality Engineering Professor Marvin Rausand S.P. Andersens veg 5 N-7491 Trondheim Norway Fax: +47 7359 7117 545k102f |
For internal use only Proposal number Date received Research area Ref |
Applicant Name: Date of Birth: Citizenship: Gender: Male Female Scientific degree: Home Institution: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: |
3. Duration Intended stay at NTNU: weeks Estimated date of arrival: |
Travel budget Estimated
price for return ticket to |
Research attach additional pages as necessary) A. Proposed topic of research (with summary of current state of the art, innovation aspects and need for training)
C. Proposed Training Site courses to be undertaken: |
Advisor/Supervisor at home institution Name: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: |
Signature I hereby confirm that I have read the guidelines for eligibility criteria , which accompany this application and all other Site-specific criterion, and that I fulfil this eligibility criteria for applying for a pre-doctoral fellowship at the Marie Curie Training Site, detailed in section one above, at NTNU. I also confirm that the information provided is correct and true, and understand that missing or false information may lead to outright rejection of this application or termination of a fellowship at a later date. Date: ____________ Signature: __________ ______ ____ _____ _______ ______ _________ |
Applications should be accompanied by:
Curriculum Vitae of the applicant
Letter from the applicants advisor/supervisor at home institution, acknowledging the applicants proposed research training as being integral to their doctoral degree at the home institution.