Basic Guide To Setting Up Evolution-X Dashboard On Your XBOX
Tutorial written by : JimmyHACK
This is a basic guide to let you setup the evolution-x kick ass dashboard onto 14314w224o your xbox hard drive.
1) You need a modchip (enigmah and evo-x flashed are good, don't know about others) installed, and the evolution-x release.
2) Burn the iso of Evolution-X to cd-rw or dvd-r/rw or whatever media actually loads on your xbox.
3) Load evolution-x in your xbox, after loaded scroll down and select network from the main menu.
4) This network screen gives you the ip that you will then login anonymously through flashfxp to.
5) Once you have connected you should see a similar screen to this..
6) We need to backup the original MS Dashboard before we fuck anything else up.. Copy the original "xboxdash.xbe" to your pc hdd or wherever to keep it safe (around 1.1 meg)
7) Now you can delete it from your xbox, just highlight, hit delete, then select YES to delete
8) Now the Evolution-X dashboard is on the iso, so go to your dvd drive and locate it its about 2 megs+
9) The Last step is to copy it to the C drive on your xbox and rename it to "xboxdash.xbe" . I did it the long lamer way if you do a shorter way more power to you. First I copied to my pc hard drive..then back to the xbox C drive then renamed it and the final result either way should appear like this....
Tutorial written by : JimmyHACK