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Backing Up Original Games


Backing Up Original Games:

1. For this tutorial, you must have the EvolutionX Dashboard loaded on your Xbox hard drive.

2. Note the IP address of your Xbox and connect to it using your FTP client.

3. Once connected, press eject on your Xbox and insert your original game.

4. Wait until the green light is solid after you have inserted your game. Now, within FlashFXP, select the D/ drive, and you should see the contents of your original game.

5. Select all files and directories on the disc, and transfer then to a temporary drive on your PC. Note, this will take quite a bit of time depending on the size of the Xbox disc.

6. When done use a tool such as XiSO to create the image.

7. Record your newly created ISO. If you do not know how to burn a disc yet, please visit here.

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Accesari: 1073
Apreciat: hand-up

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