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The mistakes I shall try not to make if and when I became a parent


The mistakes I shall try not to make if and when I became a parent

Every parent in is life makes mistakes in the relation with their childrens.Is difficult to avoid mistakes in the relations with childrens,in most of the cases the lack of experience is the principal factor wich make possible those things.As a parent I should learn from the mistakes of my parents but it isn'n so easy because the world is changing,the problems that we confront are different ,so we can't say that we learn from mistakes of my parents.

The big problems appear when the childrens become teenagers.In most of the cases they lie when their parents confront them.This is one of the big problems in the relation parent -children.But there are simple ways to reduce the chance of a children lying about something, and parents often make mistakes that encourage their children to lie to them.Obviously, parents telling fibs set a bad example and teach their children that lying is sometimes useful and acceptable. Never lie to avoid trouble or for any other reason. For example, don't lie about your child's age to save money when going to the movies or buying a bus ticket.

Parents make many other very subtle mistakes that, without the parents knowing it, encourage their children to tell lies. Don't angrily interrogate your children about a possible misdeed and then harshly punish them after they admit the wrongdoing.When faced with this sequence repeatedly, the child naturally wants to lie to avoid harsh punishment. Instead, make it clear you will punish misdeeds more severely if your child lies about them. For example, if your child admits insulting someone, you might require the child to apologize and do something nice for the person.

We must question the childrens calmly, avoid extreme anger.If our childrens admit having done wrong, we should show appreciation for the childrens honesty and courage them in doing so.

Is good to teach childrens that lying damages friendships and relationships and can result in losing friends and respect from other people. When our childrens first lies us or if our childrens rarely lies us, we should consider the lie a crisis in the relation with our childrens.We must express our deep disappointment and explain that we don't want them to hurt themselves with this kind of behavior.

If our child lies us regularly, we must eliminate the common mistakes described above encouraging lies. Avoid anger, arguments, and threats because a battle of wills only contributes to the problem. If our disappointment over the lies hasn't helped, we must stop letting them ruin our mood.Aur disappointment or anger may act as a reward for the child, a victory in hurting us.

Never call our child a liar.We don't want this label to become a part of the child's self-image.Instead we can teach them the importance of trust in relationships and the damaging consequences of lies.

I consider that this problem is the principal cause

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