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Basic overview of installing an application or game to your xbox hard drive and how to run it


Basic overview of installing an application or game to your xbox hard drive and how to run it

Tutorial written by : JimmyHACK

This guide will give you the basic overview of installing an application or game to your xbox hard drive and how to 313r1718d run it.

I will use mame-x as an example...

1) boot up Evolution-x (recommended to have the dashboard installed but not necessary)

2) Connect to ftp... Now the XBOX "E" partition is around 4.5-5 gigs and is the best place to send stuff to.. Make a folder on the E partition... You can name it whatever, I would name it in relation to the app or game..

3) Then Transfer all necessary files and directories for your game or app to its new directory...*** quick thing, since the current beta of Evolution-X only allows you to log in once, you have to transfer from the xbox drive to the pc (refer to backing up an original guide) then back to the xbox new directory. If you have an ISO you need an ISO extracting tool that supports xbox iso's to get the files needed to transfer over)

4) Now at this point you can load the app/game by using a RAW command within flashfxp.. Right click-à commands -à raw commands then you type in the box "Execute E:\MAME\default.xbe" then select "OK". hopefully you can base off this how to do other directories and xbe files. you will notice it logs you off and tries to run the app/game

5) then if you go look at your XBOX and you did it properly the app/game will be loading

6) Now the fancy way by making it load from the Evolution-X Menu. For this you will want a menu.ini or sample after you examine the file in notepad you will see how easy it is to edit.

7) For mame we are going to add it to the apps submenu and this is how

8) Then save the menu.ini file and transfer it to the root dir of the C partition

9) Now restart your XBOX and in this case you would select Apps, then Select Mame-X and it would load...

10) Hopefully off of this basic guide you get the fundamentals

Tutorial written by : JimmyHACK

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Accesari: 1049
Apreciat: hand-up

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